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. Structure of the lecture. Introduction to Model-based Approaches State of art in Task ModelsConcurTaskTreesTask Models for Cooperative ApplicationsExercisesTask Models in Usability Evaluation. Why Model-based approaches?. Highlight important informationHelp to manage complexity Useful to support methodsOne important aspect of most development methodsReason about models ....
1. From Task Analysis and Task Modeling to Task Model Engineering Philippe Palanque
Universit Paul Sabatier
palanque@irit.fr http://liihs.irit.fr/palanque
From a joint tutorial with Fabio Paterno at World Congress on Formal Methods 99
2. Structure of the lecture Introduction to Model-based Approaches
State of art in Task Models
Task Models for Cooperative Applications
Task Models in Usability Evaluation
3. Why Model-based approaches? Highlight important information
Help to manage complexity
Useful to support methods
One important aspect of most development methods
Reason about models
4. Significant Models in HCI Task models
Cognitive architectures
User models
Domain Models
Context Models
Presentation Models
Dialogue models
5. UML and HCI Model-based approach
Nine notations
Lack of consideration of the user interface
Too early consideration of the user interface
How to improve it?
Refine use case in task models?
6. Digression: UML for Interactive Systems
7. Outline What UML is and is not
What is in Interactive Systems Engineering
IS engineering
UML and IS engineering
What could be UML for Interactive Systems
8. UML History End of the 80s : competition between OO analysis and design methods
Booch : particularly suited for design and implementation OOSE (Jacobson) : focus on requirements engineering
OMT-2 (Rumbaugh) : focus on analysis and on data-oriented applications
1994 : Rumbaugh rejoin Booch at Rational
1995 : Jacobson rejoin Rational
14 November 1997 : UML adopted by the OMG
9. What is UML ? Not a method (design process) The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems, as well as for business modeling and other non-software systems. The UML represents a collection of best engineering practices that have proven successful in the modeling of large and complex systems
Language : lexical (graphical), syntax (diagrams), semantic
Visualise : graphical representation
Specification : precise, complete, non-ambiguous
Construction : translation towards programming langages
Documentation : from requirements to tests
10. UML by itself
11. Use of diagrams Prescriptive diagrams : describe the system as it should be or how it should behave at any time
Class, StateCharts, Use Cases, Activities, Components, Deployment
Descriptive diagrams : represent a state or a possible or typical behaviour of the system
Object, Sequence, Collaboration
12. What is in Interactive Systems Engineering Producing solutions to problems if possible by reuse of experience
Various contributions
Abstraction first: architectures
Reuse first: design patterns
Semantic first: metaphors
Implementation first: toolkits
Presentation first: UIMS and RAD
Process first : iterative, UCD process
Model first: model-based approaches
13. Abstraction first : architectures Seeheim and Arch ?
Describe typical structure for IS
Describe relationship between components
Structure promoted for reuse, portability,
Possible use of extension mechanisms
By definition not in UML
Stereotypes Class Diagrams (functional core or presentation) an attribute associated to a class (only a documentation)
Tagged Values
14. Reuse First: Design Patterns 1 MVC or PAC
Foundation of most toolkits and UIMSs
Described in terms of class and sequence diagrams
15. Reuse First: Design Patterns 2 Nothing about the use of the design pattern for the application
Some tools claim to support design patterns usually only cut and paste use of diagrams against the spirit of design patterns
16. Semantic first: metaphors Widely used for UI design
Desktop, rooms (file managers)
Making Movie, Xtv, Whizz (software classes)
Village (web sites)
Nothing to do with UML
17. Implementation first: toolkits UML description of a toolkit would be very useful for designer
Hard to master
Poor documentation
No or few rationale
No widely-used toolkit described in terms of UML beyond inheritance tree
18. Presentation first: RAD Iterative rapid prototyping
Widely used
Promote User centred design
Evaluation based
UML users guide Software development life cycle p. 33-34
the UML is largely process-independent []. However, [] you should consider a process that is
Use case driven
Iterative and incremental
XP versus Rational Unified Process in general
19. Model first: model-based approaches (1) Many models can be build for model-based UI Design
Domain model (including data model)
Task model and scenarios
User model
Platform model (link to toolkit and environment)
