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HR1 – Recruitment & Selection Dee Mullner and Mary Smith. Wednesday 10 September 2014. Objectives. By the end of the session, you will be able to: Describe the Line Manager role in recruiting and selecting staff at the NHS LA
HR1 – Recruitment & SelectionDee Mullner and Mary Smith Wednesday 10 September 2014
Objectives By the end of the session, you will be able to: • Describe the Line Manager role in recruiting and selecting staff at the NHS LA • Comply with the policy, procedure and process for recruiting and selecting staff at the NHS LA • Utilise the support offered by HR during the recruitment and selection and exit process • Explore the challenges of recruiting and selecting staff and how they can be overcome • Understand importance of procedural fairness in recruitment and selection.
Equality and Diversity • All recruitment should be conducted in accordance with the principles of equality and diversity • Protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010 are: Sex, Race, Sexual orientation, Gender Reassignment, Martial Status, Age, Religion or Belief, Disability, pregnancy and maternity • NHS Jobs is designed to filter out any unconscious bias on the above grounds as managers cannot see who is applying for the roles at the shortlisting stage • All interview questions must be designed and tested to filter out any bias and therefore is it recommended to use the same questions for each applicant
Programme Outline • Introduction • Your experience of recruitment and selection • Using interactive methods, mapping the procedure and process for recruiting and selecting staff at NHS LA • Break • Competency-based interview questions • Recruitment and contractual issues • Throughout session will be referring to a fictional vacancy – Project Officer
Pre-Advertising • Vacancy arises • Recruiting Manager responsible for completing and submitting Business Case to Departmental Director/Deputy Director of Finance and Head of HR for sign off and approval (for the purposes of financial funding and workforce establishment) • Recruiting Manager responsible for submitting approved and agreed Business Case to Head of HR who is responsible for submitting Business Case to ROC; Business Cases will not be submitted to ROC without Director/Finance and HR sign off • ROC approves Business Case • Head of HR informs Recruiting Manager of outcome
Advertising • Recruiting Manager responsible for submitting advert and Job Description to HR Adviser • HR Adviser responsible for advertising vacancy on NHS Jobs • All posts are advertised internally first • Vacancy can close early if enough applications have been submitted (some posts attract over 300 applications)
Shortlisting • HR Adviser sends NHS Jobs link to Shortlisting Panel members • Shortlisting Panel review and score applicants on NHS Jobs (either individually or when meetings together as the Panel) • Rationale as to why candidates have not been shortlisted must be detailed and entered for each application and each area of competency • All decisions and outcomes made must be recorded and entered on NHS Jobs by Shortlisting Panel • Use of Person Specification to shortlist
What is a Competency-based interview? • Competency is more precisely defined as the “behaviours that employees must have, or must acquire to input into a situation, in order to achieve high levels of performance” • Competency-based interview questions will usually refer to activities a candidate has participated in, that can be used to effectively display evidence of a particular competency • Also use of other forms of selection – presentation, written exercise
Competency-based interview questions • Competency Based Interview Questions could assess the following: • Responsibility level (eg. planning, organisation and time management skills) • Commitment to Career/Career Motivation (eg. Learning & Development/CPD) • Decision Making (eg. analysis & judgemental skills) • Communication Skills (eg. negotiation and influencing skills) • Leadership (eg. problem solving and initiative skills) • Vision and Values or E and D (PEER – Professional, Expert, Ethical and Respectful)
Interviewing and outcome • Interview Panel should include at least two people plus HR representative when appropriate • Other forms of assessment (exercise/test/presentation) might be used and taken into account • Interview Panel scores each applicant (0, 1, 2) • Interview Panel makes decision on who to appoint using scoring outcome and other forms of selection • Recruiting Manager responsible for contacting unsuccessful candidates by telephone with outcome of interview • Ensure feedback is offered to all candidates • Interview Panel Packs must be returned to HR
Selection and Offer of Employment • Recruiting Manager responsible for informing HR Adviser who has been successful following interview • Recruiting Manager must have conversation with HR Adviser prior to contacting successful candidate with regards to starting salary • Recruiting Manager responsible for contacting successful candidate by telephone, stating starting salary • Recruiting Manager confirms start date with candidate onlyafter OH Clearance and references have been received; HR Adviser will inform Recruiting Manager when these have been received
On-Boarding • HR Adviser sends New Starter Pack to new employee once start date has been agreed between Line Manager and employee • Line Manager responsible for completing, signing and sending IT New Starter Form to IT Helpdesk • HR Adviser responsible for undertaking: • ID checks (first day of employment) • HR Induction (first day of employment) • Line Manager responsible for undertaking Departmental Induction • Education & Learning invite new starter to Corporate Induction
Probation • Probation Period is for 6 months; this is detailed in the Offer Letter and Contract of Employment • Line Manager responsible for undertaking Probationary Review Meetings each month during Probation Period • Line Manager responsible for submitting Probationary Review Meeting Form to HR Adviser immediately after each Probationary Review Meeting • Probation Policy and Procedure is on NHS LA Intranet; Probationary Review Meeting Form is attached to the Policy and Procedure
Contract variations • Contract Variations can arise from the following: • Change to contracted weekly hours • Change of post (e.g. successful candidate to new post) • Temporary Acting Up • Contract Variation Letters are produced and sent to employee by HR; copy sent to Line Manager
Exit process • Employee resigns (e.g. retirement, leaving organisation) • Line Manager responsible for submitting copy of employee resignation letter to HR Adviser • HR Adviser produces and sends Confirmation of Resignation Letter to employee; copy sent to Line Manager • HR Adviser sends Exit Interview Consent Form and Exit Interview Questionnaire to employee and arranges Exit Interview with HR Adviser • Line Manager and employee responsible for signing Termination Form; Line Manager responsible for submitting form to HR Adviser in time for Payroll deadline • Data shared with Board and soon with SMT and SEG