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Government of Rajasthan Election Department. Presentation. For District Election Officers. Vidhan Sabha Election, 2013. Trainings. Imparting training at district level and AC level to poll personnel/counting staff etc. Training for various groups by r esource persons/ALMTs
Government of Rajasthan Election Department Presentation For District Election Officers Vidhan Sabha Election, 2013
Imparting training at district level and AC level to poll personnel/counting staff etc. • Training for various groups by resource persons/ALMTs • Sector Officers • Micro Observers • Dy. SPs/SHOs/Inspectors/Sub Inspectors/Police Mobile Parties & other Police personnel • Area Magistrate / Sector Magistrates • Presiding Officers and Polling Officers • Voters Assistance Booth Staff & BLOs • Asstt. Exp. Observer • Flying squads, SSTs, VSTs, VVTs, Accounting team and other officials engaged in EEM. • Personnel engaged in SVEEP
.........Imparting training to poll personnel/counting staff etc. • Incharge of digital cameras for inside/outside photography at specified / identified PSs • Counting Supervisors / Assistants and Additional Counting Staff. • Briefing to candidates and their election agents - about EEM/Paid News/Poll/Counting process as well as provisions of MCC/RP Act/ ECI circulars. • Booth Level Officers • Dispatch and receipt staff engaged in material distribution/Collection/Facilitation Centers for Postal Balloting • Staff for compilation of information and MIS.
.........Imparting training to poll personnel/counting staff etc. • Separate training module for separate category of Officers/Officials . • Selection of training Venues - Not more than 50 persons to be trained together. • Training at different levels – IIIDEM, State/Divisional HQ., Distt. HQ. and Assembly Level. • Training to BLOs - Role of BLO in updation of Electoral Rolls, Preparation of polling stations and other poll day arrangement, their communication plan, vulnerability mapping, SVEEP and other such matters related to conduct of elections in which they have a role in the run-up to an election. They would also be trained on matters related to electoral rolls in the run up to un election under the ECI modules.
.........Imparting training to poll personnel/counting staff etc. • Training to Area/Sector Magistrate & Sector Officers - Matters relating to law & order, vulnerability mapping, District Election Plan preparation (including communication plan), poll-day arrangements including preparation of polling stations, MCC, route and transport planning and preparation, EVM-Do's and basic de-bugging, receipt & dispatch of polling parties, monitoring and reporting (esp. on poll day) rules, regulation and guidelines relating to conduct of polls, postal ballots, SVEEP etc.
.........Imparting training to poll personnel/counting staff etc. • Training to Micro Observers - To be trained on their specific roles and responsibilities if and as required by the Observes appointed by ECI with support of ALMTs (if asked for by Observers). The topics may include operations at polling station, EVM-essentials, postal ballots etc. • Training to Various Nodal Officers – Issues related to them – • Officers & Staff engaged in EEM & Paid News – Issues related to EEM, MCC, Daily reporting, Paid News etc.
.........Imparting training to poll personnel/counting staff etc. • Dy. SPs, SHOs, RIs etc. - Law and order control, vulnerability mapping, deployment and logistics of forces, control over liquor, arms and ammunitions etc., election expenditure/MCC monitoring related matters, special drives for preventive measures, electoral offences, defacement of public properties, discipline during nomination process, communal harmony, poll day management, CPF co-ordination and amenities for them etc. • Training to Additional Counting Staff/Micro Observers for counting (GoI Staff) – About noting of result, filling of forms and reporting to Observer.
.........Imparting training to poll personnel/counting staff etc. • Counting Personnel – Opening of Strong Room, Counting of votes, Preparing Result Sheets and related aspects of EVMs, tabulation, IT, sealing of records etc. • EVM ground staff - Matters relating to handling, preparation, administrative logistics etc. of EVMs. • Incharge of digital cameras – Poll process inside polling station. • Police mobile parties – Vulnerability mapping and action to be taken on poll day, check on plying of vehicles, Prohibitions on poll day, Electoral offences, poll process and other issues. • Police personnel at police stations – Poll process, Prohibitions on poll day, their duties at polling station.
