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Word Knowledge

Word Knowledge. Butterfly House Open Court Anthology Grade 2. Word Knowledge. The girl and her grandpa waited until it was safe for the Painted Lady to fly. The butterfly’s long wings were soft. Beautiful flowers decorated the Painted Lady’s home. l ai d r ai sed p ai nted w ai ting

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Word Knowledge

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Word Knowledge Butterfly House Open Court Anthology Grade 2

  2. Word Knowledge The girl and her grandpa waited until it was safe for the Painted Lady to fly. The butterfly’s long wings were soft. Beautiful flowers decorated the Painted Lady’s home. laid raised painted waiting age place safe face saved worked covered colored wings flowers decorates tears soft drops tops long The girl and her grandpa waited until it was safe for the Painted Lady to fly. The butterfly’s longwings were soft. Beautiful flowers decorated the Painted Lady’s home.

  3. Developing Oral Language laid raised painted waiting age place safe face saved worked covered colored wings flowers decorates tears soft drops tops long

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