Dialogue model (behaviour of the application I/O)
Presentation model (appearance of the application)
Application model (commands and data the application provides)
20. Model first: model-based approaches (2) Fully taken into account
Domain model (including data model) class and object diagrams (organisational charts, )
Application model (commands and data the application provides) main focus of UML
Partially accounted for
Task model and scenarios (through use cases)
Dialogue model state charts (state and events) and sequence diagrams
Not considered
User model
Platform model (link to toolkit and )
Presentation model (appearance of the application)
21. Back to the topic of the session : Task Analysis
22. Definitions Task
Basic Task
Task Analysis <> Activity analysis
Task Modeling
23. What is the point of task analysis? Determine
What the users do
The tools they use to do their work
The information they know or the information they must know for performing their work
Cover all/most cases
Cover all/most users
24. One small example To clean the house
Take the vacuum cleaner
Plug it in
Use it in all the rooms
When the bag is full, empty it
Store the vacuum cleaner
You must know
Where is the vacuum cleaner
Where are the plugs
How to remove the bag
Where are the new bags
Evaluate if a room is clean or not
25. Information gathering Planned procedure
Ask the boss
Look at the manual
Actual procedure
Ask the operator
Record operator behaviour
Optimal procedure
The target for a good system
26. Task Analysis (Web application for museum) Tourist
general and clear information in limited amount
access by spatial representations
guided navigation
Art student
some basic knowledge
choice among different types of information
precise requests
detailed description of the information requested
27. Beware about the abstraction level If you ask the following question: What are you doing?
You can get:
I am striking ctrl-B keys
I make "bonjour" in bold
I make on word bold
I highlight a word
I am modifying a document
I am writing a letter
I keep contact with my familly
I am waiting for a phone call ?
28. Building the task tree 1 Build a list of tasks
2 Gather high-level tasks
3 Breakdown low level tasks
Where to stop ?
Is the action empty bag decomposed enough?
Objective: only decompose pertinent tasks (objective optimization/automation of work)
User actions: cognitive/motor usually not that interesting to decompose (except for performance evaluation)
System activity MUST not be represented (will be in other models)
Highest level = reproduction of the specie
Lowest level = biological life (breathe, drink a coffee , )
29. Example: make a cup of tea
30. Refining Models Once the model is built (whatever notation you use)
How to be sure that it is correct?
How to improve it?
Some heuristics
Coupled actions: e.g., where is "turn gas on"?
Restructure : e.g. make a task generic make pot
Balance : e.g. is pour tea simpler than make pot?
Generalise: e.g. make one cup make many
31. Example: make a cup of tea
32. Examples of task analysis Tourist
Book a train ticket
Find a monument in the city
Game of 15
A client using a cash machine
Withdraw money
Check the balance on the account
33. Party : The game of 15 The game is played by 2
You have the following tokens 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
People play in turn, each player take one token at a time, one token can only be taken once
The first with 3 token of which the sum adds up to 15 is the winner
Play this game without tool (paper, pencil or other! )
34. Party : The game of 15 Analyze one player task
Propose a decomposition in sub tasks
Propose an interface (paper +pencil or computer tool) for this game
The user interface must (of course) help the player to achieve his task
35. Beware ! Not a cognitivist approach
Dont include the system
Make sure models are correct
No algorithmic description (calculation of who is the winner)
No task migration (the system performs tasks assigned to the player)
Who starts (difference between you play together and you play with ME - elbow communication)
36. Task Analysis
37. Your solution
38. Another solution
39. Extraterrestrial
Example of a computer system
We have a database with the following schema:
Propose a menu tree allowing to manipulate that database Functioning versus Usage Structuring
40. Functioning structure View of the computer Scientist
The tree structure reflects the database structure
Grouping is made by function code similarity
41. Example of task I spent my day at work entering information for new clients and I must associate them with the more suitable sales man (according to various criteria) sometimes I receive an invoice from a sales man recently recruited. In such a case, I must create both the new sales man and the client. Sometimes a sales man quits the company. Usually they leave the company for another one and the clients follow them. I then have to delete the sales man and all its related
