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What the Research Says: Variables That Impact ELLs’ Learning of Mathematics

What the Research Says: Variables That Impact ELLs’ Learning of Mathematics. Maggie Rivas September 28, 2006. Objectives. Participants will increase their knowledge of variables that may possibly have an impact on ELLs’ learning of mathematics;

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What the Research Says: Variables That Impact ELLs’ Learning of Mathematics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What the Research Says:Variables That Impact ELLs’ Learning of Mathematics Maggie Rivas September 28, 2006

  2. Objectives Participants will • increase their knowledge of variables that may possibly have an impact on ELLs’ learning of mathematics; • discover and understand variables that may impact student achievement in mathematics; and • identify ways content and ESL staff can assist ELL students in dealing with variables that may impede student achievement in mathematics.

  3. Here’s What! So What? Now What?Instructions This activity will provide your group with a structure for increasing thinking about the different variables that impact ELLs in learning mathematics. It also provides structure for the group to take one variable and elaborate, extend, and explore it. Read the variable you have been assigned. Write the variable selected in the “What the Research Says” column. Write your group’s interpretations and perspectives in the “So What?” column. Discuss and generate predictions or implications for the “Now What?” column. You have 15 minutes to complete your worksheet.

  4. Variables

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