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2. PART ONE-Strategic Overview and progress reporting Purpose and Background; Mandate, Vision, Mission, Values, Strategic Goals Strategic Objectives and related projects FY 2013/14 Performance Progress Report for the period 01 April 2012 to date; and
2 PART ONE-Strategic Overview and progress reporting • Purpose and Background; • Mandate, Vision, Mission, Values, Strategic Goals • Strategic Objectives and related projects FY 2013/14 • Performance Progress Report for the period 01 April 2012 to date; and • Programme specific Priorities for the FY 2013-2014 PART TWO-Budget Overview • Overall 2013/14 MTEF Allocations
PURPOSE and BACKGROUND • To present to the Select Committee (PC) on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, the Department’s overview that encompasses the Mandate, Vision, Mission, Values, Strategic Goals and Strategic Objectives; • To present progress made against targets set in the 2012/13 Annual Performance Plan; and • To present MTEF allocation that support implementation for the period 2013/14 to 2015/16. 3
Mandate The Departmental mandate is derived from chapters 3,5, 6,7,9 and 13 of the Constitution. Our primary mandate is to: 1. Develop and monitor the implementation of national policy and legislation seeking to transform and strengthen key institutions and mechanisms of governance to fulfill their developmental role; 2. Develop, promote and monitor mechanisms, systems and structures to enable integrated service delivery and implementation within government; and 3. Promote sustainable development by providing support to and exercising oversight over provincial and local government. 4
VISION As DCoG, we strive to build an effective, efficient, responsive and developmental local government that will be the foundation for improved and accelerated delivery of service to the communities. Our Vision is: A Responsive, Accountable, Effective and EfficientSystem of Cooperative Governance This vision is aligned to the aim of the delivery agreement on outcome 9 5
Mission statement Our mission is to facilitate cooperative governance throughout all spheres of government in order to build a capable state that fulfils its developmental role through the following: • Development of appropriate policies, integrated programmes and regulatory mechanisms; • Promotion of service delivery support through enabling mechanisms and intergovernmental relations; • Achievement of social cohesion through the creation of enabling mechanisms for communities to participate in governance; and • Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of cooperative governance policies and programmes. 6
VALUES Guided by the Principles of Batho Pele, our values are: • Professionalism and integrity; • Goal orientation; • Participation and Collectivism; and • Innovation and Service Excellence. 7
Strategic Goals and linkages to other plans The department has adopted the following 8 strategic goals to direct implementation over the MTEF period (2013/14 to 2015/16): 8
Performance Progress Report for the period 01 April 2012 to 31 December 2012 andProgramme specific Priorities for the FY 2013-2014 The Slides that follow, outlines an overall summary performance for DCoG, followed by programme specific analysis of projects that are likely to be achieved and those that are likely not to be achieved by the end of the Financial year 2012/13. Programme specific priorities for the 2013/14 financial year are also outlined to show continuity in implementation over the MTEF period. 9
Summary of performance (7%) 23% (70%) Out of the 71 targets set for the 2012/13 period, 53 were achieved, 14 partially achieved and 4 not achieved 10
Programme specific summary performance The table above shows a breakdown of the achievement status per programme for the period under review. To date 75% of the planned targets have been achieved. This means that 25% of planned projects (14 partially achieved plus 4 not achieved) will be carried over to the next financial year. 11
Administration 2012/13 performance progress: • All the Governance structures have been established and are functional, these include the budget committee, the internal audit steering committee, the external audit committee and the supply chain management Committees; • The 2011/12 Annual Report and the 2012/13 Annual Performance Plan were submitted to Parliament on time. The Human Resources Plan was also submitted to DPSA as required; • It is likely that the majority of the administration targets in the APP 2012/13 will be achieved by the end of the financial year; • One main conclusion that can be drawn from this analysis is that efforts of improving the internal governance processes and systems will contribute vastly towards the achievement of an unqualified audit mainly because of our commitment to implement ,follow-through and report on progress against the Post Audit Action Plan for 2012/13 Although there is some progress with regard to the finalisation of the organisational structure we were not able to meet our target as planned, there are on-going processes to ensure placement of all SMS members on the approved organisational structure. 13
Administration: Strategic Objectives In order to achieve the strategic objectives identified above, the Department will implement the following projects: 14