Propose a tree structure adapted to the tasks
42. Usage structure (1/2) User interface is structured according to the task
43. Things are still problematic There is no
Menu for deleting clients (without sales man)
Client modification
There is
Access to clients through their sales man
Display of client information without getting to their sales man first
44. Back to the second topic of the session : Task Modeling
45. Engineering task models Flexible and expressive notations
Systematic methods able to indicate how to use information in the task models
Availability of automatic tools to use such information efficiently
46. The many possible task models Existing System
One or many systems
One or many operators
Envisioned System
One or many systems
One or many operators
Variation of models (co-evolution)
47. Use of Task Models Better understanding of the application (and in particular its use)
Record discussions (multidisciplinary)
Help design
Help usability evaluation
Help performance evaluation
Help user in performing the tasks (contextual help)
Documentation (content + structure)
48. Representations of Task Models Hierarchical task analysis
GOMS family
K-made (web)
AMBOSS (web)
Different syntax (textual vs graphical)
Different level of formality
Different set of operators for task composition
49. GOMS Example
50. Limitations of GOMS It does not consider user errors
It does not consider the possibility of interruptions
It considers only sequential tasks
It can be inadequate for distributed applications (such as web-based applications)
51. UAN - User Action Notation 2 complementary set of information
A hierarchy of tasks LOTOS (proche de CTT)
A table for describing states and feedback
Textual notation
Introduced in 1992 (Hix & Hartson huge success Developing user interfaces Ensuring, Usability Through Product & Process)
52. Example of UAN specification
53. ConcurTaskTrees Focus on Activities
Hierarchical Structure
Graphical Syntax
Rich set of temporal operators
Task allocation
Objects and task attributes
54. Task Models vs Scenarios Scenarios are informal descriptions of a specific use in a specific context
Task models describe the possible activities and their relationships
Scenarios can support task development
Task models can support scenarios identification
55. Moving from scenarios to tasks Find verbs = tasks
Find words = objects
Find adverbs = temporal relationships
56. Temporal Operators Enabling T1 >> T2 or T1 [ ]>> T2
Disabling T1 [> T2
Interruption T1 |> T2
Choice T1 [ ] T2
Iteration T1* or T1{n}
Concurrency T1 ||| T2 T1 |[]| T2
Concurrency (must finish first) T1 |=| T2
Optionality [T]
57. Operators Priority Ambiguity in the model
Ambiguity removed
Priority: [], |||, [>, >>
58. Tasks types
59. Inheritance of relationships
60. Relationships task/subtasks
61. Optional tasks
62. Tool Support in CTTE Flexible editing of the task model
Using informal descriptions in modelling
Checking completeness of the specification
Saving the specification in various formats
Simulating the task model
Comparing task models
Running scenarios
63. CTT Editor
64. Task Simulator
65. Modelling Multi-User Applications
66. Cooperative aspects
67. Exercises Develop a task model in ConcurTaskTrees from the game 15 previous model
Develop a task model for a an ATM
Think about normal behaviours
Abnormal behaviours
68. Exercise: ATM constraints Insert_Card, Enter_Code, Witdraw_Card
Request_Cash, Select_Amount, Withdraw_Cash
69. ATM: Tasks Goal: Get cash
Have a card
Know the amount to withdraw
Know PIN number
Take cash
Take card
70. ATM: Task Model
71. ATM: Task Model
72. ATM: Task Model
73. ATM: Task Model
74. ATM: User Error
75. Prevent post-completion errors Definition of a post completion error
Modify previous task model to prevent post-completion errors
76. Limitations of current approaches in UI design Visual tools do not support mapping between logical activities and UI elements
UML is oriented to the system design
No available tools for task-based design (when existing, not publicly available and limited functionality)
77. Grouping tasks that share the same parent task
Communicating concurrent tasks (|[]|) are presented close to each other The task model structure
78. Both sets are shown in the same presentation unit (when they exchange information, []>>)
The sets are presented at different times
The sets are presented in different presentation unit at the same time Supporting enabling operator
79. Deriving information from operators
80. Task-interface relationships
81. Tasks-interface relationships
82. Tasks-interface relationships
83. Conclusions insights ?? Should we generate UI from task models ?
Video store user interface
Spotfire User Interface
How to relate task models with other models?