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Social media is redefining virtually everything, including… (but not limited to). How we work. How we play. How we learn. How we share. How we discover. How we create. How we complain. How we celebrate. How we influence. How we collaborate. How we investigate.
Social media is redefining virtually everything, including… (but not limited to)
SOCIAL MEDIA? So what exactly is…
“Social media are internet powered platforms that make it easy for individuals, groups of people and organisations to converse and participate with one another in a wide variety of social activities”
Social Media is a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of User Generated Content. (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2009)
Social media includes web-based and mobile based technologies which are used to turn communication into interactive dialogue among organizations, communities, and individuals.
The concept of social media has been around for thousands of years – even early caveman posted on each other’s walls. However, the internet has scaled social media to a whole new level. Today more than 2 billion people have signed up to a social network, and that number is increasing every day.
Source: http://www.acewebdesign.com.au/blog/2012/05/05/social-media-stats-infographic-april-2012/
Pros Reconnect with former colleagues, alums, friends from childhood, relatives, etc. Meet new friends No geographical boundaries Keep in touch with friends and relatives Send, share and receive videos, photos and messages Connect with people who have similar interests and likes Build employment contacts Easily accessible
The Pros of Social Networking Without a doubt, the best reason to join any social networking site is that it lets you make connections with other people. You can use social networking sites to stay connected with what your friends are doing. If the social network is popular, you may be able to track down old friends and acquaintances and renew friendships.
The Pros of Social Networking You can also use these sites to network professionally. For example, one friend might mention on his profile that he needs a electrician to come to his house. You might know someone who's perfect for the job. All you have to do is send a couple of messages and you've helped two friends out at the same time!
The Pros of Social Networking • Many social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook make it easy to organise an event and invite your friends. Some sites allow you to group friends using different criteria, including family, friends and common interests.
The Pros of Social Networking • Community Outreach – Kony 2012 • The Invisible Children organisation, released a 30-minute video in order to bring attention to and call for the arrest of Ugandan warlord named Joseph Kony. Within hours of the videos release, the video went viral. • With almost 85 million views on YouTube the Invisible Children organisation successfully brought about the attention they were looking for.
The Pros of Social Networking • Community Outreach – Kony 2012 • Kony 2012 has shown us the POWER of SOCIAL MEDIA. Kony 2012 would have never reached its viral success without social media sites being the vehicle to the Invisible Children organisation’s message.
Social media have made us more networked than ever. Yet for all this connectivity, new research suggests that we have never been lonelier and that this loneliness is making us mentally and physically ill.
Drawbacks Misuse of information, visuals (photos and videos) and passwords Cyberbullying Malicious software More connections, less meaningful relationships Shorten attention spans. causes people to become more self centred Promoting need for instant gratification Identity theft
Drawbacks to Social Networking Perhaps the biggest online social networking drawback is that it makes identity theft easier. In order to create a profile on a social networking site, you have to share some information about yourself. Many sites allow you to decide how much information to share. Some give you options to hide information like your e-mail address or birthday -- information that could give individuals the chance to send you spam or steal your identity.
Drawbacks to Social Networking The problem is that if you don't share any information, none of your friends will be able to find you on the site. That defeats the purpose of a social networking site in the first place. On the other hand, if you share too much you may discover that someone else is attempting to access your e-mail or financial information.
Drawbacks to Social Networking Sites such as Facebook and Twitter are said to shorten attention spans, encourage instant gratification and make young people more self-centred.
Drawbacks to Social Networking Another danger is that scammers use social networking sites to trick people into downloading malicious software (malware). A common tactic is to use social engineering. Social engineering plays on human nature to get results. For example, you might receive a link from a friend claiming that it leads you to a funny video that you appear in. Following the link brings up a message saying you need to install a video player before you can view the clip. But the video player is actually a virus or Trojan horse program that can harm your computer.
Drawbacks to Social NetworkingCyberbulling The Social and Psychological Impact of Online Social Networking APS National Psychology Week Survey 2010 A key finding of this report showed reports about cyber bullying and risks to children have led to increased fears about the impact of online social networking, particularly on children and young adults. The survey asked people about any “bad experiences” they have had as a result of using social networking sites. A considerable number of survey respondents (28%) indicated that they have had a negative experience. An analysis of open-ended statements to describe this experience found that bullying, unwanted contact and the posting of inappropriate or distressing information to be the most cited events.
Drawbacks to Social Networking Anyone can hide behind the text, the e-mail, the blog post or the tweet, projecting any image they want. They can be whoever they want to be. And without the ability to receive nonverbal cues, their audiences are none the wiser.
Drawbacks to Social NetworkingMore connections, but less meaningful relationships • In an op-ed for the New York Times, Sherry Turkle, a professor at M.I.T., wrote of the sad state of affairs in that “we have sacrificed conversation for mere connection.” • Many people now find it much easier and more convenient to message, e-mail, and friend others online than to take the time to truly get to know someone in person. The result may be that we have more connections, but the relationship is shallower. (Source http://moneyland.time.com/2012/04/27/why-face-to-face-networking-trumps-social-networking/#ixzz22HzaVZFv)
What specific elements do we miss out on when we trade face-to-face communication for connecting through our computer? It may seem obvious to some, but we tend to forget about the importanceof bodylanguage, voice inflection and the simple act of looking someone in the eye during a conversation.
Our facial expression, physical gestures, and the emotional tone in our voice alter the meaning of our words, which is why it is very difficult to express ourselves fully and authentically in an email or text. So when we forego face-to-face encounters in favour of on-line, our friends receive only a partial message. What's missing are the feelings that inform the words.
Is social media destroying real world relationships?Is it making us “socially awkward”?Consider these research findings…
Source: http://mashable.com/2012/06/14/social-media-real-world-infographic/
Source: http://mashable.com/2012/06/14/social-media-real-world-infographic/
Source: http://mashable.com/2012/06/14/social-media-real-world-infographic/
Source: http://mashable.com/2012/06/14/social-media-real-world-infographic/
Source: http://mashable.com/2012/06/14/social-media-real-world-infographic/