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12 Steps to Better Preaching

12 Steps to Better Preaching. Doctor of Ministry Course Summer, 2009. An Introduction Each Other. I am Sam Lamerson, Professor of NT Please tell me your Name Place of Ministry and a little about your own work Gifts Weaknesses Best book you read in the last six months. Good News.

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12 Steps to Better Preaching

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 12 Steps to Better Preaching Doctor of Ministry Course Summer, 2009

  2. An Introduction Each Other • I am Sam Lamerson, Professor of NT • Please tell me your • Name • Place of Ministry and a little about your own work • Gifts • Weaknesses • Best book you read in the last six months

  3. Good News • We will learn a lot of things this week • We will learn a method of exegesis • We will learn to put all of the knowledge that we have worked hard for to work.

  4. Bad News • This is not going to be an “easy, in and out class” • I am going to expect a lot from you in this class • I want your final projects (sermons) to be spectacular

  5. Syllabus • Books • Assignments • PowerPoints will be posted on my website: • www.drsamlam.com

  6. Assignments • Daily you will be expected to basically do three things: • 1. Read the 12 Essential Skills for Great Preaching

  7. 2. Read carefully and come ready to discuss the exegetical steps in

  8. 3. Choose two NT passages for your sermons by Wednesday afternoon

  9. THE FINAL PROJECT • The sermons should be everything that the textbooks suggest. • Use the sources that are listed in the bibliography of Guthre/Duval and make good use of the library while you are here.

  10. Help With the Sermons • 1. Use the categories that you will learn from the two textbooks. • 2. Listen to good sermons. • 3. Work hard to choose the correct books that will genuinely help you with the preaching task.

  11. Help With Sermons (2) • I will be demonstrating and using Libronix Logos software this week • This is a tremendous piece of software and can help your sermon preparation be both faster and better • You may purchase the software at a substantial discount

  12. A Look at the Week • We will begin each day at nine a.m.; break for lunch at noon; start again at one and end around four p.m. • We will not have class Wednesday Morning to allow you time to • choose your sermon texts • research your text lightly

  13. Each Day • We will begin with a devotional to allow you to see my own style of preaching • We will then move through each of the steps in Guthrie/Duval • Some steps will take longer than others

  14. A Word on Class Discussion • Please do your absolute best to be familiar with the material for the day. • Please make sure that your discussion is on topic and helpful to others • Please don’t monopolize the class

  15. Questions?

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