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英汉比较翻译之替换与重复. 黄山学院 程汕姗. 替换与重复. 由于英文重形合,所以通过各种形合手段将比较大量的信息连接在一个句子里,联系紧密,逻辑分明。这种情况下,其代词所指往往比较明确而不易混淆,因此,为了避免单调乏味,英文句子常常采用替换、省略等方式来变换同一个词的表达。而中文则相反,由于汉语主要依靠意合,其隐含的逻辑贯穿全句,因此为了保持句子的“形散神不散”,就需要通过重复的手段来增强凝聚力,保持读者的注意力。所以,汉语往往不使用同义词等替代手段,因为那样会使得精力分散。如,用代词替代:

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  1. 英汉比较翻译之替换与重复 黄山学院 程汕姗

  2. 替换与重复 由于英文重形合,所以通过各种形合手段将比较大量的信息连接在一个句子里,联系紧密,逻辑分明。这种情况下,其代词所指往往比较明确而不易混淆,因此,为了避免单调乏味,英文句子常常采用替换、省略等方式来变换同一个词的表达。而中文则相反,由于汉语主要依靠意合,其隐含的逻辑贯穿全句,因此为了保持句子的“形散神不散”,就需要通过重复的手段来增强凝聚力,保持读者的注意力。所以,汉语往往不使用同义词等替代手段,因为那样会使得精力分散。如,用代词替代:    他讨厌失败,他一生曾战胜失败,超越失败,并且蔑视别人的失败。 He hated failure, he had conquered it all his life, risen above it, despised it in others.

  3. 替换与重复 • 词语的替换与重复在英汉两种语言中都是存在的,但是相比较而言,英语倾向于用替换来避免重复;而在汉语中,语言的重复现象则无论在使用范围还是出现频率上均远远超出英语。 • 英语行文中有一条不成文的规定,即避免重复. “Never use the same word or write the same thing twice in a sentence unless you are repeating intentionally for emphasis or for clarity” • 除非是作者有意强调或出于修辞的需要。例如:

  4. 替换与重复 It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way. 这是最好的时期,这是最坏的时期;这是智慧的岁月,这是愚昧的岁月;这是信仰坚定的时代,这是怀疑一切的时代;这是光明的季节,这是黑暗的季节;这是希望之春,这是绝望之冬;人们应有尽有,人们一无所有;人们直登天堂,人们径堕地狱。

  5. 替换与重复 • 音节重复 • Commercials seldom make for entertaining and relaxing listening. Commercials seldom entertain and relax listeners. • Close examination of the results of the investigation led to a reorganization of the department. Close study of the results of the inquiry led to a reorganization of the department.

  6. 替换与重复 • 词语重复 • We listened to an account of the customs of the inhabitants of the village. We listened to an account of the villagers’ customs. • -Is Mary coming to the evening party? - I hope Mary is coming to the evening party. -I hope so. • He seriously maintains that the situation is serious now. He seriously maintains that the situation is grave now.

  7. 替换与重复 • 句式重复 Now is the time to forget everything in the past. Now is the time to get down to the business. Now is the time to work hard for the future. Now is the time to forget everything in the past. At the moment, we have to get down to the business and work hard for the future.

  8. 替换与重复 • 意义重复 “请给我们多提宝贵意见” Please gives us your valuable opinions. Your opinions will be appreciated. 他的病情好多了. His sick condition is much better. He is much better. 经常给我写信。 Write (letters) to me often.

