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Gone fishin’

Gone fishin’. Church School Program Teachers Manual. TERM 1 WEEK 1 Feb 03 Creation Day 5 WEEK 2 Feb 10 The Earth is the Lord’s WEEK 3 Feb 17 Stewardship and Conservation WEEK 4 Feb 24 Ichtheos WEEK 5 Mar 02 No fishing WEEK 6 Mar 09 Palm Sunday – Holy week WEEK 7 Mar 16 Easter

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Gone fishin’

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  1. Gone fishin’ Church School Program Teachers Manual

  2. TERM 1 WEEK 1 Feb 03 Creation Day 5 WEEK 2 Feb 10 The Earth is the Lord’s WEEK 3 Feb 17 Stewardship and Conservation WEEK 4 Feb 24 Ichtheos WEEK 5 Mar 02 No fishing WEEK 6 Mar 09 Palm Sunday – Holy week WEEK 7 Mar 16 Easter TERM 2 7 Apr–27 JunWEEK 1 Apr 13 Fish tales – truth and exaggeration WEEK 2 Apr 20 Jonah WEEK 3 Apr 27 Fishers of men WEEK 4 May 04 Money in the mouth WEEK 5 May 11 5 Barley loaves and two small fish WEEK 6 May 18 Going fishing – Gear and tackle WEEK 7 May 25 Angler fish – this little light of mine WEEK 8 June 01 A miracle catch

  3. TERM 1 WEEK 1 CREATION DAY 5 Talk to the children about their week and pray about any concerns. Take up offerings This term and next term our program is called Gone Fishin’ and we will be learning some facts about fish and fishing and also about what it means to be fishers of men Read the story of the Creation em phasing Day 5 when God filled the seas and the skies Talk about the variety of life in the oceans especially the fish and how they relate to each other Make origami fish mobiles or sponge paintings Work on colouring, word finds and mazes Get into a circle and pray for the coming week.

  4. TERM 1 WEEKS 2& 3 THE EARTH IS THE LORD’S- STEWARDSHIP Talk to the children about their week and pray about any concerns. Take up offerings This term and next term our program is called Gone Fishin’ and we will be learning some facts about fish and fishing and also about what it means to be fishers of men Recall what we learned last week Read Psalm 24 and Genesis 1:27-28 and 2:15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it Discuss God created the Earth and all that is in it belongs to Him. God gave man the dominion over the other creatures but also the responsibility to care for them What does this mean about how we treat the environment and the animals? Set up a fish tank for the kinder Make a Group Poster about Care for the marine environment Work on colouring, word finds and mazes Get into a circle and pray for the coming week.

  5. TERM 1 WEEK 4 ICHTHEOS Talk to the children about their week and pray about any concerns. Take up offerings This term and next term our program is called Gone Fishin’ and we will be learning some facts about fish and fishing and also about what it means to be fishers of men Recall what we learned last week Read the story of the Ichtheos – the symbol of the early Christian church. Explain the meaning Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour and how this states the basic Christian beliefs and like John 3:16 is the Gospel in a nutshell Talk about what it must have been like for the early Christians and how the fish symbol helped them Make Ichtheos stickers and pictures Work on colouring, word finds and mazes Get into a circle and pray for the coming week.

  6. TERM 1 WEEK 5 NO FISHING Talk to the children about their week and pray about any concerns. Take up offerings This term and next term our program is called Gone Fishin’ and we will be learning some facts about fish and fishing and also about what it means to be fishers of men Recall what we learned last week Listen to the Jenny Flack song No Fishing Discuss the meaning of the song and the concept of Forgiveness. Next week and the week after we will be talking about Easter. Talk about how what Jesus did enabled us to be forgiven by God. Discuss forgiving other people and then forgetting the wrong that was done to us and so not holding a grudge Work on colouring, word finds and mazes Get into a circle and pray for the coming week.

  7. NO FISHING |Words and music by Jennie Flack When Jesus forgives He forgets what I’ve done And the bad things I did have now gone When Jesus forgives He forgets what I’ve done And the bad things I did have now gone For He’s thrown them in the deepest part of God’s forgetful sea Where there’s a great big sign that says, “NO FISHING!” For He’s thrown them in the deepest part of God’s forgetful sea Where there’s a great big sign that says, “NO FISHING!”   No fishing, no fishing, no fishing No fishing, no fishing, no fishing No fishing, no fishing, no fishing, no fishing They’re buried deep in God’s forgetful sea

  8. TERM 1 WEEK 6 PALM SUNDAY – GOOD FRIDAY Talk to the children about their week and pray about any concerns. Take up offerings This term and next term our program is called Gone Fishin’ and we will be learning some facts about fish and fishing and also about what it means to be fishers of men Recall what we learned last week Read the story of Palm Sunday and the week leading up to Good Friday Discuss Work on colouring, word finds and mazes Get into a circle and pray for the coming week.