Administration: Priorities for 2013/14 • DCoG will develop the Post Audit Action Plan (PAAP) 2013/14 by the end of September 2013 and implement for purposes of improving audit outcome; • The Department will make all transfer payments for the period 2013/14 as per the payment schedule and ensure that all deadlines are met for purposes of fast-tracking implementation at a local level; • As part of initiatives to improve internal capacity and capability within the department, we planning to review,and submit a report on the Human Resources Plan to the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) as regulated. The approved plan will be immediately rolled out within the department; • Support will be provided to Municipalities and Provinces to develop section 46 and 47 reports. These reports will be used to develop the 2011/12 Section 48 report on performance of local government as required in the Municipal Systems Act; • DCoG will support four identified provinces to develop and implement Performance Management System (PMS) and ensure that core set of local performance indicators are revised for approval; • Struggling municipalities will be supported with communication tools by rollout the Communication Strategy. This will support the initiative of promoting and communicating government programmes to communities. The departmental programmes will also be promoted through media engagements; • The Department will develop a Donor Coordination Strategy and establish new international partnerships for purposes of improving Regional and international relations; and • The Annual Fraud Plan and Annual Risk Management Plan will be revised and implemented in an effort to improve the departmental governance. 15
Policy Research and Knowledge Management 2012/13 performance progress The programme is likely to achieve all four planned targets, these are: • The implementation of the knowledge management initiatives • Policy research commissioned by other programmes in areas of Municipal Financial Management and Audit outcomes of municipalities. • Research reports on service delivery protests are also been produced on a monthly basis; • The project on the development of robust and reliable ICT infrastructure at local government level will be achieved by the end of the financial year despite the project Manager only being appointed during the middle of the 2nd quarter (October 2012), consultations were held with the National Treasury, Auditor-General, SALGA, Western Cape, Eastern Cape and Mpumalanga provinces for purposes of developing a concept document on the CoGTA ICT role in municipalities and the concept document will be completed by the end of the 2012/2013 financial year. 17
Policy, Research and Knowledge Management:Strategic Objectives • Conduct research to inform policies aimed at strengthening the system of Provincial and Local Government by 31 March 2014 • Facilitate the implementation of policy and legislation to strengthen cooperative governance across the three spheres by end 2013/1 In order to achieve the strategic objectives identified above the department will implement the following projects: 18
Policy, Research and Knowledge Management:Priorities for 2013/14 • To improve work turn-around time, DCoG planned to ensure 95% availability of key systems like Bas, Persal, Logis, internet, email; • We will also implement two identified Knowledge Management Strategy (KMS) intervention focusing on business process automation, this will ensure introduction of proper processes and systems that support implementation of projects; • Develop 4 research papers covering governance, service delivery and financial management by 31 March 2014, the papers will form the basis for future policy initiatives that are aimed at improving these identified focus areas; and • As a national policy development department, we have established the DCoG Policy Forum which is aimed at discussing new policy matters, government-wide initiatives, directives as well as priorities in order to position the department to act and respond accordingly to these initiatives. 19
Governance and Intergovernmental Relations 2012/13 performance progress: • The draft framework for the assignment of powers and functions across government was revised. This project will be achieved by the end of the financial year; • Through initiatives aimed at improving the functionality of district IGR structures DCoG managed to revise the assessment report on the functionality of district IGR structures, implementation will commence in the next financial year; • The Monitoring, Support, and Interventions (MSI) Bill was revised with the aim of contributing towards strengthening oversight roles and the management of interventions between the three spheres; and • Out of six targeted provinces, five provinces (Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Mpumalanga, Free State and Kwazulu-Natal) were supported to develop provincial frameworks on out of pocket expenses for ward committees. 32 municipalities in Mpumalanga and Kwazulu-Natal provinces are currently implementing based on the framework. The remaining 1 province will be supported in the next financial year although the project is not included in the 3013/14 APP. 21
