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Wounded Knee Massacre

By Evelyn, Tanner, Kyle, and Trinity. Wounded Knee Massacre . What Caused It? . Why did government allow this? What events led up to this? Why did the government want them gone?. What really Happened?. Did the Native American’s flee or did they fight?

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Wounded Knee Massacre

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Presentation Transcript

  1. By Evelyn, Tanner, Kyle, and Trinity Wounded Knee Massacre

  2. What Caused It? • Why did government allow this? • What events led up to this? • Why did the government want them gone?

  3. What really Happened? • Did the Native American’s flee or did they fight? • Did the soldiers kill only those who attacked? • Were the Native Americans lied to?

  4. What Happened After? • How many people were killed? • Were there any consequences for the murderers? • Where do the Native Americans live now?

  5. Wounded Knee

  6. What Is the Ghost Dance? • Who was Wovoka? • Why did they dance the ghost dance? • Why did the Indians wear eagle and buffalo incrusted shirts?

  7. http://www.ghostdance.com/cgi-bin/display/image.cgi?iid=45&itid=5http://www.ghostdance.com/cgi-bin/display/image.cgi?iid=45&itid=5 http://www.bnr-art.com/terpning/ghst-dnc.htm

  8. By Barbara LaBarbera (LadyBleaux) Echoes of wounded knee

  9. Ghost Dance http://www.caribuklabber.it/WoundedKnee.htm

  10. Hotchkiss guns http://www.caribuklabber.it/WoundedKnee.htm

  11. Big foot http://www.caribuklabber.it/WoundedKnee.htm

  12. Removing of Frozen Bodies http://www.caribuklabber.it/WoundedKnee.htm

  13. US Soldier http://www.caribuklabber.it/WoundedKnee.htm

  14. Camp Afterwards http://www.caribuklabber.it/WoundedKnee.htm

  15. Dead person http://www.caribuklabber.it/WoundedKnee.htm

  16. Works Cited Pinckney, Roger. "The Last Really True Adventures of the Indian Wars." Star Tribune (Minneapolis, MN). Oct. 5 1998: A9. SIRS Researcher. Web. 09 Nov 2010. Kiernan, Ben. Blood and Soil. Harrisonburg, VA: Kingsbury Trust Association Publications, 2007. Book. “Echoes of Wounded Knee” spiritisup.com. n.p., 2001. Web. 18 November 2010. "Massacre At Wounded Knee." 8 November 2010 <http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/knee.htm>. "The Wounded Knee Massacre." 8 November 2010 <http://www.ushistory.org/us/40e.asp>. "Lakota Accounts of the Massacre at Wounded Knee." 15 November 2010  <http://www.pbs.org/weta/thewest/resources/archives/eight/wklakota.htm>. "Wounded Knee Battlefield, South Dakota." 15 November 2010  <http://www.nps.gov/history/history/online_books/soldier/siteb30.htm>.

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