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Welcome to St. Joseph’s Induction Evening for Parents. School Prayer. Lord, help us to become the people You want us to be. In our school may there be prayer, learning and humour; hard work, faith and friendship. May we respect everyone we meet; use our gifts and encourage each other.
School Prayer Lord, help us to become the people You want us to be. In our school may there be prayer, learning and humour; hard work, faith and friendship. May we respect everyone we meet; use our gifts and encourage each other. Send Your angels to guide us, and let Your peace be with us and our families always. We ask all these things through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Agenda • Welcome – Miss Barrass • How we can help Y7 cope with the change from Y6 to Y7 • Transition & Induction • Teaching and Learning in Year 7 including how pupils are grouped on entry to Y7, The structure of the school day and our 2 week timetable • How we can work as a partnership to monitor your child’s progress (Pastoral Mentoring and our Parent Portal)
Ms. C. Milne Pastoral Leader Year 7 How we all can help Y7 cope with the change from Y6 to Y7
Pastoral Care • Group Tutor. • Pastoral Leader / Assistant Pastoral Leader. • Mrs. H. Mullaney – Pastoral Liaison Officer • Assistant Head Teacher (Pupil Well-Being) – Mr. Perkins. Deals with any cross year and child protection issues. • Assistant Head teacher – SLT link • Mr. F. Charlton and the social inclusion team. • Mrs. H. Newton, School Chaplain • Mrs. H. Hall, SENCO
Getting to school and back on time. • School uniform. • School timetable. • Organising books and equipment. • Homework. • Contacting the school. • Problems children may experience. • Parents evenings.
Mr. G. Mather Assistant Pastoral Leader Year 7 Transition & Induction
Induction Visits • Wednesday 27th June St. James, St. Aloysius and St. Matthew’s • Thursday 28th June St. Joseph’s, St. Alban’s, St. Bede’s, St. Mary’s and all other primary schools • Additional visit for non-feeder schools on 20th June and 3rd July.
Programme 840am Arrival St. James’ car park 850am Registration and groupings 900am Assembly St. James’ church 915am Carousel of activities – tour, quiz, lesson and Enterprise challenge 1215-115pm Lunch 115pm Introduction to CSL 130pm PE activities 320pm Summary 330pm Pupils dismissed (*) (*) Please ensure your son/daughter has a note with them saying how they are getting home – whether they are getting a scholar’s bus with a sibling, whether they are being collected or whether they are walking home with friends
Pupils will need: • A pen and pencil • £2.50 for their lunch • A bottle of water (for PE activities) • Note advising how they will get home And possibly • Cap / sun-hat • Sun Tan lotion
Stepping up to St. Joseph’s • Pupil Booklet • Activities for Induction visit, at home and in September • Who’s who? • What to do if.... • Life at St. Joseph’s • Organisation • Making new friends
Start of a New Term • Year 7 & Year 12 pupils will be the only year groups in school (WED. 5th September). • Welcome Assembly • Tour of the School • Year group, Class and Individual photographs • The first day will be spent with tutor group. • Thursday 6th September – Lesson 1 & 2 with tutor. Timetable begins lesson 3.
Miss H. BarrassAssistant Head TeacherDirector of Studies (Quality of Teaching) Teaching and Learning in Year 7 including how pupils are grouped on entry to Y7, the structure of the school day and our 2 week timetable
How we put pupils into groups? 199 pupils in Year 7 9 Tutor groups – 22/23 per group Mixed ability/gender Primary teachers Parental requests Taught in tutor group – exception PE/DT/ICT/Food & Textiles
Pupil grouping in future years Year 8 As Year 7 – Tutor groups with exception of PE/DT/ICT/Food Technology & Textiles Set in Maths and Modern Foreign Languages Year 9 Ability setting: English/Maths/Science/MFL Remaining subjects – tutor groups
KS3 (Y7) Curriculum All Y7 students are taught 48 formal lessons per fortnight in one-hour periods. The normal timetable arrangements for Y7 pupils are:
YEAR 7 TIMETABLE 2012/13 A two-week timetable: timings the same for each week
Quality of Teaching and Learning • Pupil Voice interviews • Planner checks • Work scrutiny • Lesson observations
Mr. D. StantonAssistant Head Teacher How we can work as a partnership to monitor your child’s progress
We have a commitment to ensure that each and every child achieves their potential. • To do this we need to be constantly aware of the progress of every student.
The Process of Mentoring • Each Half Term the students receive a score in each subject. • These scores are then reported to Parents Students Tutors Heads of Year Curriculum Leaders
Pastroral and Academic Mentoring • Year 7 Pastoral Mentoring • This mentoring monitors the students attitude to learning in each individual subject. • Years 8 to 11 Academic Mentoring • This mentoring monitors the students progress towards specific academic targets in each individual subject.
PASTORAL MENTORING SCORES • SCORE OF 1 • Excellent behaviour and attitude which promotes good progress and learning both for the individual student and the other students in the class. This student does all of his/her work to the best of his/ her ability and always shows the highest levels of concentration and enthusiasm.
PASTORAL MENTORING SCORES • SCORE OF 2 • Generally good behaviour and attitude which allows progress to be made. This student does what is expected of him but does no more. This student will do what is necessary to keep up with the work and will avoid causing any disruptions in class. Their behaviour will always allow the class and the individual student to make progress.
PASTORAL MENTORING SCORES • SCORE OF 3 • Behaviour which is sometimes unacceptable. This student will either occasionally or regularly be off task. This student may sometimes or regularly fail to complete work and may sometimes or regularly distract others. A student is given a 3, if his attitude and behaviour may sometimes or regularly prevent either the individual student or his/her classmates from making progress.
The Mentoring Process • Three separate 1 – 1 interviews. • Each Mentoring cycle is over a 12 week period • During the twelve weeks there are three separate 1 – 1 interviews. • 1 – 1 interviews last 10-15 minutes. • During each cycle the tutor will see at least 4 students from the class