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Top 6 Health Benefits of Resveratrol Supplements

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Top 6 Health Benefits of Resveratrol Supplements

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  1. Top 6 Health Benefits of Resveratrol Supplements 1. Why We Need Resveratrol Red wine lowers cholesterol, a fact most of us are aware of. However, not many of us know that it is the plant compound resveratrol that www.cofttek.com

  2. grants any red wine this property. Alongside red wine, resveratrol is found in several other foods. Resveratrol (501-36-0) was first isola- ted in 1939 and over the years, the research done on this compound has revealed its various health benefits, which in turn, has led to increasing demand for this compound. Other than lowering cholesterol, resveratrol is also known to boost cognitive function and regulate blood pressure. In this elaborate article on resveratrol, we discuss its benefits, uses, and safe dosage as well as advise you on the best resveratrol supplement of 2020 as well as where to buy this plant compound in bulk. However, let us start with the basics first. 2. What Is Resveratrol? Resveratrol (501-36-0) is a polyphenolic compound that is found in many plants but most commonly in grapes. Resveratrol is often termed a 'stilbene' due to its structure and it is the most popular stilbene. Stilbenes are plant compounds most commonly found in the grape family though they may exist in small amounts in other plants as well. Within grapes, resveratrol exists in the skin and works as a phytoalexin or plant toxin, protecting grapes from various infections.

  3. For many years, researchers have remained confounded by the French people's ability to consume foods rich in saturated fat and yet stay unaffected by coronary diseases. Many people think that resveratrol is the answer to this 'French Paradox' of Heart Disease. In truth, red wine plays a small role in enabling this 'French Paradox'. Diet and lifestyle are equally important factors. Those countries where consumption of red wine is favored, the population is found to consume up to 0.2 mg of resveratrol every day. However, in many countries where red wine is not as preferred as in Spain or North America, the population tends to lack in resveratrol. Manufacturers, around the world, therefore are coming up with resveratrol supplements that promise several health benefits at once. The question is: is resveratrol as impactful as these supplements claim it to be? Let us look at some of the uses of resveratrol. 3. Resveratrol Benefits ●It Lowers the Blood Pressure www.cofttek.com

  4. In 2015, a study revealed that a high dose of resveratrol reduces the systolic blood pressure which we see as the upper number on the blood pressure reading. High systolic blood pressure is considered a threat to the well being of a person as it increases the risk of heart diseases in a person. Resveratrol lowers the blood pressure by producing more nitric oxide, which, in turn, causes the blood vessels to become relaxed. Though there is enough evidence to suggest resveratrol reduces blood pressure, more research needs to be done regarding the correct dosage. ●It Is Known to Boost Mental Health Studies conducted over the years have shown that regular red wine consumption significantly slows down age-induced cognitive decline. This is primarily due to the resveratrol present in red wine. Resveratrol has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties and it restricts the working of beta-amyloids, which are responsible for the onset of Alzheimer's. ●Resveratrol Is Especially Beneficial to People with Diabetes In the last few years, several animal studies have been conducted to study the effect of resveratrol on diabetes. In animals, resveratrol increases insulin sensitivity and stops the functioning of the enzyme www.cofttek.com

  5. responsible for transforming glucose into sorbitol. Sorbitol is a sugar that leads to oxidative stress and causes complications in people with diabetes. That apart, scientists believe that resveratrol activates AMPK, a protein that metabolizes glucose, in turn, reducing the level of sugar within the body. ●It May Suppress Cancer Cells and May Increase Lifespan of Humans Research has shown that resveratrol may inhibit the growth of cancer cells within the body by changing the gene expression of cancer cells. More importantly, animal studies have also shown that resveratrol inhibits the spread of hormone-dependent cancers by interfering with the way certain hormones are expressed. Similarly, the lifespan-boosting effect of resveratrol has been a topic of great discussion among scientists. In many animal studies, resveratrol enhanced the lifespan of the chosen animal by activating certain genes known to fight and keep away age-related diseases. Scientists anticipate similar results in human beings. However, more research is required. ●It Is an Effective Remedy for Arthritis and Joint Pain www.cofttek.com

  6. Resveratrol is an effective remedy against both arthritis and joint pain. This plant-based compound protects the body against joint aches and arthritis by slowing down cartilage deterioration. Some animal studies have also shown that resveratrol protects joints by reducing inflammation. ●It Provides Protection Against Heart Diseases www.cofttek.com

