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Key Policy Issues: 2013 Pan-African Parliament / UNAIDS Dialogue Pride Chigwedere , MD, PhD Senior Advisor , UNAIDS Liaison Office to the AU. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2013 DIALOGUE. Session 1: Update on the HIV epidemic, the AIDS response in Africa and global and continental commitments
Key Policy Issues: 2013 Pan-African Parliament / UNAIDS Dialogue Pride Chigwedere, MD, PhD Senior Advisor , UNAIDS Liaison Office to the AU
PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2013 DIALOGUE Session 1: Update on the HIV epidemic, the AIDS response in Africa and global and continental commitments Session 2: Special role of Parliaments in the AIDS response: Leadership, governance and oversight focusing on implementation of global, continental and regional commitments Session 3:Parliamentary legislative role - human rights challenges related to the HIV response in Africa, including gender issues Session 4: Parliamentary legislative and regulatory role - security to accessing medicines, TRIPS and local production and regulatory harmonisation Session 5: Parliamentary budgeting role - sustainable financing for the AIDS response
Session 6: From dialogue to action PAP members agreed to continue playing Key roles: • Ensure that HIV remains a key priority in continental and national agenda • Monitor the implementation of continental commitments including the AU roadmap on Shared Responsibilities • Be overseers of government activityand ensure that government commitments on HIV are respected • Design, adopt and oversee the implementation of legislation that protects human rights and advances (rather than hinders) effective HIV prevention, care and treatment programmes • Set-up standards, based on international rights instruments, for human rights issues as they relate to HIV/AIDS for the continent • Develop a Continental Model law on HIV building on the regional experiences of SADC, EAC , ECOWAS • Develop African HIV Charter in collaboration with the AU
Session 6: From dialogue to action PAP members agreed to continue playing Key roles: • Be overseers of national budget appropriations, and advocate for adequate and cost-effective funding to be provided to both national and international AIDS programmes. • Innovative financing for HIV within the continent and promote inter-country learning • Support development of regional hubs for drugs production in Africa • Universal treatment on the continent • Continued investment in research on HIV vaccines and improvement of African Research capacity
Session 6: Capacity Building PAP secretariat and UNAIDS agreed: • Develop concrete action-plan to operationalize the MOU • To develop the parliamentarian hand book on AIDS for Africa • Develop country score cards on status of country HIV epidemic and response, that include gender and HIV indicators • Create a continuous information sharing medium to support learning and continuous information flow • Organize a leadership session during ICASA 2013 in Cape Town • Build capacity of PAP members to understand drug production and pharmaceutical issues including TRIPS • Establish a PAP MPs network on HIV to enhance networking • Strengthen the capacity of the African parliamentary committees involved in HIV response
Post-2015 Development Framework • MDGs have provided a framework for priorities that the global community should strive to achieve • But MDGs have a target date of 2015. • What replaces the MDGs? Who decides? • What have we learned from the MDGs that we should continue beyond 2015? • What happens to the goals that have not been achieved by 2015 – the MDGs unfinished agenda – including AIDS • What additional priorities should the global community strive to achieve?
The Post-2015 House: UN Process towards an agenda P2015 Development Agenda UN General Assembly Open Working Group on SDGs (65 Member States) High Level Panel P2015 ASG Secretariat 86 National/Regional Consultations 11 Thematic Consultations Regional, Online, and Other UN Consultations
2011 UN Political Declaration: Concrete targets for 2015 3 5 4 1 2 Eliminate new HIV infections among children and halve AIDS-related maternal deaths Halve sexual transmission 15 million people on HIV treatment Halve infections among PWID Halve TB deaths among people living with HIV 7 10 9 8 6 Close the global resource gap and achieve annual investment of US$ 22B-24B Eliminate gender inequalities and sexual violence and increase capacities of women and girls Eliminate parallel systems, for stronger integration Eliminate stigma and discrimination Eliminate travel related restrictions
Balance of Evidence Favors Earlier Initiation of ART – Implications on Numbers for Treatment Delayed ART Earlier ART ↓ Drug toxicity ↓ Resistance ↓ Upfront costs Preservation of Tx options Civil society ↑ Clinical benefits (HIV- and non-HIV related) ↓ HIV and TB transmission ↑ Potency, durability, tolerability ↑ Treatment sequencing options Civil Society ↑ Medium & long cost savings
Conclusion • Build on earlier initiatives – implement / incorporate PAP Dialogue outcome • Outcome that is actionable for parliamentarians • Oversight of the response • Enabling legal and policy environment • Securing medicines • Sustainable financing • Capacity building • Partner responsibilities • Future of the AIDS Response • Post-2015 Agenda • Treatment