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Foods to avoid if you are prone to acid reflux

Do you feel any kind of burning sensation in your esophagus, stomach, or chest after eating a full meal or specific foods? If so, you have acid reflux, which happens when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus. If you have queries about what foods you should have in your diet to control or decrease your symptoms of acid reflux, see your primary care physician. To know more visit here https://www.dailychemist.com/product-category/online-doctor/acid-reflux/

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Foods to avoid if you are prone to acid reflux

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  1. Foods to avoid if you are prone to acid reflux Do you feel any kind of burning sensation in your esophagus and chest after eating a full meal or specific foods? Acid reflux, which happens when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus. Your doctor may also suggest acid reflux medication, depending on the severity of your case. Here is the list of foods to avoid if you are suffering from acid reflux-: Caffeine Citrus fruits High-fat foods Desserts, such as ice cream Garlic, onions, and other spicy foods Fatty or fried cuts of beef, pork, or lamb

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