Governance and Intergovernmental Relations 2012/13 performance progress cont.. • To ensure that ward committee members are capacitated ,we rolled out the LGSETA accredited training in all the four targeted provinces; • The priority project on facilitating the development of ward level operational plans will be finalised by the end of the financial year since we managed to support the development of 460 of the targeted 500 ward operational plans which are currently being implemented; • Hundred and eighteen municipalities in 7 provinces were supported to implement credit control and debt collection policy guidelines ( Eastern Cape: 17) Free State: 6) KwaZulu Natal: 39) (Limpopo:8) (Mpumalanga:19 ) (Northern Cape:17) (Western Cape:12); • A draft report on the assessment of municipal rating policies and compliance with regulations on ratios of the 24 municipalities is developed; • The draft Municipal Property Rates Amendment Bill finalized and submitted to the Office of the Chief State Law Advisor; • Ninety two municipalities across all provinces were supported to better manage spending on MIG; • We facilitated the establishment of 250 of the 278 Municipal Public Accounts Committees and officials at these municipalities were trained on the functionality of the MPACs; and • Partnerships were established with the Free State Provincial department , the Hawks and Special Investigating Unit for purposes of accelerating the fight against corruption. 22
Governance and Intergovernmental Relations 2012/13 performance progress cont.. • We only managed to conduct an evaluation in two of the three targeted provinces Eastern Cape and Western Cape on the functional ethics committees. The objective is to reduce incidence of corruption in municipalities, this project will continue in the next financial year; • An assessment report on corruption trends analysis and impact of interventions by DCoG will not be final by the end of the financial year due to limited capacity to implement the project 23
Governance and Intergovernmental Relations Strategic Objectives • Strengthen the functionality of ward committees and enhance community participation; • Improve the audit outcomes of municipalities; • Implement initiatives to improve financial management, expenditure and revenue enhancement; • Facilitate the implementation of policy and legislation to strengthen cooperative governance across the three spheres by end 2013/14; and • Strengthen anti-corruption mechanisms 24
Governance and Intergovernmental Relations Priorities for 2013/14 • DCoG will conduct an assessment of Provincial IGR structures in order to devise appropriate interventions to improve functionality; • The proposed Intergovernmental, Monitoring, Support and Interventions (IMSI) Bill submitted to Parliament by March 2014; • Increase the development and implementation of ward level operational plans from 500 to 2000 wards by 31 March 2014; • Provide advice and support to 120 municipalities by way of workshops, training, project appraisals to improve on MIG expenditure by 31 March 2014; • Monitor , assess and report on implementation of credit control and debt collection policy and payment of government debt in 30 identified municipalities; • Monitor and assess compliance by 30 municipalities with the MPRA and provide guidance to non-complying municipalities by 31 March 2014; • 40 Ethics Committees will be established and officials trained in municipalities across identified provinces; and • In order to pin down on corruption a comprehensive reports on allegations of corruption investigated, will be developed to give insight in terms of the intervention that is needed. 25
National Disaster Management Centre 2012/13 performance progress • In terms of strengthening accountability and reporting on disaster management across the spheres and sectors of government, we managed to develop a Draft Disaster Management Amendment Bill by end of the financial year; • The NDMC developed a National Disaster Management Education and Training Framework aimed at improving the system of Disaster Management through education and training; • NDMC finalised the discussion Paper on Fire Services and was published for public comments on 18 March 2013; • Draft Regulations on Disaster Response, Declaration and Classification were finalised and are being prepared for public comments; and • Flood risk and vulnerability profile was finalised. Flood risk was thereafter calculated on a national scale. A reprioritisation was completed in the last quarter due to resource, data and stakeholder engagement constraints. 27
National Disaster Management Centre Priorities for 2013/14 Strategic Objective: Strengthen, coordinate and support effective integrated disaster management and fire services by the end of the MTEF period 1. The NDMC plans to develop and review the following legislation: • Draft White Paper on Fire Brigade Services Legislation submitted to the Minister by 31 March 2014; and • Disaster Management Amendment Bill submitted to the Cabinet for processing 31 March 2014. • Indicative risk and vulnerability profile for drought to be developed by 31 March 2014. • The Disaster Management M&E Framework will also be developed by 31 March 2014. • The Centre will also develop and implement a National DM public awareness annual plan aimed at building capacity in communities and other stakeholders. 28
