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Invention of the Segway

Invention of the Segway. By: Emma Wolf. Dean Kamen. Who invented it?.

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Invention of the Segway

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  1. Invention of the Segway By: Emma Wolf Dean Kamen

  2. Who invented it? Dean Kamen is best known for the invention of the segway. He was born in Rockville Centre, NY on April 5th, 1951. Kamen was making a successful living as an inventor by the time he graduated high school. He attended Worcester Polytechnic Institute, but dropped out before graduating. In 1982 he became a multimillionaire from selling his first company, AutoSyringe. He used that money to start a new company called DEKA research & development. Today he holds many awards and 440 U.S. and foreign patents. Heinz Award

  3. How was it invented? • In 1999 Kamen founded a company to develop highly-efficient, zero emission transportation solutions using “dynamic stabilization” technology. • In 2001 the company was built. It was named segway, derived from the word segue, which means “to transition smoothly form one place to another”. Then, in December the segway device was exposed on Good Morning America. • In 2002 the first pre-production segway was produced. Segway manufacturing plant

  4. What is it? • A segway is a two-wheeled motorized vehicle consisting of a platform for the feet mounted above an axle and an upright post surmounted by handles. Segways are being used more often now that gas prices are high and more uses for them are being found. The first game of segway polo was played in 2004, and today it is played worldwide. Segways can also be used to make an arrest, go sightseeing, or even for golf, instead of using a golfcart. Segway

  5. Fun Facts Jimi Heselden • Riding a segway is like riding a bicycle. • Segways can go up to 12.5 mph, which is faster than a squirrel. • The owner of Segway, JimiHeselden,died in a segway accident. • The segway doesn’t have an engine, brakes, or a steering wheel. It is operated by the person’s center of gravity and turns with the flick of your wrist. • You can turn a segway into a wheelchair. • There are about 80,000 segways in circulation around the world. • The average cost of a segway is $5,000.

  6. Citations • http://www.progressive.com/segway/segway-facts/ • http://www.mentalfloss.com/article/19610/12-things-you-can-do-segway • http://www.segway.com/support/faqs.php • http://inventors.about.com/od/kstartinventors/p/Dean-Kamen.htm • http://science.howstuffworks.com/engineering/civil/ginger.htm • http://blog.esurance.com/5-things-i-learned-from-riding-a-segway/

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