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Welcome. Baltimore Polytechnic Institute May 9 , 2012 U.S. History Mr. Green. Agenda/Topics To Be Covered. The students summarize U.S. Involvement and Escalation by describing the impact of the anti-war movement on the Vietnam War

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome Baltimore Polytechnic Institute May 9, 2012 U.S. History Mr. Green

  2. Agenda/Topics To Be Covered The students summarize U.S. Involvement and Escalation by describing the impact of the anti-war movement on the Vietnam War Announcement: Quizzes will be used to assess your learning until the finals Drill: Examine the diagram on page 731 and answer the following questions: 1. How are firing posts in the tunnels an example of the Vietcong’s guerrilla tactics? 2. What probably happened to enemy invaders who entered false tunnels? Motivation: How might the expression ”home-field advantage” apply to U.S troops waging a war on foreign soil?

  3. U.S. Involvement and Escalation Ch. 22 Section 2-5 pages 729-753 Decision to Escalate LBJ went against campaign promise Followed former Presidents in stopping Communism Initial popular support for the military action William Westmoreland-requested more troops/500,000 by 1967 A war in the jungle tunnels of the Vietcong, page 731 A war of attrition-wear them down Vietcong did not give up, no matter the costs Difficult to identify the enemy, “Hearts and minds of the rural population Morale sinks in the military Many fought bravely/imprisoned for years Great Society suffers as more money is spent on the war Credibility gap

  4. A Nation Divided The draft was manipulatable Medical, college, religious 80% in the war were from working class Many African-Americans served in Vietnam Opposition to the War New Left SDS Free Speech Movement College protests Hawks/Doves

  5. 1968: A Tumultuous Year January 30-Tet Offensive March 31-LBJ announces he will not seek another term April 4-MLK assassinated June 4-RFK assassinated August –Democratic convention riot in Chicago November-Nixon wins

  6. The End of the War and its Legacy Vietnamization gradual withdraw of U.S. forces Peace with Honor Silent Majority Nixon’s supporters My Lai Massacre-November 1969 Invasion of Cambodia-root out Vietcong supply centers Kent State Pentagon Papers War Powers Act

  7. Independent Work 1. What differing opinions did Johnson’s advisers have about Vietnam? 2. How were the Vietcong able to sustain themselves underground for such long periods of time? 3. Why did the U.S. forces have difficulty fighting the Vietcong? 4. What factors led to the low morale of U.S. troops? 5. What led to the growing concern in America about the Vietnam War?

  8. Wrap-Up Summarize the events that led to U.S. escalation in the Vietnam Conflict

  9. Homework 1. Read Chapter 23

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