  9. 替换与重复 • 替代(substitution) • 名词性替代( nominal substitution) A chemical change is one in which the structure of particles is changed and a new substance is formed. 化学变化是改变粒子结构,形成新物质的一种变化。 Two things are outstanding in the creation of the English canal system and they characterize the Industrial Revolution. 在英国运河网络的修建过程中,有两点十分突出。而这两点也正是整个工业革命的特点。

  10. 替换与重复 • 动词性替代(verbal substitution) We faced the question in 1988, as to some extent we still do today. 1988年我们就碰到了这个问题,在某种程度上,今天我们依然面临着同样的问题。 He never really succeeded in his ambitions. He might have done, one felt, had it not been for the relentlessness of his nature. 他野心勃勃,但从未如愿以偿。人们觉得,要不是他那冷酷无情的本性,他也许会有所作为的。

  11. 替换与重复 • 分词性替代 (clausal substitution) Achievements have a dual character, so do mistakes. 成绩有两重性,错误也有两重性。 Many people believe that the e-mail will one day replace the letter. My sister also thinks so but I believe not. 一个人的工作,究竟是三分成绩七分过错,还是七分成绩三分过错,必须要有个根本的评价。 We must have a fundamental evaluation of a person’s work and establish whether his achievements amount to 30% and his mistakes to 70%, or vice versa.

  12. 替换与重复 • 省略 (omission/ ellipsis) The flat has a sitting-room , a dinning room and one bedroom. Each has a window overlooking the sea. 每个房间都有一扇窗户可以俯瞰大海。 Work with, and not against, nature. (我们)要顺应自然做事, 不要违背自然做事。 Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. 读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩。

  13. 替换与重复 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 Association with the good can produce good, with the wicked ,evil. 一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝。 One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.

  14. 替换与重复 • 替换 (variation) 同名异称法/ 近义词复现 Mrs. Thatcher, she, the Prime Minister, the Iron Lady, the leader of the Conservative Party, the first woman Prime Minister The monkey's extraordinary performance was learning to operate a tractor. By the age of nine,the animal had learned to solo on the vehicle. 这只猴子最出色的表演是学开拖拉机。到9岁时,它已学会独自驾驶拖拉机了。 Then they went on with the peak.The climb was an extremely difficult one.   然后他们继续向顶峰攀登,这是一次极难的攀登。

  15. 替换与重复 非洲人民正在为争取非洲的彻底解放进行着艰巨的斗争。 The African people are waging a hard struggle to win the complete liberation of the continent. 另一种方法就是化学方法。 Another method is the chemical process. Another process is the chemical method.

  16. 替换与重复 英语比较忌讳重复,因而常用替代、省略和变换的表达方式;相比之下,汉语则比较习惯于重复,因而常用实称、还原和复说的表达方法。 汉语的重复倾向-均衡美 汉字的音节文字属性-声、韵、调 双音节化-“偶语易安,奇字难适” 对偶、对联

  17. 替换与重复 • 重叠(Reduplication)-叠字叠词 • 名词重叠 AA:天天 事事 声声 字字 AABB: 风风雨雨 岁岁年年 家家户户 男男女女 日日夜夜 花花草草 • 数量词重叠 BB: 片片 个个 件件 张张 重重 层层 ABB:一道道 一座座 一条条 一桩桩 一朵朵 ABAB: 一步一步 一次一次 AABB:三三两两 千千万万

  18. 替换与重复 • 动词重叠 AA:吃吃 喝喝 跑跑 跳跳 蹦蹦 想想 说说 听听 省省 A-:瞧一瞧 走一走 乐一乐 逛了逛 敲了敲 拍了拍 ABAB: 考虑考虑 合计合计 考察考察 商量商量 AABB: 进进出出 来来往往 吞吞吐吐 缠缠绵绵 吵吵嚷嚷 A着A着:听着听着 看着看着 唱着唱着 • 形容词重叠 AA: 高高 远远 细细 深深 朦朦 ABB:亮晶晶 冷冰冰 紅通通 香噴噴 懶洋洋 慢吞吞 AABB: 快快乐乐 平平安安 整整齐齐 洋洋洒洒 清清白白 ABAB: 粉嫩粉嫩 雪白雪白 笔直笔直 通红通红

