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Explore the impact of brain migration on developing countries, the dynamics of labor migration post-WWII, and historical exchange agreements. Learn about reasons, results, and key countries involved. Discover how migrations shape economies and societies worldwide.
EXCHANGED: That is a migrationwhichgets on an agreement. For example; After Kurtuluş War (Independence War of Turkey) and according to Lozan Agreement there were a changing with Greeks who live in Turkey and with Turks who live in Greece. Andalsothesamechanging had becomewithRomaniaandBulgaria.
---Theseagreementdidn’tincludeTurkishpeoplewholivein Istanbuland West Trakya.---Withtheseagreement 400.000 TurkıshpeoplecametoTurkeyfromGreece. And in contrast 150.000 GreekpeoplewenttoGreecefromTurkey.---Thismigrationdidn’tbecomewithvolunteerpeople, thiswasobligatory.
BRAIN MIGRATION: Somepeoplewhoareclever, helptoimprovetechnologytalently, migratetoanothercountryforworking, toimprovetheireconomyandtohavebetterqualifications. This is calledBrain Migration.
Brain migration is togoabroadforbeingabletohave a goodworkingarea. Itgenerallygets in underdevelopedordevolopingcountries. Underdevelopedordevolopingcountries’ qualifiedpeoplegotoindustrializedcountries. Forexample; Germanscientistswenttothe USA duringthe World War II.
It is thebiggestlostfortheemigratedcountries. Especiallybrainmigrationstartedtoincreaseafter 1960s.Migration of qualifiedpeoplelikedoctors, engineers, economists, artists is a bigproblem in ourcountry, as well.
Mostly Emigrated Countries: India, Pakistan, China, Philippines, Algeria, Morocco, Tunissia, Iran, Nigeria,Mostly Immigrated Countries: U.S.A., Canada, Australia, Republic of South Africa, Germany, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, etc. Some countries can be both emigrated and immigrated at the same time. We can give Canada and Turkey as an example. In Europe there are a lot of Turkish specialists and that is a big lost for our country, as well. A few qualified people have come to Turkey from Central Asia recently.
REASONS OF BRAIN MIGRATION:1. Higherpaidbytheindustrializedcountries2. Takingadvantagesfromtechnologyandgettinggoodworkingconditions.3. Qualifiedpeoplewhomigratetoindustrializedcountries, can not findbetterjobs in theirowncountries.
RESULTS OF BRAIN MIGRATION: • Thedifference in developmentincreases in bothdevelopinganddevelopedcountries. • Emigratedcountrieslosetheirqualifiedpeople. • Immigratedcountrieshave a goodlabourforcewithoutanystruggle.
LABOR MIGRATION: • Ifthere is a migrationbecause of unemployment, this is a labormigration. Itgenerallyoccursespecially in thecountrieswhoseeconomyis developing. Labormigration can be short-termorseasonal. Forexample; in summercottonpickersgotoÇukurova –an importantlandforagriculture- forgettingcotton, so it is seasonallabormigration.
LABOR MIGRATION After World WarII.TorebuildEurope’seconomy in 1952-1954, Germany, France, Belgium, Austria,Netherlandsstarteddevelopmentmovements and as a resultof thismovement, thereweren’tenoughlaborsoto getrid of this problem they had to wantlaborfromothercountries.
Especiallydevelopingcountriesdidn’twant to takepeoplewho is not qualified. Theystartedtotakequalifiedpeopleso it causesthebrainmigration. Turkey is an emigratedcountry. Inourcountrylabormigrationstartedtoshowitselfsafter 1960s. Inthis years labormigrationbecame to Europe, especiallythrough the Western Europeanpart.
There were a lot of workers to Germany, France, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, England and Sweden between the years of 1958-1986. And now the total Turkish workers are 1,3 milion. After 1980 there were numerical changes about the people who migrated. Since West Europe gave up taking workers, migration’s direction changed into Suudi Arabia, Libya, Kuwait etc. for construction services.
Turkishworkers in abroadhavebigcontribution to ourcountry’seconomy.Sendingtheirmoneythat wassavedfromtheirwork, so it is importantforforeigncurrency.