  9. TERM 1 WEEK 7 EASTER Talk to the children about their week and pray about any concerns. Take up offerings This term and next term our program is called Gone Fishin’ and we will be learning some facts about fish and fishing and also about what it means to be fishers of men Recall what we learned last week Read the story of Easter Discuss Work on Easter related activities Get into a circle and pray for the coming week.

  10. TERM 2 WEEK1 FISH TALES Talk to the children about their week and pray about any concerns. Take up offerings This term we continue with our program called Gone Fishin’ and we will be learning some facts about fish and fishing and also about what it means to be fishers of men Recall what we learned last week Talk about Fish tales and how some fishermen exaggerate the size of fish they have nearly caught! The one that got away! Hyperbole is used to make stories more interesting. Discuss Is there a difference between exaggeration and lying? Discuss the importance of telling the truth- The concept of a Truth Bank and building up a reputation for truthfulness so that you will believed when it really matters. Work on colouring, word finds and mazes Get into a circle and pray for the coming week.

  11. TERM 2 WEEK 2 JONAH Talk to the children about their week and pray about any concerns. Take up offerings This term we continue with our program called Gone Fishin’ and we will be learning some facts about fish and fishing and also about what it means to be fishers of men Recall what we learned last week Read the story of Jonah Discuss Work on colouring, word finds and mazes Get into a circle and pray for the coming week.

  12. TERM 2 WEEK 3 FISHERS OF MEN Talk to the children about their week and pray about any concerns. Take up offerings This term we continue with our program called Gone Fishin’ and we will be learning some facts about fish and fishing and also about what it means to be fishers of men Recall what we learned last week Read the story of Jesus calling his disciples and telling them he would make them fishers of men Play the magnetic fish memory verse game Work on colouring, word finds and mazes Get into a circle and pray for the coming week.

  13. TERM 2 WEEK 4 MONEY IN THE MOUTH Talk to the children about their week and pray about any concerns. Take up offerings This term we continue with our program called Gone Fishin’ and we will be learning some facts about fish and fishing and also about what it means to be fishers of men Recall what we learned last week Read the story of the fish with the coin in its mouthDiscuss When God calls you to do something specific for Him He provides the things that are necessary for you Work on colouring, word finds and mazes Get into a circle and pray for the coming week.

  14. TERM 2 WEEK 5 FIVE BARLEY LOAVES AND TWO SMALL FISH Talk to the children about their week and pray about any concerns. Take up offerings This term we continue with our program called Gone Fishin’ and we will be learning some facts about fish and fishing and also about what it means to be fishers of men Recall what we learned last week Read the story of the miracle of the feed of the five thousand with five barley loaves and two fish Discuss Do the practical version with five scones and two sardines. Ask how many people you think it would feed. Bless the food, divide it up and share it. Work on colouring, word finds and mazes Get into a circle and pray for the coming week.

  15. TERM 2 WEEK 6 GONE FISHING _ GEAR AND TACKLE Talk to the children about their week and pray about any concerns. Take up offerings This term we continue with our program called Gone Fishin’ and we will be learning some facts about fish and fishing and also about what it means to be fishers of men Recall what we learned last week Talk about Fishing and the gear that is used Discuss the purpose of the bait fishing rods nets etc. Discuss What sort of fishing gear would fishers of men need? Discuss the power of personal testimony of the things God has done for you Work on colouring, word finds and mazes Get into a circle and pray for the coming week.

  16. TERM 2 WEEK 7 THE ANGLER FISH – THIS LITTLE LIGHT OF MINE Talk to the children about their week and pray about any concerns. Take up offerings This term we continue with our program called Gone Fishin’ and we will be learning some facts about fish and fishing and also about what it means to be fishers of men Recall what we learned last week Talk about Angler Fish which live in the dark in the extreme depths of the ocean and have a “lantern” on their head which attracts other fish to them Talk about Jesus telling us to be a light in a dark world and that we only have to shine His light and others will be attracted to him Work on colouring, word finds and mazes Get into a circle and pray for the coming week.

  17. THE LIGHT SONG Words & music by Jennie Flack   If you want to be seen in the classroom Put your hand upIf you want to be seen in the darkness Put your lights on A ship in the fog gives a hoot, hoot, hootTo let the other ships know she is there So put your hands up, lights on Shout out, tell everyone The light you know is the Lord   Let your light so shine before men That they can see your light Hold that light just as high as you can And I will draw all men to me You don’t have to do the drawing That’s my job Just put your hands up, lights on Shout out, tell everyone The light you know is the Lord

  18. TERM 2 WEEK 8 A MIRACULOUS CATCH Talk to the children about their week and pray about any concerns. Take up offerings This term we continue with our program called Gone Fishin’ and we will be learning some facts about fish and fishing and also about what it means to be fishers of men Recall what we learned last week Read the story of the miraculous catch of fish Discuss The disciples had not caught anything while they were doing it their own way but when they obeyed Jesus’ instructions they caught so many their nets could not hold them all Work on colouring, word finds and mazes Get into a circle and pray for the coming week.

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