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Vidna kognicija III. Danko Nikoli ć. Teme. Neurofiziološki kodovi prijenosa i obrade informacija u vidnom sustavu Dva kôda za percepciju svjetline Problem povezivanja dijelova vidne scene u cjelinu (tzv. binding problem ) Uloga pažnje u pohranjivanju informacija u radno pamćenje
Vidna kognicija III Danko Nikolić
Teme • Neurofiziološki kodovi prijenosa i obrade informacija u vidnom sustavu • Dva kôda za percepciju svjetline • Problem povezivanja dijelova vidne scene u cjelinu (tzv. binding problem) • Uloga pažnje u pohranjivanju informacija u radno pamćenje • Uloga radnog pamćenja za formiranje dugoročnog vidnog pamćenja • Mehanizmi sinestezijskih asocijacija
→ 150 ms → 250 ms
The speed of vision Thorpe & Fabre-Thorpe (2001) 20 ms per stage! 1 spike per neuron! 40-50 ms 30-50 ms 20-40 ms 50-70 ms 70-90 ms 80-100 ms
Kuffler (1953) Discharge patterns and functional organisation of vertebrate retina, Journal of Neurophysiology Increase in stimulus intensity Stimulus onset
A simulation test Van Rulen and Thorpe (2001) Rate Coding Versus Temporal Order Coding:What the Retinal Ganglion Cells Tell the Visual Cortex, Neural Computation, 13
Stimulus onset Onset latencies in somatosensation Johansson & Birznieks (2004) D1 D2 D3 D4 D5
Measuring small delays • Fitting a function and taking its maximum value for the estimate. Cosine fit
Phase offsets can be measured with sub-millisecond precision Schneider and Nikolić, Journal of Neuroscience Methods (2006).
200 μm 200 μm Large networks
Relative firing time [ms] Extraction of the firing sequence Nikolić, Journal of Comp. Neuroscience (2007) Schneider, Havenith and Nikolić, Neural Computation (2006) Schneider and Nikolić, Journal of Neuroscience Methods (2006)
Non-parametric detection of temporal order Nikolić, Journal of Comp. Neuroscience (2007).
Spike timing in single neurons:Synaptic integration Rall (1964)
Spike timing in single neurons:Synaptic integration Rall (1964)
Spike timing in single neurons:Synaptic integration Rall (1964)
Spike timing in single neurons:Synaptic integration Rall (1964)
Spike timing in single neurons:Synaptic integration Rall (1964)
Spike timing in single neurons:Synaptic integration Rall (1964)
Spike timing in single neurons:Synaptic integration Rall (1964)
Spike timing in single neurons:Synaptic integration Euler & Denk (2004) Stiefel & Sejnowski (2007)
Conclusion: Firing sequences • Short time delays can serves as a code for carrying stimulus-related information that is as reliable as is the neuronal firing rate. • Stronger synchronization increases the reliability of the code.
Good timing is everything
Hierarchical coding by extraction of feature combinations Grandmother cell
Problems: combinatorial explosion and novel combinations Combinatorial explosion: There are many different grandmothers and each can be seen from many different perspectives. Novel combinations: Some grandmothers are seen for the first time. There is no chance to learn all the possible combination of features that make a grandmother.
Perceptual organization through synchronization of action potentials
Split bar experiment (Gray et. al, 1989)