  19. 替换与重复 • 附加式重叠 AAX: 毛毛雨 团团转 步步高 蒙蒙亮 AAXY:花花世界 心心相印 代代传颂 娓娓动听 惴惴不安 XYAA: 忧心忡忡 杨柳依依 衣冠楚楚 烈火熊熊 A 里AB:糊里糊涂 妖里妖气 慌里慌张 罗里罗嗦 • 并列式重叠(偏正、动宾、主谓) ABAC: 难兄难弟 没大没小 有声有色 所作所为 假情假意 ABCB: 爱理不理 好说歹说 大闹特闹 一拖再拖 以毒攻毒 ABA: 面对面 背靠背 肩并肩 手牵手 心连心

  20. 替换与重复 象声词 隆隆 淙淙 嗷嗷 汩汩 嘎嘎 呼呼 萧萧 喃喃 呼啦啦 轰隆隆 齐刷刷 哗拉拉 淅沥沥 叮叮当当 劈劈啪啪 叽里咕噜 劈里啪啦 英译汉中恰当使用叠字叠词,可以增强译文表现力, 使之更加符合汉语表达习惯。

  21. 替换与重复 Repetition for Vividness • Walking up and down the empty room, he stopped here and there to touch or look. 房间空空荡荡,他走来走去,这儿停停,那儿停停,东摸摸,西看看。 • She hoped she had mixed enough fact and fiction in her story to mislead him. 她希望自己说的已是真真假假,足以让他难辨真伪。 • They read the afternoon through, while the cold November rain fell from the sky upon the quiet house. 时值深秋,冷雨霏霏,屋子里静悄悄的。他们看了一个下午 的书。

  22. 替换与重复 • The road was packed with a noisy crowd of men and women, who were selling and buying all kinds of things. 街上挤满了男男女女, 他们熙熙攘攘,正在买卖各种各样的东西。 • There were no sounds but that of the booming wind upon the stretch of tawny herbage around them, the crackling wheels, the tread of the men, and the footsteps of the two shaggy ponies which drew the van. 那时候只听见车轮辚辚,脚步沙沙。拉车的那两匹鬃毛蓬松的小马,蹄声得得,四周一片黄褐色的野草,风声萧萧。除此之外,再也听不到别的声音了。

  23. 替换与重复习题 • The electronic devices are used in computers as switches that simply turn on and off. 这些电子器件在计算机中起开关作用,只是开开关关而已。 • Mama gave him a bright smile and laboriously wrote down a sum and added and subtracted. 妈妈朝他粲然一笑,然后很费事地写下一个数目,加加减减了一阵。 • Talking and laughing, running and jumping, the children had a good time in the country. 说说笑笑,跑跑跳跳,孩子们在乡间过得十分愉快。

  24. 替换与重复 英文的音节重叠 (1)头韵重叠词(alliterative reduplications) 利用头韵构成的重叠词,是通过首字母相同的词语构成语 义相关、形式对等的复合表达。 如:sea-saw(跷跷板,秋千),shipshape(整整洁齐,井井有条),spick-span(崭新的)。 (2)尾韵重叠词(rhyming reduplications) 利用尾韵(consonance)构成的重叠词,是通过词语中辅音的更替和主要音节音韵的重叠构成,两词之间语义相关。 willy-nilly(不管愿意不愿意,不容分辨),sci-fi(science fiction的简写,科幻小说),nitty-gritty(事实真相),hocus- pocus(欺骗,花招),lovey-dovey(多情的)

