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Joint evaluation

Joint evaluation involves active client participation in assessing interventions, services, or policies, promoting mutual learning and empowerment. Listening to clients is vital for effective evaluation and relationship building.

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Joint evaluation

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  1. Joint evaluation Learning from listening in cooperation with clients

  2. EVALUATION The systematic revision of the expected and unexpected effects of an intervention, service or policy with regards to the activities undertaken to attain the pre-set objectives Quereshi 1998

  3. “Evaluation examines our effectiveness and can help us improve it, can increase our accountability to users and clients, developing our knowledge and identifying gaps in knowledge whilst helping us develop new models of practice and service delivery” Lishman (1998)

  4. Shaw (1999) also suggests the integration and interdependence between types of evaluation that are geared towards the macro dimension and those aimed at a micro dimension. Herecalls the usefulnessof evaluating the processes and results of their work in the field, in a self-critical and reflective way.

  5. Instructive perspective • Is based on an idea of unilateral control of the intervention • it foresees a strategic approach: the social worker acts with linear logic, using technical tools for which scientific validity has previously been verified and that are considered able to produce results if the process is correctly effected

  6. In evaluation… • Positivistic approach • What works • Evidence based practice

  7. Social construction perspective • the interpersonal relations and the relationships between individuals, or groups of individuals, and the context are mediated within the symbolic activity of the involved subjects, • the systems of meaning are influenced by the interactions within which the same subjects participate and from the social background that characterizes them

  8. Co-evolution The social worker is considered a constituent part of the wider system of relations within which she intervenes, and the intervention can have effects that go beyond the single person

  9. In evaluation… • social constructivism works on the construction of reality through language and narration • one of the central elements of these paradigms is the use of a dialogic approach that helps the participants to acquire greater knowledge and the ability to self reflect, offering a model of trasformative appraisal.

  10. JOINT EVALUATION It is a specific way to carry on the evaluation involving the user as an active partner

  11. JOINT EVALUATION It is not only the definition of the results after the conclusion of the helping relationship but… it is a process of mutual learning in itself, both for the social worker and the client, that accompanies all the helping relationship from the beginning to the end

  12. Joint Evaluation It is developed on the basis of the relationship between client and social worker and of the contents of the helping process It renders the person an active agent in the process of change

  13. Joint evaluation • Is coherent with the principle of self determination • Puts the client at the centre of the helping process • Develops empowerment • Allows a co-evolutionary approach (mutual growth)

  14. Joint evaluation The evalutation process is a participated in process where every subject is recognized as a resource, in the sense that its point of view is fundamental in order to decide: • which are the critical points of the situation and the possible solutions, • which are the positive effects of the intervention • If and how the professional relationship is empowering the client

  15. Joint evaluation The focus is : • on the competences of the clients, • on the resources that can be implemented, • on the ideas that can be translated into shared objectives

  16. To learn from the client we must listen to him/her

  17. Listening • It is not only to hear…. • It is part of a communication process • It is a fundamental element in the construction of identity and the relationship

  18. Listening requires • Intention, attention and availability, • acquaintance of ourselves and our own vision of the world, • mutual acknowledgement in the relationship • Recognition of boundaries

  19. Listening is to be able to silence our inner dialogue and still send messagges like: “I’m here" “I’m listening to you" “I’ m interested in you and in your ideas " “you can speak freely"

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