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Today’s Standard

Today’s Standard. SSUSH 4 c. Analyze George Washington as a military leader; Battle of Yorktown, Lord Cornwallis; Treaty of Paris (1783). Question of the Day. The phrase in the Declaration of Independence stating “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" illustrates the principle of

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Today’s Standard

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Today’s Standard • SSUSH 4 • c. Analyze George Washington as a military leader; Battle of Yorktown, Lord Cornwallis; Treaty of Paris (1783)

  2. Question of the Day • The phrase in the Declaration of Independence stating “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" illustrates the principle of • A) federalism. • B) judicial review. • C) equality before the law. • D) natural rights

  3. The Conclusion ofthe American Revolution French Assistance & the Battle of Yorktown 1776 - 1783

  4. The Patriots

  5. The British

  6. Choosing Sides • The dilemma: Stay loyal to British, or fight? • Loyalists – for Britain • Patriots – for Independence • Many loyalists would become patriots as the war progressed

  7. The Continental Army • Home court advantage • Excellent leadership (George Washington) • Inspiring cause for war • Untrained • Short of food and ammo • No central government to assist them during the war

  8. The Army of Great Britain • Strong, well trained • Strong government • Support of Native Americans • Large distance separating them from Britain • Unfamiliar with terrain • Weak leadership

  9. The Battle of Trenton • 1) Hessians – Germans hired by the British • 2) The Battle of Long Island (NY)– major loss for the Americans • The Continental Army was on the brink of collapse • Washington needed victory • 3) Trenton, New Jersey • 4) Christmas Eve 1776 – Washington secretly crosses the Delaware River • Surprises the Hessians and the Americans win a major battle.

  10. The Crossing of the Delaware

  11. 5) The Battle of Saratoga • 6) General Johnny Burgoyne and his 8,000 man army • Planning to meet another general and join forces • Travelling through unknown wilderness territory • 7) The Continentals surround Burgoyne in Saratoga, NY on October 17, 1777 • Another huge victory; psychologically and militarily for the Americans • But…

  12. The Continental Army Continuesto Struggle • 1) Saratoga; an important victory • The war gets the attention of France • They want to help the colonies • George Washington and his men greatly needed supplies • 2) They set up camp at Valley Forge – wooded hillside near Philadelphia • 3) The winter was harsh and brutal but the men gained comradery there. • But help is on the way… • 4) Marquis de Lafayette; French; joins Washington’s forces

  13. The Winter at Valley Forge

  14. Prayer at Valley Forge

  15. Marquis de Lafayette

  16. British Success In The South • British has much success in the Southern colonies • 1) End of 1778 – Savannah is taken • 1779 – Georgia is under British control • 2) Lord Charles Cornwallis • Successful General until… • 3) Battle of Cowpens – South Carolina – another major Continental victory

  17. General Charles Cornwallis

  18. The Battle of Yorktown • Cornwallis’ huge mistake • He needs supplies to he goes northward to a peninsula in Virginia to wait for British ships • 1) Yorktown – a camp a few miles from Jamestown, VA • Continental and French forces surround and barrage his army • 2) October 17, 1781 – Cornwallis surrenders • 3) The Treaty of Paris, 1783 • The United States of America

  19. The Patriots Win!

  20. Cornwallis’ Surrender

  21. The Battle of Yorktown

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