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Local Partnerships
Nigel Giffin QC 11KBW
3 March 2010
3. CONSEQUENCES OF ULTRA VIRES ACTION Actions may be challenged by judicial review
Potential action by auditor
Contracts may be unenforceable (by either party), even after many years
Potential claims for restitution of benefits conferred/payments unlawfully made
4. FINDING THE POWER First step is always to analyse exactly what the authority is going to do
Each element of the project requires authorisation
Key provisions potentially relevant to joint ventures
Local Government Act 2000 s 2 (well being power)
Local Government Act 1972 s 111 (incidental/conducive/calculated to facilitate)
Local Government (Contracts) Act 1997 s 1 (power to contract to perform functions)
Local Government Act 2003 s 93 (charging for discretionary activities)
Local Government Act 2003 s 95 (trading through a company)
Also look at substantive provisions relevant to activity in question
Local Authority Goods and Services Act 1970 may be of little help in context of joint ventures local authority self must enter into agreement with recipient public body and supply services Credit Suisse v Allerdale BC [1997] QB 306 says provision by a company is not provision by authority
5. THE WELL BEING POWER Section 2 power
Very broad should be seen as power of first resort
To do anything
Includes but not limited to specific matters in s 2(4)
Incur expenditure
Give financial assistance
Enter arrangements/agreements with any person
Will cover most plausible elements of a joint venture e.g. formation of company, capitalisation, shareholders agreement
Can cover things done outside area s 2(5)
Which the authority considers subjective test
Is likely to achieve promotion or improvement of
Economic . .
Social . .
Environmental . .
. . . well-being of area
6. LIMITATIONS ON THE WELL BEING POWER Must have regard to s 4 sustainable community strategy + ministerial guidance (CLG February 2009: Power to promote well-being of the area)
Section 3(1)
. . . does not enable a local authority to do anything which they are unable to do by virtue of any prohibition, restriction or limitation on their powers which is contained in any enactment . . .
Narrowly interpreted R (J) v Enfield LBC, R (Khan) v Oxfordshire CC
Section 3(2)
. . . does not enable a local authority to raise money (whether by precepts, borrowing or otherwise).
Is this a test of purpose or effect?
Dominant purpose versus incidental consequence
Guidance says prevents power being used primarily to raise money
On that basis, incidental receipt of income not caught
Is costs recovery through charges raising money? guidance says yes (but that voluntary contributions different), and 2003 Act assumes this
7. THE LAML CASE AND THE WELL BEING POWER R (Risk Management Partners Ltd) v Brent LBC [2009] EWCA Civ 490
Permission to appeal recently granted by Supreme Court
What Brent did
LAML a company limited by guarantee vehicle for insurance for London authorities and limited categories of affiliates.
became a member by subscribing to memorandum and articles
made paid capital contribution of 160,500
undertook to make guaranteed capital contribution of up to 609,500
paid premiums of 520,328 for various insurances
liable under rules to make supplementary capital contributions if required, and to meet supplemental calls for up to 100% of premium paid
The intention participation expected to produce substantial savings in insurance premiums; to be used either to provide better services, or to reduce council tax; thus argued that either social or economic well-being of the area would be promoted.
CA accepted that, if argument sound in principle, Brent had on the facts reached necessary decision to use s 2 power but held not a permissible use of the power.
Pill LJ (paras 111-120)
Treats issue as one of interpretation of concept of promoting well-being.
Sees cases on s 111 as demonstrating that Parliament unlikely to have intended to confer carte blanche on authorities - section 2 not a power to do anything not specifically excluded by s 3.
Powers not incidental to local authority functions do not readily obtain sanction by the use of a general expression, the wording of which does not easily bear upon such activities.
Promotion of well-being is not an expression one would normally associate with a somewhat complex arrangement to save money . . . rather than with action directly to promote or improve a healthy or prosperous condition.
The guarantees and degree of speculation involved . . . take the activity proposed beyond what Parliament intended by the well-being clause.
Moore-Bick LJ (paras 174-182):
s 2 cannot empower any scheme expected to reduce an authoritys costs.
s 3(2) prohibition on raising money indicates that action under s 2 must be financed out of existing resources, and also that improving general financial position not to be treated as of itself promoting or improving well-being of area.
In my view section 2 gives a local authority power to take steps that have as their object, direct or indirect, some reasonably well defined outcome which it considers will promote or improve the well-being of its area. In other words, it gives authorities the power to do things themselves, or to procure or enable others to do things, that directly affect the well-being of their areas. In my view action to reduce the costs of goods or services purchased by the authority which does not have as its object the use of the money saved for an identified purpose which the authority considers will promote or improve well-being does not, on a natural reading of the words, fall within the section.
Moore-Bick approach is more coherent should be seen as decision that well-being cannot lie in mere financial advantage, rather than anything more restrictive
9. SECTION 111 Without prejudice to any powers exercisable apart from this section but subject to the provisions of this Act and any other enactment passed before or after this Act, a local authority shall have power to do anything (whether or not involving the expenditure, borrowing or lending of money or the acquisition or disposal of any property or rights) which is calculated to facilitate, or is conducive or incidental to, the discharge of any of their functions.
