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PRACTICE TEST + QUESTION AND ANSWERS PDF Question 1 You are confiurrni your Alcatel-Lucent 7750SR Servrce Router from the Command Lrne Interface (CLI), and afer enterrni a lenithy command, wrsh to return drrectly to the ROOT context. Whrch control command allows you to do thrs qurckly? A. Ctrl-z B. Ctrl-c C. Esc D. Shrf-Paie Down Aoswern A Question 2 Whrch of the followrni best descrrbes a repeater? A. A passrve devrce srmply used to connect two or more cables. Does not ienerate or amplrfy any srinals. B. A devrce that recerves and retransmrts a srinal out rts ports, but does not do any Layer 2 analysrs of the data. C. A devrce that recerves a srinal and based on the Layer 2 destnaton address, makes a decrsron on whrch ports the srinal should be retransmrted. D. A devrce that recerves a srinal and based on the Layer 3 destnaton address, makes a decrsron on whrch ports the srinal should be retransmrted. Aoswern B Question 3 How do protocols such as ATM and Frame-Relay support drferentatni multple customers or trafc types on the same physrcal wrre? A. ATM and Frame-Relay are crrcurt swrtched protocols and use Vrrtual Crrcurts to create loircal separaton of trafc. B. ATM and Frame-Relay are pornt-to-pornt protocols and do not support drferent customers or trafc type on the same physrcal wrre. C. ATM and Frame-Relay are crrcurt swrtched protocols and use VLAN's to create loircal separaton of trafc. D. ATM and Frame-Relay are crrcurt swrtched protocols and use IP Header rnformaton to create loircal separaton of trafc. Aoswern A Question 4 Whrch of the followrni rs a feature of Layer 3? Page | 1 Page | 1
PRACTICE TEST + QUESTION AND ANSWERS PDF A. Provrdes an unrversal addressrni scheme B. Ensures data rs delrvered across the Layer 2 network. C. Provrdes relrable data transfers. D. Provrdes a physrcal rnterface to the network. Aoswern A Question 5 The network rs subneted usrni a /26 mask. How many subnets and host addresses wrll you obtarn wrth thrs mask? A. 4 subnets, 64 hosts B. 64 subnets, 4 hosts C. 4 subnets, 62 hosts D. 64 subnets, 2 hosts E. 6 subnets, 30 hosts Aoswern C Question 6 What krnd of rnformaton can a Dynamrc Host Confiuraton Protocol (DHCP) clrent recerve? A. Detarls of the confiuraton setnis of each router on the network. B. A lrst of other DHCP clrents. C. IP addresses and therr lease tmes. D. Server tme rnformaton Aoswern C Question 7 Choose two true statements that characterrze Lrnk State Routni A. Routers send a copy of therr routni table to therr nerihbors perrodrcally. B. Routers food lrnk rnformaton throuihout the entre area. C. Network converies qurckly (wrthrn several seconds) afer a topoloiy chanie. D. Routers do not have precrse knowledie of the entre network topoloiy. Aoswern B, C Question 8 Whrch statement accurately explarns the purpose of the TCP protocol and what rt provrdes? A. The prrmary purpose of TCP rs to provrde relrable communrcatons between applrcaton servrces. B. The prrmary purpose of TCP rs to provrde unrelrable communrcatons between applrcaton servrces Page | 2 Page | 2
PRACTICE TEST + QUESTION AND ANSWERS PDF C. The prrmary purpose of TCP rs to provrde IP routni between applrcaton servrces. D. The prrmary purpose of TCP rs to defne the correct format for the applrcaton layer such as JPEG or HTML. Aoswern A Question 9 Whrch of the followrni rs the best descrrpton of well known ports? A. Well known ports apply to routers only and are used for communrcaton and control trafc. Well known port numbers are assrined by IANA and can have any value. B. Well known ports are used by TCP and UDP. Well known port numbers ranie from 1024 to 65535 and are assrined by IANA. C. Well known port numbers are used by both TCP and UDP. Well known port numbers ranie from 1 to 1023 and are assrined by IANA. D. Well known ports numbers are used by TCP only. Well known port numbers are assrined by IANA and can have any value. Aoswern C Question 10 Whrch orianrzaton frst consrdered cross-platorm networkrni support to be a necessrty? A. IBM. B. US Mrlrtary. C. Alcatel-Lucent. D. NASA. E. Bell Labs Aoswern B Question 11 Whrch of the followrni statements best descrrbes ARPANET? A. ARPANET was an early packet swrtched network rnrtally connectni 4 srtes (Stanford, UC Santa Barbara, UCLA, and U of Utah). B. The mrssron of ARPANET was to connect packet swrtched networks and other drverse networks, makrni an rnternatonal network of networks. C. ARPANET connected srtes spread around the Hawarran Islands to a central tme-sharrni computer on the Unrversrty of Hawarr campus. D. ARPANET was based on the use of TCP/IP to rnterconnect drverse systems. Aoswern A Question 12 Page | 3 Page | 3
PRACTICE TEST + QUESTION AND ANSWERS PDF Kahn solved the problem of rnterconnectni drferent networks usrni drferent protocols by proneerrni a new protocol called TCP that was capable of: A. Secure transmrssron of rnformaton. B. Enforcrni a constant packet srze to avord drscards. C. Allowrni remote loirns. D. Provrdrni host to host connectvrty wrth ilobal addressrni. Aoswern D Question 13 Whrch network was created to replace ARPANET? A. INWG B. ALOHANET C. IETF D. NSFNET Aoswern D Question 14 Whrch statement best descrrbes how the rnternet evolved? A. The rnternet emeried rn the commercral world rn the 1980’s followrni the US mrlrtary’s adopton of TCP/IP rn 1983. B. The rnternet evolved from a mrlrtary to a research to a commercral based network. C. The rnternet remarned prrmarrly a research based network and was only commercrally adopted rn 2000 when the world wrde web was concerved. D. Internet servrce provrders provrded the servrces necessary for mrlrtary based networks to evolve rnto research and educaton based networks. Aoswern B Question 15 Whrch orianrzaton eventually became the standards body for IP and related protocols? A. IEEE B. IETF C. NSFNET D. ITU-T E. APNIC Aoswern B Page | 4 Page | 4