Provincial and Municipal Government Support 2012/13 performance progress • The performance of DCoG public entities which are South African Local Government Association (SALGA), South African Cities Network (SACN) and Municipal Demarcation Board (MDB) is being monitored, quarterly reports were produced in this regard. Draft Annual performance report of SALGA and MDB developed. Although GTZ withdrew funding much work has been done. Therefore there is a likelihood that the project will be achieved by the end of the financial year; • The department finalised an assessment report on the impact of fixed term contracts of municipal managers on municipal councils aimed at determining the impact of the five-year fixed term contract of municipal managers ; • The Recruitment and Retention Strategy Tools have been developed as planned; and • The target of supporting 70 municipalities to develop technical skills was achieved. MISA is dealing with technical skills while DCoG is focussing on scarce and critical skills. 30
Provincial and Municipal Government Support2012/13 performance progress continued • National Professionalization Framework aimed at professionalizing the local government sector has been developed and consultation was done with relevant stakeholders; • In our endeavour to improve development planning capacity of municipalities, we were able to facilitate provincial workshops in Western Cape, Northern Cape, North West and Free State; • 9 provincial IDP assessments were conducted and the Draft National IDP assessment report developed; • Intergovernmental Planning Frameworks and Provincial Planning guidelines developed, • Our efforts to improve spatial planning capability are on track. Geographic Information System training was conducted in district and local municipalities. • Regulations setting uniform norms and standard for senior managers have been developed and are out for public comment. 31
Provincial and Municipal Government Support 2012/13 performance progress • The Branch was unable to roll-out the 27 training programmes for councillor development as planned, because the service provider that was appointed to undertake this work for the Branch withdrew their services. However, building on the work of the erstwhile Municipal Leadership Development Programme (MLDP), and the 2011 councillor induction programme, the Branch has managed to extend some training and development programmes to councillors. This training and development programmes have also been complemented by exposing councillors to the capacitating interventions that are coordinated by the Branch, most notably the workshops that were held in all provinces on the amendments made to the Municipal Systems Act; and • The Rolling out of Section 105 and 106 of the Municipal Systems Act is 80% complete , due to delays in the appointment of the service provider. The draft report will be signed off by Senior Management in April and the final report presented to MINMEC in May of 2013. 32
Provincial and Municipal Government Support Strategic Objectives • Differentiated approach to municipal planning; • Legislation on governance of DCoG entities reviewed; • Strengthen legislative frameworks to improve institutional and administrative capacity of municipalities and promote corporate governance for associated institutions; • To improve performance and professionalism of municipalities and enhance national and provincial oversight on implementation of local government legislations; and • Build effective, responsive and accountable local government 33
Provincial and Municipal Government SupportPriorities for 2013/14 • Nine provinces monitored to support municipalities with filling of vacancies in terms of the Municipal Systems Act by 31 March 2014; • All identified municipalities will be supported to implement remedial action emanating from the Monitoring the MSA through the roll-out of guidelines; • Municipal Demarcation Amendment draft bill developed; • Discussion document on Organised Local Government will be developed; 5. Provincial Workshops will be facilitated in nine provinces and 23 districts to improve development planning capacity in municipalities outside metros and secondary by 31 March2014 on intergovernmental; The department has revived the initiative to support urban development programme, in this regard the Draft Integrated Urban Development Framework (IUDF) will be developed; 6. Provincial policy oversight Section 105 and 106 guidelines developed and for approval by MINMEC 34
Provincial and Municipal Government SupportPriorities for 2013/14 continued 7. Seventy municipalities will be supported with tools to develop and implement recruitment and retention strategies; • Develop and implement a strategy to promote local government as career of choice; and • Competence Assessment Model for senior managers will be developed together with a database of staff members dismissed for misconduct developed by 31 March 2014. 35
Infrastructure and Economic Development 2012/13 performance progress continued • The Community work Programme (CWP) is well on track. DCoG managed to support 140 identified municipalities to implement CWP in at least 2 wards; • To date 139 778 of the planned 171 500 work opportunities have been created. We will provide the necessary support to ensure that the remaining 31 722 work opportunities are created by the end of the financial year; • Through initiative to promote economic development we were able to support the development of the Nkangala Business Development Forum, West Coast District Development Forums and the Sedibeng United Business Forum; • We were able to facilitate the signing of MoUs on business adopt a municipality . To date four MOUs have been signed between identified municipalities and SANTAM, ESKOM, Rand Water Foundation; and Mercedes Benz; • We also signed MoU with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to support the development of cooperatives; 37