  25. 替换与重复 (3)双韵重叠词(female rime reduplications) /元音变换重叠词(ablaut reduplications) bric-a-brac(小古董),chitchat(闲谈,聊天),coca-cola(可口可乐),criss-cross(十字形,纵横交错的), dilly-dally(磨磨蹭蹭,得过且过),ding-dong(丁当声),ficto-facto(事实上,实际上),fiddle-faddle (胡扯,大惊小怪) (4) 纯粹的叠词/同名重叠(exact reduplications or tautonyms) 构词两部分是同一词素的复叠,类似嘤嘤儿语(baby-talk-like)。 bla-bla(饶舌),choo-choo([儿]火车头;火车头的噗噗声),chop-chop(快点,赶紧),chow- chow(中国咸菜,腌什锦菜,糖渍),crack-crack(劈拍声), drip-drip(雨水声),fifty-fifty (对半),goody-goody(伪善的),knock-knock(敲敲打打),no-no(不可作之事,禁忌),pretty-pretty(妆扮得很俗气的),so-so(马马虎虎,不好不坏的)

  26. 替换与重复 “青青子衿,悠悠我心”(《诗经·郑凤·子衿》) “寒波澹澹起,白鸟悠悠下”(元好问《颖亭留别》) “漠漠门长掩,迟迟日又西”(齐已《残春连雨中偶作怀故人》) “大弦嘈嘈如急雨,小弦切切如私语。嘈嘈切切错杂弹,大珠小珠落玉盘。” (白居易《琵琶行》) 《杳杳寒山道》:杳杳寒山道,落落冷涧滨。啾啾常有鸟,寂寂更无人。淅淅风吹面,纷纷雪积身。朝朝不见日,岁岁不知春。

  27. 替换与重复 寻寻觅觅, 冷冷清清, 凄凄惨惨戚戚。 (李清照《声声慢》 ) I seek but seek in vain, I search and search again: I feel so sad, so drear, So lonely, without cheer.

  28. 替换与重复 • 重复(repetition) • 词语重复 不懂就是不懂,不要装懂。 有缺点的战士终究是战士,完美的苍蝇也终究是苍蝇。 East is East, and West is West. Now is now, and then was then. 他死他的,与我何干? 我说我的,你做你的。 打牌的打牌,下棋的下棋。 这几件衣服,大的大,小的小,我都穿不上。

  29. 替换与重复 长有长的好处,短有短的妙处。 穷人有穷人的乐子,富人有富人的烦恼。 忙是忙,可总比闲着无所事事好。 这个我可是想都没想过。 拿就拿着吧,别不好意思。 他这身筋骨,准是跑步跑出来的。 她开车开得好。 赢也好,输也好,我都不在乎。 各走各的路。 他自己打自己。

  30. 替换与重复 • My money is gone, but I’m just the same. 钱是没了,可我还是我啊。 • Let him say what he likes; I just get on with my work. 他说他的,我干我的。 • On the train some are reading and some chatting. 火车上,看书的看书,聊天的聊天。 • Poverty has its advantage. 穷有穷的好处。 • Yes, it’s old, but it can still be used. 是的,东西旧是旧,可还能用呢。

  31. 替换与重复习题 • A large family has its difficulty. 大家庭有大家庭的难处。 • Rain or shine, it is all one to me. (下)雨也罢,(天)晴也罢,对我来说都一样。 • Willing or unwilling, you have to go. 愿意也好,不愿意也好,你都得走一趟。 • Knowledge from unintelligent reading is of little use. 死读书读出来的学问世没多大用处的。

  32. 替换与重复 • 意义重复 成语: 称心如意 惊天动地 铜墙铁壁 胡言乱语 深仇大恨 etc 合成词: 观看、使用、古老、树木、衣裳、道路、孤独 etc 约定俗成的表达: 他所担任的工作 另外还有 脑子里想了想 用鼻子嗅了嗅 不切实际的幻想 万分紧要的关头 过去的历史 要善于把理论与实践很好的结合起来

  33. 替换与重复习题 • In the chemical formula, the symbol for hydrogen is H, for oxygen, O, for nitrogen, N. 在化学公式中,(表示)氢的符号是H,(表示)氧的符号是O,(表示)氮的符号是N。 • We have advocated the principle of peaceful co-existence, which is now growing more and more popular among the nations of Asia and Africa. 我们提倡和平共处的原则,这个原则在亚非各国越来越得人心。 • The cook turned pale, and asked the housemaid to shut the door, who asked Brittles who asked the tinker, who preferred not to hear. 厨子的脸变得煞白,要女仆把门关上,女仆叫布利特去关,布利特又叫补锅匠去关,而补锅匠装着没听见。

