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Yersinia pestis: The Deadly Plague Bacterium

Learn about Yersinia pestis, its morphology, cultural characteristics, virulence factors, and modes of transmission. Understand the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of the bubonic, septicemic, and pneumonic plague. Discover its classification as a bioterrorism agent.

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Yersinia pestis: The Deadly Plague Bacterium

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  1. Yersinia Yersinia pestis (Plague) Dr / Tamer El Mokadem

  2. Yersinia pestis Morphology: • Gram –ve short oval non motile bacilli, capsulated(Envelope) • Wayson,Giemsa,Methylene blue stains<<< Biolar staining (Safety pin appearance) Cultural characters: • Facultative anaerobes, • Blood agar at 27-30 c: • MacConkey agar: Pale non lactose fermenting. Animal innoculation: • Highly lethal to white rats (sc)

  3. Virulence factors: • Endotoxin(LPS)<<< Endotoxic shock • F1 antigen(in the capsule): Antiphagocytic • V-W antigens (in virulent yersinia): Antiphagocytic • Yops(Yersinia outer proteins): inhibit phagocytosis & cytokines & mediate invasion • Exotoxin : Lethal to mices • Bacteriocin(Pesticin)

  4. Plague • Zoonotic disease transmitted from rat to rat & from rat to man by the bite of fleas (Xenopsylla cheopis)<<<< multiply in the groin and axilla Lymph nodes(enlarged& tender)<<<(Bubonic plague)<<< Blood<<< endotoxic shock, DIC, Skin bleeding (Septicaemic plague)<<< disseminate to organs & form abscesses<<<may reach the lung(Pneumonic plague) N.B: Pneumonic plague may result from inhalation N.B: Y.pestis is considerd a bioterrorism or biological warfare agent (small pox-anthrax-botulinum toxin-plague)

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