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I R A N. The Iranian Flag. Emmett Green. 3/10/09 ¾ Block. G E O G R A P H Y. >Relative Location-Between Iraq and Pakistan >Absolute Location-32 o North, 53 o East >Movement-331 airports in Iran and 8,367 kilometers of railway

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  1. I R A N The Iranian Flag Emmett Green 3/10/09 ¾ Block

  2. G E O G R A P H Y >Relative Location-Between Iraq and Pakistan >Absolute Location-32o North, 53o East >Movement-331 airports in Iran and 8,367 kilometers of railway >Physical Place-mountains, rugged, small, arid, and semiarid Iran on a map

  3. H I S T O R Y >Iran, used to be called Persia in ancient times was by ruled by people like Darius and Cyrus and Cyrus the Great. 550 B.C. through 331 B.C. > Persians ruled with a government founded by the Safavid Dynasty in the 1500’s. >In 1995 the United States imposed a full trade embargo on Iran after instituting it a terrorist country. A site called Taq-a-Boston near the heart of the Zagros Mountains.

  4. E C O N O M Y >13,100$ GDP in Iran compared to 48,000$ GDP in United States >89% of people in Iran can read >39.93 babies die per 1,000 births > 23% of people own cars >25% of people own televisions A busy street in Tehran, Iran

  5. POLITICS Iran is a monarchy by democratic theorists meaning one person holds the power. Iran’s current president is MahmoudAhmadinejad MahmoudAhmadinejad

  6. C U L T U R E >Muslim >Persian, or Farsi, Kurds, Lurs, Balichi >Some custom/holidays are: Khomeini’s Exile on May 4th, and Khomeini’s Death on May 5th >Men have beards and dress western style >Women are encouraged to dress head to toe in public Typical clothing in Iran

  7. F A C T S A N D F I G U R E S >Population-65, 397, 501 people live in Iran >Growth Rate-0.782 >Life Expectancy (Male) 69 (Women) 72 >Literacy Rate (Male) 88% (Female) 77% Schoolgirls and a school teacher

  8. I N T E R E S T I N G I N F O 1 >Women were discharged from military service in 2008 >Internet access and speed is limited by the law but some café’s have internet >Other natural resources are manganese, sulfur, zinc, copper, natural gas, petroleum, coal, chromium, iron ore, and lead

  9. I N T E R E S T I N G I N F O 2 >Tehran, Iran is 6349.33 miles away from Washington D.C. >Tehran Iran is 8 ½ hours ahead of Washington D.C.

  10. C I T A T I O N S BEEMAN, WILLIAM O. "Iran." Countries and Their Cultures. Ed. Carol R. Ember and Melvin Ember. Vol. 2. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2001. 1057-1077. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Gale. Derby Middle School. 10 Feb. 2009 <http://go.galegroup.com/ps/start.do?p=GVRL&u=birm35703>. “Iran.” CultureGrams World Edition. 2008. ProQuest. 20 Feb 2009 <http://online.culturegrams.com/world/citations.php? cit_type=text&cit_title=Iran>. Bakash, Shaul. “Iran” Encyclopedia Americana. 2009. Grolier Online. 20 Feb. 2009 http://ea.grolier.com/cgi-bin/article?assetid=0217530-00>. "Iran." The World Factbook. Feb 2009. Central Intelligence Agency. 4 Mar 2009 <https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ir.html>. "Middle East> Iran." Nationmasters. Dec 2003. Nationmasters. 4 Mar 2009 <http://www.nationmaster.com/country/ir-iran>.

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