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Karim Nicol Lawyers. We are a criminal law firm offering a personalised service to our clients across NSW. We provide exceptional representation at an affordable price.
ABOUT TEAM WHAT WE DO BLOG CONTACT 1800 965 885 Hello, we are Karim + Nicol Lawyers We are a criminal law ?rm o?ering a personalised service to our clients across NSW. We provide exceptional representation at an a?ordable cost. CONTACT US FOR A FREE CONSULTATION Serving from the heart of Sydney. At Karim + Nicol we go the extra mile to ?ght for the best outcome for you. We are committed to providing exceptional representation at an a?ordable cost. We understand that the court process can be daunting, and we are dedicated to guiding and supporting you through the legal system. We use our knowledge, experience and reputation to make all the di?erence. Experience quality. With o?ces in Manly and the Central Coast, the team at Karim + Nicol o?er the highest quality representation in all types of criminal matters. Our team of solicitors and Criminal Law Accredited
Specialists provide skilled and passionate legal services. Our clients know that we are dependable, courageous and results driven. Our priority. At Karim + Nicol we make you our priority by providing high quality representation that is tailored for each of our clients. If you have been charged by the police, or are in need of expert guidance or criminal law representation, contact us on 1800 965 885 for a free consultation. Get in touch to see how we can help. CONTACT US NOW Our Team. Our lawyers have years of experience in the criminal law. Get to know us better. Nadia Karim Carrie Nicol Michelle Karim Director - LLB, GDLP, LLM Director - LLB, GDLP Director - MLLP, BA, Accredited Specialist
Kris O’Brien Lauren Magro Solicitor - LLB, GDLP Paralegal What We Do. The team at Karim + Nicol provide ?rst-class representation in criminal matters across all NSW courts. We also provide services and representation in tra?c matters, AVOs, and other regulatory, professional disciplinary and quasi-criminal matters. We are accomplished and fearless solicitor advocates, and when required, have access to leading barristers across the country to create the best team for you. Criminal Defence Tra?c Law Karim + Nicol specialise in criminal We have vast experience and success defence law. Our solicitors and appearing in all driving and tra?c Accredited Specialists can work with you matters including drink/drug driving, to fearlessly defend your matter and dangerous/negligent driving occasioning ensure the court hears your side of the injury or death, driving under the story. Our experienced advocates provide in?uence, regulatory o?ences, license tailor made representation suited to you. appeals and removal of license disquali?cation. Learn More Learn More AVOs - Apprehended Violence Orders Wrongful Arrests and Malicious We advise and represent those listed as Prosecution the defendant in Apprehended Domestic We are passionate about defending your Violence Orders (ADVO); and those listed rights and holding the police to a high as either the defendant or person in standard in performing their role within need of protection (PINOP) in our community. Our solicitors can advise and represent you in any claim that you
Apprehended Personal Violence Orders may have against the police, including (APVO). wrongful arrests, use of excessive force and malicious prosecutions. Learn More Learn More Inquests, Commissions, Inquiries & Parole Tribunals Karim + Nicol represent clients before We represent those involved in a Coronial the Parole Authority in parole revocations Inquest, or called as a witness in a Royal and applications for release. We also Commission. We provide advice about advise and represent clients seeking to the consequences of your evidence, reinstate their ICO or appeal a decision of assist in the preparation of statements, the Parole Authority. and ensure your rights and privileges are Learn More protected. Learn More We service all courts across NSW, with o?ces in Manly and the Central Coast. PO Box 746, Manly 1655 PO Box 209, Gosford 2250 E: info@karimnicol.com.auP: 1800 965 885 About Team What We Do Blog Contact
A full service personal law ?rm with a proven track record of delivering a fair outcome to our clients. © 2019 KARIM AND NICOL LAWYERS PTY LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ABN 12630566648 Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Directors and employees of Karim and Nicol Lawyers are members of the scheme. Website Development Sydney by FuzzyLogic Photography by Yasmina Nadine Photography Logo by What Came Next