  7. Resveratrol protects the heart in several different ways. Animal studies have shown that this compound protects against heart diseases by stopping the functioning of a specific enzyme, which is linked with cholesterol production. More importantly, since resveratrol has antioxidant properties, it decreases the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which is primarily responsible for plaque buildup in artery walls. 4. Resveratrol Dosage The appropriate resveratrol dosage depends on the function for which the supplement is being taken. For instance, supplementation for cerebral blood flow requires individuals to consume resveratrol in the range 250-500 mg whereas when prescribed for aromatase inhibition, the range is usually kept around 500 mg a day. Healthy individuals taking resveratrol to improve cardiovascular health or enhance longevity are advised to keep their dosage between 150-445 mg. However, those suffering from any disorder are advised to keep the dose low at 5-10mg per day. If you suffer from any conditions, make sure to consult with your doctor before starting with any medication. www.cofttek.com

  8. 5. Is Resveratrol Safe? Resveratrol taken in dosages up to 1500 mg daily through the mouth is considered safe. The duration of intake, however, should not exceed 3 months. High doses in the range 2000-3000 mg daily can be taken but they are known to cause stomach issues. Pregnant and breast-feeding women should take resveratrol supplements in small amounts. However, they should try and get their required resveratrol dosage from natural sources, such as grape skin and grape juice. Wine should not be consumed by this group. People suffering from bleeding disorders should stay away from resveratrol as it slows blood clotting. Similarly, people suffering from hormone-sensitive conditions, such as ovarian, uterine, or breast cancer must also stay away from resveratrol supplements. 6. Resveratrol Uses The growing popularity of resveratrol can be attributed to the various uses of this product. Resveratrol supplements boost weight loss in adult individuals as well promotes good skin. Resveratrol supplements, when www.cofttek.com

  9. taken before a workout, also increase the benefits associated with intense exercise. Research has also proven that Resveratrol decreases blood glucose and improves blood flow. It increases insulin sensitivity and is, therefore, considered a good supplement for people suffering from diabetes. It also promotes cardiovascular health by decreasing triglycerides. Lastly, it diminishes the activity of cancer cells and is an effective remedy against chronic arthritis and joint paint. www.cofttek.com

  10. 7. The Best Resveratrol Supplement of 2020 Squared Nutrition 100% Pure Resveratrol is a high-potency 100% resveratrol supplement sourced from natural polyphenol-rich ingredients. The bottle contains 180 capsules and the manufacturing company offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. Since the supplement is sourced from grape skins, berries, and Japanese knotweed, it has a wonderful taste. The product is GMO-free and is produced in a GMP compliant facility in the U.S. Overall, this product is a high-quality product that also offers great value for money. 8. Where Should I Buy Resveratrol Powder in Bulk? With people becoming more and more aware of the benefits of resveratrol, the demand for resveratrol supplements has increased greatly in the market. This has led to manufacturing companies vying with each other to produce high-quality supplements to grab share in the market. If you are a health supplements manufacturer planning to foray into the resveratrol supplements market, you must ensure that www.cofttek.com

  11. you are getting the highest-quality resveratrol powder. Sourcing good-quality material is the first step in ensuring the success of any business. If you are looking for a place to buy resveratrol powder in bulk, the one company you can blindly trust for sourcing raw material is Cofttek. The company, owing to its strong research team and dedicated sales department, has established a worldwide presence in only a short amount of time -- it has clients and partners around the world. The resveratrol produced by the company comes in big batches of 25 kgs and is sourced from highest-quality ingredients, thereby ensuring that the supplements produced from it can be trusted for quality and efficacy. If you want to buy resveratrol in bulk, the only place to shop is https://www.cofttek.com/. References  Sonia L. Ramírez-Garza, Emily P. Laveriano-Santos, María Marhuenda-Muñoz, Carolina E. Storniolo, Anna Tresserra-Rimbau, Anna Vallverdú-Queralt and Rosa M. Lamuela-Raventós1 (2018) Health Effects of Resveratrol: Results from Human Intervention Trials, Nutrients.10(12) Bahare Salehi, Abhay Prakash Mishra, Manisha Nigam, Bilge Sener, Mehtap Kilic, Mehdi Sharifi-Rad, Patrick Valere Tsouh Fokou, Natália Martins, and Javad Sharifi-Rad (2018) Resveratrol: A Double-Edged Sword in Health Benefits. Biomedicines.6 (3). Adi Y. Berman, Rachel A. Motechin, Maia Y. Wiesenfeld & Marina K. Holz (2017) The therapeutic potential of resveratrol: a review of clinical trials, npj Precision Oncology volume 1, Article number: 35 edn.   www.cofttek.com

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