  34. 替换与重复习题 • Operators should inspect and oil their machines before work. 操作人员在操作前,应当检查机器,并且必须为机器加润滑油。 • Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of admiration. 无知既是倾慕之源,亦是恐惧之根。 • From then on he has no longer dreamed of her charming smiles, not of her soft whispers, nor of her sweet and ardent kisses. 从那以后,他不再梦见她迷人的微笑,不再梦见她温柔的低语,不再梦见她甜蜜而热情的吻了。

  35. 美丽的头韵 • 什么是头韵? alliteration initial rhyme or head rhyme ad literam • 常见押头韵的短语 first andforemost 首先 (with) might and main 尽全力地 saints and sinners 圣人与罪人 (in) weal and (or) woe 无论是福是祸

  36. 头韵在诗歌中 1. John Donne Songs and Sonnets 《歌与14行诗》 ‘the union of soul and body ’ 2. William Blake Marriage of Heaven and Hell 《天堂与地狱联姻》 美丽的头韵 3. Robert Burns O My Love’s Like a Red Red Rose 《我的爱像一朵红红的玫瑰》

  37. 美丽的头韵 • 头韵在莎士比亚的作品中 crafty confusion(装糊涂) for the fantasy of fame (为虚名) delight and dole (喜与悲) painted pomp (虚饰的荣华) wonted way(常态) mangled matter(弄糟的事) wild whirling words (疯话)

  38. 美丽的头韵 • 头韵在散文中 Bertrand Russell《自传》 the darkest despair 绝境 paroxysms of pains 一阵一阵的痛苦 a saint and a sage 圣贤之人 a foolish fear 愚蠢的恐惧 merely mundane misfortune 纯粹的世俗不幸 daily pursuit and pleasure 纯粹的世俗不幸 a mixture of public and private events公事和私事兼有

  39. 头韵在日常生活中 Far fowls have fair feathers. 远处的鸟羽毛更美丽 A fair face hides a foul heart. 面善心恶 When wine sinks, words swim. 酒后说胡话 A book that is shut is but a block. 一本不打开读的书与木块无异 A book that is shut is a decorative block. ‘a man of wisdom and wit’ ‘feather,feet or fin’ ‘ full of vigor and vitality ’ dry and drab 美丽的头韵

  40. 迷人的尾韵 • Annabel Lee Edgar Allan Poe It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know, By the name of Annabel Lee; And this maiden she lived with no other thought, Than to love and be loved by me.

  41. 报刊杂志中的尾韵 mediation instead of litigation 调解而不是上法庭诉讼 It’s more than the possibility. It’s the inevitability. 这不止是可能性,这是必然的! Mighty witty非常机智 Doubt thou the stars are fire, Doubt that the sun doth move, Doubt truth to be a liar, But never doubt I love. 迷人的尾韵 可以怀疑星星是火, 可以怀疑太阳是移动的, 可以怀疑真理是谎言, 但是永远不要怀疑我的爱。

  42. 迷人的尾韵 • 日常生活中的尾韵 • good looks/green leaves/nice knife/pay day/ Queer idea/white lie • flower power花香系列 (Lavender薰衣草, Cherry Blossom樱花, Lily of the Valley铃兰花, Rose玫瑰, Sweet Pea豌豆花) • Health is better than wealth.---John Ray 健康胜过财富 • Since we have immense pressure in work, we should find immense pleasure in life. 现在我们工作压力很大,所以在生活中要好好享受才对。 • insight and forsight洞察的眼光和前瞻的眼光

  43. THANK YOU !

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