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Look After Your Spine This Christmas with Dalby Chiro

So, this Christmas season, make sure to check in regularly with your spine when things get busy during the Christmas rush. Merry Christmas from the Kingaroy Chiro and Dalby Chiro and Wellness teams!

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Look After Your Spine This Christmas with Dalby Chiro

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Look After Your Spine This Christmas with Dalby Chiro Presentation www.dalbychiropractic.com.au

  2. Deck the Halls with boughs of holly – the Christmas season is finally here! We’re attending end-of-year events left right and centre, Christmas shopping, and catching up with family across the country. We’re making new friends and seeing old friends too. We’re dusting off the Christmas decorations box and untangling what we can of the fairy lights and tinsel! It’s perhaps the busiest time of the year and while we’re busy tying up loose ends and racing around, it’s very important to keep in mind the health of your spine!

  3. Straighten Up Next time you’re run off your feet from Christmas shopping and fatigued from the Christmas chaos, give your spine a quick 5-minute stretching break by downloading ACA’s Straighten Up app and doing the 3-minute routine. Keeping a good posture is essential to maintaining a healthy spine and it’s this time of year that we, unfortunately, place a lot of additional stress on the spine. From carrying heavy items such as Christmas trees and presents – to stretching in awkward positions (to perfect the alignment of the fairy lights on the balcony) – to preparing endless Christmas feats in the kitchen- it’s all these small activities on our feet that place additional pressure on the spine and increases your susceptibility to developing back and muscle pain.

  4. Just Start Walking Have you been sitting down for hours wrapping presents? Or have you been stuck at the computer trying to finish those last-minute deadlines before Christmas closure? Your posture can easily suffer as you unknowingly round your shoulders and hunch for hours on end. Take a break and go for a 15-minute walk around the block. Not only will the fresh air work wonders for your mood, but walking is a great way to straighten up your posture from all that hunching! When you’re walking stand up straight and pull your shoulders back – allowing them to soften and relax. Also, try tightening your core muscles as you walk to maintain a good walking posture. You can also download the ACA’s Just Start Walking app.

  5. Meditate Finally, a great way to give your spine and mind a break during this festive season is to do some sitting meditation. You can lie down comfortably on a supportive mattress or sit comfortably upright on a chair or couch. Giving yourself some space to do a meditation, regardless of whether it is 5 minutes or 30 minutes, will allow your spine and mind, some time to relax, unwind and soften from the Christmas rush and get a much-needed break. There are lots of wonderful and free guided meditation tracks you can download or stream off the internet. Practicing some mindfulness meditation allows you to refocus on the present, step back and take some deep breaths to realign body and soul.

  6. Chiro Care Finally, the best thing you can do for your spine this Christmas is to see your local ACA Chiropractor. Your local ACA chiropractor can give your spine the much-needed break it needs by delivering a series of low-impact adjustments to realign and recentre your nervous system. Your chiropractor can also give you well-being and lifestyle advice to make sure you stay at your healthiest this festive season! So, this Christmas season, make sure to check in regularly with your spine when things get busy during the Christmas rush and give it the TLC it deserves. Merry Christmas from the Kingaroy Chiro and Dalby Chiro and Wellness teams!

  7. www.dalbychiropractic.com.au dalbychiropractic@outlook.com 07 30735347 Shop 6 33 Archibald Street, Dalby, Queensland, Australia Get in touch with us

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