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class 12 deep water

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class 12 deep water

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Presentation Transcript

  1. By:WilliamDouglas Submitted by: currency verma

  2. William Douglas was ten or eleven years old, when he decidedtoswim. • TheYMCApoolwassafeforswimming.

  3. DeepWater • Itwasonly2to3ftdeepattheshallowendand9ftatthe deepend. • The narrator had an aversion in going in water. It started • whenhewasthreeorfouryearsold. • Hestoodwithhisfatherinthesurfwhenthewavesswept overhim. • Hewasalmostburiedinwater. • Hedevelopedafearforthehugewaves. • Hewentto theYMCApoolto learnswimming.

  4. Deep water

  5. DeepWater • A big bully boy tossed him into the deep end of the swimmingpool. • Hewasfrightenedandfoundhimselfatthebottom. • Hegrew panicky.Hewassuffocating.Hetriedtocry. • Hehadlosthisbreathandwentdownendlessly. • Hisheartwaspounding.Hewasparalyzed. • Hejumpedwithallhisforce,butinvain. • Alleffortsended.Helostconsciousness.

  6. Whenhecametoconsciousness,hefoundhimlyingonhis stomach,intheedgeofthepool. • Fordays,afearofwaterhauntedhim.Thefearstayedwithhimforyears. • Finallyhegotaninstructoranddecidedtolearntoswim.

  7. Deep Water • Theinstructorattachedaropetothenarrator’s belt. • Theropewentthroughapulley.Heheldittotheendofthe • ropeanditwentback&forth,up&downinthepool. • The instructor taught him to put his face under water & exhale.Healsotaughthimtoraisehisnoseandinhale. • Finally,hebecameacompleteswimmer. • Buthestillfearedwhenhewasaloneinpool. Hewasstill • notsatisfied.

  8. DeepWater • Once he dived off a dock at Triggs Island and swam two milesacrossthelake.

  9. Finallyhewasableto conquerhisfearofwater.

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