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Title III at Fayetteville State University

Presentation Outline. What Title III isHow the grant award is determinedWhat kinds of activities are allowableNew Title III effortsWhat Title III supports in 2009-10How it supports FSU and BOG strategic priorities. What Title III Is. Federally funded programAdministrative Unit= Institutiona

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Title III at Fayetteville State University

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Title III at Fayetteville State University An Overview 2010-11 Tendai (Paula) Johnson

    2. Presentation Outline What Title III is How the grant award is determined What kinds of activities are allowable New Title III efforts What Title III supports in 2009-10 How it supports FSU and BOG strategic priorities

    3. What Title III Is Federally funded program Administrative Unit= Institutional Development and Undergraduate Education Service, Office of Post-Secondary Education, Department of Education Authorized in Higher Education Act 1965 Title IIIB Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities

    4. Strengthening Black Colleges and Universities Focus areas are to establish or strengthen HBCUs in the following areas: Physical plants Financial management Academic Resources Endowments

    5. What Kinds of Activities Are Allowable to support improvements in educational quality, management and financial stability Purchase, rental, or lease of equipment for educational purposes Construction, renovation, maintenance in instructional facilities to include telecommunications technology equipment and services Faculty development and exchanges Academic instruction in underrepresented disciplines Purchase of library materials Tutoring and student service programs

    6. What Kinds of Activities Are Allowable continued.. Funds and administrative management Joint use of facilities (laboratories and libraries) Improvement of development office Enhancement of teacher education Establishment of community outreach programs (pipeline) Acquisition of real property (new) Financial Literacy education (new) Services for the implementation of projects or activities (new)

    7. How the Grant Award Is Determined Number of Pell recipients = 50% Number of FSU graduates = 25% Number of FSU graduates going to graduate or professional school within 5 years of graduation from FSU = 25% 100%

    8. New Efforts College Cost Reduction Act Allocation (CCRAA) ended with 2nd year New Grant SAFRA Based on same formula as TIII B Focus on STEM and Teacher Education Programs What it has meant for FSU $1,215,000 in additional funding 1st year $1,306,578 in additional funding 2nd year $1,259, 539 New Funding now called SAFRA

    9. New Efforts CCRAA becomes SAFRA/Mandated Funds in 2010-11 Funding continues for 10 years according to legislation 2019-11 marks beginning of new cycle Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) required to frame 5 year plan Same LAAs as Title III undergrad program

    10. New Efforts FSU is included in Masters Degree Program FSU named in legislative approval of HEA (2008) Program funded for 6 years beginning August 2009 $500,000 per year What it means for FSU Support for STEM related graduate programs Capacity building Scholarships Infrastructure building

    11. Title III Activities and Directors 2010-11

    12. Title III Activities and Directors 2010-11

    13. Title III Activities and Directors 2010-11

    14. Title III-Unspent Funds Activities and Directors Masters Degree Program 2010-11

    15. Title III and Related Program Funding 2010-11

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