Infrastructure and Economic Development 2012/13 performance progress continued cont… • Number of district rural municipalities supported to improve on MIG non-financial performance monitoring and reporting; • The clean cities and towns program is well on track. Clean-up campaign and job creation was done in sites located in Mafikeng Local Municipality, Aganang Local municipality, Mbashe Local Municipality (Elliotdale and Willowvale towns),Nelson Mandela Metro, Greater Giyane Local Municipality ; Creation of park in Tokologo Local Municipality , Setsoto Local Municipality ,Nkonkobe Local Municipality and a greening project in Alice (Eastern Cape); and • Out of the target of 10 we managed to support 14 Districts (Xhariep, Lejweleputswa, Thabo Mofutsanyana, Fezile Dabi, Sedibeng, West Rand, Nkangala, Bojanala, Dr Kenneth Kaunda, West Coast, Cape Winelands, Overberg, Eden, Central Karoodistrict rural municipalities to improve on MIG non-financial performance monitoring and reporting. This project has therefore already been achieved by quarter 3 • Out of the 10 districts to be supported for free basic services policies updating, six were already supported by quarter 3, and the target of 10 will be achieved. • The Department was able to support 10 identified district and local municipalities to implement the comprehensive infrastructure plans through MISA 38
Infrastructure and Economic Development 2012/13 performance progress continued • The initiative to improve reporting of basic services through the coordination of sectors and stakeholders is likely not to be achieved because of challenges with regard to data accuracy. engagements are continuing with STATSA, Department of Water Affairs, Department of Energy, Department of Human Settlement, Department Environmental Affairs through stakeholder working groups and forums for purposes of sorting out data challenges; • Only 86 of the 108 prioritized municipalities were supported to develop Integrated support plans (ISPs) in delivery and management of basic infrastructure because we assessed the remaining 22 municipalities later than planned. The project will be finalised in the next financial year. 39
Infrastructure and Economic DevelopmentStrategic Objectives • To ensure the provision and maintenance of 332 500 work opportunities by end FY 2015/16; • To increase access to basic services • To improve the delivery of free basic services to households by supporting 50 municipalities in the roll-out of the national indigent policy for free basic services by March 2014; • To promote greater ownership of environmental health outcomes within municipalities by coordinating the rollout of clean communities programme in 8 sites annually by end FY 2015/16; and • Promote economic development within local government by supporting 25 municipalities to implement economic development programmes over the MTEF. 40
Infrastructure and Economic DevelopmentPriorities for 2013/14 In order to achieve the strategic objectives identified above the Department will implement the following priority projects: • 171 500 of work opportunities provided; • 48 municipalities implementing CWP in at least two wards ; • 18 municipalities where Clean Communities Programme (CCP) is coordinated and supported ; • 4 private sector collaborative partnerships established and support plans developed and implemented to promote economic development by 31 March 2014 • National Framework for LED reviewed by March 2014 (base document for a new LED Strategy); • 50 Municipalities supported to improve on access to free basic services through indigent policies and credible indigent registers by 31 March 2014; and • New MIG policy developed to facilitate the improvement in delivery of basic service 41
Carry through projects 2012/13 Below are projects that are removed from the APP 2013/14 with reasons for removing them 42
Overall 2013/14 MTEF ALLOCATION We received R2.1 billion additional over the MTEF • 1st Stage: Allocation Letter (28 Nov 2012) Received Additional Funding : R5,627,258,000 Mandatory Savings surrendered to NT: R3,521,876 • Conditions that the department should comply with: Condition1: Monthly expenditure report and Quarterly Non-financial performance report on CWP Condition 2: submit a strategy demonstrating a reduction of 1 per cent on personnel per year and on a quarterly basis. Condition 3: Performance of operation clean audit Condition 4: Consolidation of provincial support function across the department Condition 5: Performance information and management of the CWP • 2nd Stage: Submission of the 1st Draft (7 Dec 2012) • The departments were able to submit their 1st draft on the due date. • National Treasury responded on the 14th of December 2012. • 3rd Stage: Submission of the 2nd Draft (9 Jan 2013) • All comments raised were responded to and incorporated in the 2nd draft. • The departments were able to submit their 2nd draft on the due date. • 4rd Stage: Sign-off on the 2013 ENE submission (11 Feb 2013) • The Final 2013 ENE Chapter Documents signed off Conditions 45
Thank you! 50