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Diploma Examinations: Paper R eduction Initiative

Diploma Examinations: Paper R eduction Initiative. Summary of Environmental Benefits and Instructions for Exam Writing . The Government of Alberta’s Green Initiative. Diploma Examination Paper Reduction Initiative: Supporting Alberta Education’s Green Team! .

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Diploma Examinations: Paper R eduction Initiative

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  1. Diploma Examinations: Paper Reduction Initiative Summary of Environmental Benefits and Instructions for Exam Writing

  2. The Government of Alberta’s Green Initiative Diploma Examination Paper Reduction Initiative: Supporting Alberta Education’s Green Team!

  3. Background: Origins of the Paper Reduction Initiative • Several years ago a number of teachers expressed the concern that, because most students word-process their diploma examination written responses, leaving lined pages in examination booklets wastes paper and other resources. • Assessment Sector staff consulted with teachers about eliminating lined pages in written-response booklets. Most teachers favoured such a change.

  4. Background: How Much Paper Can AlbertansSave? • More than 80% of students word-process their Part A Written Response Diploma Examinations. As a result, the lined pages in over 80% of the Part A booklets are left unused! • This means that approximately 1.1 million unusedexamination pages are printed, shipped, returned, and shredded each school year. • This is what we need to change! 80%

  5. Background: What Will be Supplied? • To launch the initiative, for the first year only, schools will be provided with a supply of lined paper. • A digital version of this template will also be available on the Alberta Education website at http://www.education.alberta.ca/admin/testing/forms.aspx

  6. Instructions: Preparing the Lined Pages • Schools should copy the template so that one side of each pageprovides blank space for planning and the other side contains the lines for finished work.

  7. Instructions: Distributing Lined Paper • On the day of an examination, school staff will distribute the lined paper to students who choose to hand-write. Consistent with current practice, there will be no restrictions on the number of pages a student may hand-write. (Currently booklets are often returned with additional foolscap pages attached). • Unused pages are to be saved for use in subsequent administrations.

  8. Instructions: Student Completion of Lined Pages • Students will complete their written responses on the lined pages provided. • Along with their composition there are some other important “steps” students must complete. • These steps are illustrated on the next pages.

  9. Instructions: Student Completion of Lined Pages (Slide Show) I • At the top of a written response, students will identify the assignment number as found in the examination booklet. 1

  10. Instructions: Student Completion of Lined Pages (Slide Show) • At the bottom left of each page, the student will identify the current page number and the total number of pages in the response to the assignment. 2 5

  11. Part A January 2013 English Language Arts 30-1 12345-6 Instructions: Student Completion of Lined Pages (Slide Show) • At the bottom right of each page of a written response, students will write the index number that is found on the back of the booklet. 1 4 2 3 5 6

  12. Instructions: Attaching Lined Pages to the Examination Booklets (Slide Show) • The process for attaching lined pages to the examination booklet is the same as it is for word-processed pages. • There is a specified page in the examination booklet for each individual assignment to be attached. • The student is required to staple the responses into the booklet on the appropriate pages. This way all students, whether they word-process or hand-write, must affix their responses in the exam booklet.

  13. Instructions: Returning Completed ExaminationBooklets • Once completed, all examinations are packaged for shipment back to Alberta Education.

  14. Contact Information • If you have any questions or comments regarding the paper reduction initiative, please contact: • Tim Coates, Director, Diploma Examinations • 780-422-5160 (for toll-free access in Alberta first dial 310-0000) • Email: Tim.Coates@gov.ab.ca

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