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Evolution of Advertising: Impact on Society and Culture

Explore the history and types of advertising, debating its ethics and effects on society. From Pears Soap to modern campaigns, discover the power and controversies of advertising.

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Evolution of Advertising: Impact on Society and Culture

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The aim of our presentation • History • Typesofadvertising • Is it good or not? • Advertising festivals • 130 ages Russian advertising • Conclusion • Sources of information

  2. In our report we want to discuss the problem of the interaction between advertising and society. We want to answer the question what the advertising is. Is it a motor of the trade, original art form or alegal lie? Content

  3. Advertising is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service. Content

  4. XIXcentury XXcentury Content

  5. History XIX century Content

  6. History XIX century An early advertising success story is that of Pears Soap. Thomas Barratt married the woman from the famous soap making family and realized that they needed to be more aggressive about pushing their products if they were to survive. He launched the series of ads featuring cherubic children.And soon their soap became a brand. Thomas Barratt is considered to be the father of modern advertising. Content

  7. History XIX century The advertising expansion was in England in the XIX century. In the picture the whole house is covered withadvertising posters. Content

  8. History XIX century The advertising of the"Moulin Rouge" created by French artist A.Toulouse-Lautrec . Content

  9. History XIX century The advertising of the bicycle created by Czech artist Alphonse Maria Mucha. Content

  10. History XIX century Advertising poster of medicine. Content

  11. History XIX century The advertising poster of Russian corporation “New Bavaria” by artist I.Bilibin. Content

  12. History “Advertising is the greatest art form of the twentieth century.” Marshal McLuhan, Canadian writer(1911-1980) 20thcentury Kellogg’s corn flakes,1915 The year 1903.The prima of New-York opera advertises coca-cola. Jell-o America’s most famous desert,1924 Content

  13. History 20thcentury This advertisement made in 1984.It shows the original mobile music gadget Mateus rose-the enchanting pink wine,1968 Ads of C.Dior, 70s Content

  14. History 20thcentury Russia,USSR A.Rodchenko, text of V. Mayakovsky,Ads of galosh The advertisement of watch “Vostok”.USSR Moscow Ads poster, 1900 Content

  15. History 20thcentury "If I were starting life over again, I am inclined to think that I would go into the advertising business in preference to almost any other. The general raising of the standards of modern civilization among all groups of people during the past half century would have been impossible without the spreading of the knowledge of higher standards by means of advertising."-Franklin D. Roosevelt V I D E O 1 V I D E O 2 Content

  16. Types of advertising Print advertising flyers rack cards Web ads web banners Street ads bus stop benches billboards human directionals radio, cinema and television ads Content

  17. Print advertising Content

  18. Print advertising Content

  19. Print advertising Content

  20. Print advertising Content

  21. Print advertising Content

  22. Print advertising Content

  23. Street ads Content

  24. Street ads Content

  25. Street ads Content

  26. Street ads Content

  27. Street ads Content

  28. Street ads Content

  29. radio, cinemaandtelevisionads Content

  30. webads Content

  31. Attitude towards advertising Content

  32. The arguments for advertising Advertisements help to increase the sale of goods and so producers can sell goods at reasonable prices. They raise the standard of living of people by drawing attention to new products and ideas. They increase the demand for goods and more workers are needed to produce goods so they provide employment. The arguments against advertising Advertisements try to influence our emotions by making us buy things we do not need or want. And Sometimes It makes us nervous "In our factory, we make lipstick. In our advertising, we sell hope."-Peter Nivio Zarlenga Content

  33. Advertising Festivals . Although the festivals also include seminars, workshops and social events for people in the advertising industry, the main task of the festivals is to present the awards for the advertisements and advertising campaigns adjudged the best of the year. Content

  34. 130 ages Russian advertising Russian ads was 130 in 2008. More and more Russian boomers are worried about lack of interesting ideas in visuals and outdated legislation is a problem ,too. The greatest changes are going to happen in 2015. Russia will provide digital TV then. Content

  35. Conclusion Advertising is the great industry. It can be beautiful, interesting, funny, creative or silly and bad looking. It annoys or helps what to choose. Content

  36. Sources of information http://www.mediaknowall.com/Advertising/history.html http://www.reklama130.ru/ http://news.ntv.ru/ http://www.epica-awards.com/pages/epica.html http://www.goldendrum.com/ Thank you for your attention! Content

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