3. A local authority shall not by virtue of this section raise money, whether by means of rates, precepts or borrowing, or lend money except in accordance with the enactments relating to those matters respectively.
Statutory embodiment of old doctrine that, as well as express powers, statutory body has implied power to do things fairly incidental to its express powers
Local authority attempts in 1980s and 1990s to escape capital controls and conservative views of their powers led to a series of important and generally restrictive decisions
Hazell v Hammersmith & Fulham LBC not to use contrary to comprehensive code
McCarthy & Stone Developments v Richmond upon Thames LBC no charging without express power; does not authorise what is merely incidental to the incidental
Allsop v North Tyneside MBC not to use so as to subvert express limitations on other powers
Credit Suisse v Allerdale BC use to circumvent statutory controls is improper purpose
Credit Suisse v Waltham Forest LBC, Morgan Grenfell Ltd v Sutton LBC especially restrictive in relation to guarantees and indemnities
10. SECTION 111 and LAML Brent argued that effecting insurance was incidental to discharge of substantive functions carrying risk, and mutual insurance was just one form of possible insurance; all aspects of participation in LAML were part and parcel of effecting insurance through LAML
Pill LJ (paras 121-122): The local authority is not merely making an arrangement with other local authorities, it is insuring other local authorities and exposing the authority to a risk which insurance with a commercial insurance company does not, that is, a direct exposure to the losses of others. the inability to obtain mutual insurance without such commitments does not render such commitments lawful.
Moore-Bick LJ (paras 159-173): Brents approach too broad authorities show that necessary to examine constituent elements of what is done, even in cases where no element of seeking to circumvent statutory provisions. Establishment and membership of LAML, with consequent obligations to provide capital and reserves, and contract of insurance, were related but nonetheless quite distinct elements involving significant departure from conventional insurance.
. . . when a local authority enters into arrangements to obtain property, goods or services necessary for or incidental to the performance of its primary functions, the farther those arrangements depart from the simple acquisition of the benefits in question, the greater the likelihood that they will fall outside its powers . . . if what is required (in this case insurance) can be obtained by a straightforward contract with a recognised kind of supplier, more elaborate arrangements are likely to involve elements which, although they may form an integral part of what may be regarded as a beneficial scheme, are not necessary for the achievement of the objective and less easily be regarded as incidental to the performance of the authoritys function.
Conclusion section 111 remains useful to plug gaps in powers where section 2 not in play (e.g. where using trading powers to raise money), but not likely to serve as sole justification for sophisticated schemes and projects.
11. TRADING POWER Local Government Act 2003 s 95, read with Local Government (Best Value Authorities) (Power to Trade) (England) Order 2009
Authorised to do for commercial purpose anything that authorised to do for the purpose of carrying on any of its ordinary functions (i.e. anything other than trading)
This should be read as allowing any trading activity providing that nature of the activity is something that authority could otherwise be doing
No longer linked to CPA scores or any equivalent
Power only exercisable through a company
Section 111 clearly allows authority to establish trading company, and to supply it with staff and services to help its operation (though Order requires costs of doing so to be recovered)
12. TRADING POWER - LIMITATIONS Must have regard to guidance: CLGs General Power for Local Authorities to trade in Function Related Activities through a Company
Must draw up and approve a business plan
Requirement to exercise through a company means that cannot use vehicles such as LLP
Does commercial purpose prevent use as source of power where intention is not to make a profit?
Section 95(2)(b): cannot use s 95 power to do in relation to a person something that authorised to do in relation to him for commercial purpose apart from s 95 creates issue re trading with other public bodies because of Local Authorities (Goods and Services) Act 1970
13. SOME BROAD CONCLUSIONS Well-being power likely to be sufficient for joint ventures where aiming at some direct benefit beyond the merely financial
Where aim is financial advantage, section 95 will work for trading joint ventures
Issues to think about in relation to joint ventures
What is the power to form/participate?
What will the authority do for the JV vehicle?
Do the powers of the JV vehicle need to be limited?
14. GUARDING AGAINST ULTRA VIRES RISKS Careful attention to decision-making process, including necessary authorisations
Keeping external auditor informed
Certification under Local Government (Contracts) Act 1997
Certified contracts: authority deemed to have had power, and exercised it properly
Not a protection against lack of proper authority
Although s 2(7) unamended, unlikely that can prevent declaration of ineffectiveness under Public Contracts Regulations
Subject to challenge by judicial review or audit review but:
Provides protection against long-term invalidity
Can include relevant discharge terms
For certification to be proper, has to be
Contract for provision/making available of services for purposes of or in connection with discharge by authority of its functions
Intended to operate for at least 5 years
Alternatively, a connected contract with a person who provides finance for a party to the contract
Local Partnerships
Nigel Giffin QC
3 March 2010