.........Imparting training to poll personnel/counting staff etc. • Training to Polling Parties — • Ist randomization on database - 120% trainees be called. • Pre-filled Form No. 12 to be attached with appointment letters. • Ist training limited to PrOs and PO 1st • A model kit having polling material for the use of polling party, should be kept in training hall. • 2nd training to PrO, PO Ist and PO IInd.
.........Imparting training to poll personnel/counting staff etc. • Separate 'Hands on' training to 3rd P.O. • Last training on dispersal - Entire polling team to be called. • Last moment EVM training and briefing on the departure day. • Arrangements for advance TA/DA and outright • Videography of training process. • Test for PrO and P.O. Ist in 2nd training classes. • Training should be organised in smaller groups.
.........Imparting training to poll personnel/counting staff etc. • EVM Training — • More emphasis for "Hands on" training. • Besides operation of machine, hands-on training on the following :– (a) Connecting the BU with CU and switching on/off the battery. (b) Mock poll and conduction and certification. (c) Clearing of data after mock poll (d) Preparation for poll. • Irreversibility of the 'close' button;
.........Imparting training to poll personnel/counting staff etc. • Proper sealing of machine - (a) Before commencement of poll - green paper seal, strip seal, special tag, address tag (b) Final sealing after close of poll • Precautions, Trouble shooting, DOs & DONTs • Safeguard about Pink Paper Seal. • Training on other items — • Procedure / instructions as given in PO hand book. • Duties of PrO, PO-I, PO-2 and PO-3 (including duty of extra PO, if any)
.........Imparting training to poll personnel/counting staff etc. • Checklist for Presiding Officer - as provided in PrO Hand book. • Use of postal ballot papers/EDC. • Poll day arrangements inside polling stations; voting compartment to be secure & secluded; only authorized persons to be allowed inside PS • Polling Agents must be a voter in same PS or in the alternative from neighbouring polling stations in the same constituency and must have EPIC or any other photo ID device issued by Govt. or any Govt. agency which may be displayed prominently on their persons during poll (464/INST/2007 PLN I dt 12.10.07 and No. 464/INST/2008/EPS dt. 18.12.2008 & No. 464/INST/2009/EPS dt. 10.03.2009)
.........Imparting training to poll personnel/counting staff etc. • Entry pass system into PS. • Polling agents not allowed to be exchanged by relief agent after 3 PM. • Agents to be given 17-C, PB and EDC list and shown marked copy of roll; • Polling agent not to be allowed to take out their marked copy of roll out side the PS (ECI No. 576/12/99-JS-II dated 18-08-1999) • Display of Photo Identity Cards by polling personnel • Issues related to identification documents of Voters including “Voters Slips”
.........Imparting training to poll personnel/counting staff etc. • Mock poll certificate by PrO in prescribed format - Details of agents present be recorded and their signatures be obtained. Wait for 10 minutes in case if two or more polling agents are not present. (ECI's No. 51/8/7/2008- EMS dt. 15.7.08 and No. 464/INST/2008/EPS dt. 18.12.2008) • Not to show any excitement and get overwhelmed, when some VIPs/glamorous personalities come to caste their vote. (ECI No. 464/INST/2008 EPS dt. 23.7.08) • Identification protocol and Voters Slips • Marking of indelible ink on left fore finger of the elector and in case of proxy voter on the left middle finger.
.........Imparting training to poll personnel/counting staff etc. • Filling up of 17A- (Identification document and only last 4 digits of No. to be written in 'remarks') (ECI No. 464/INST/2007 - PLN-I dt. 25.10.2007) • Tallying of 17A, 17C and the EVM count • Writing of Presiding Officers Diary - no column should be left blank. • Additional report by PrO in prescribed format will be handed over to SO then RO/Observer. • Proper and correct filling up of statutory / non-statutory forms. • Maintenance of visit sheet at PS (ECI No. 464/Inst./2006 /PLN-I dated 17.03.2006)
.........Imparting training to poll personnel/counting staff etc. • PrO not to go to voting compartment and 'assist' the voters – agents to accompany him when he has to go in special circumstances. • PrO to explain to a voter, if needed, the voting process using the card board model of EVM (ECI No. 51/8/7/2008 EMS (INST-II) dt 11.8.2008 and No. 464/INST/2008/EPS dt. 24.10.2008) • Braille signage in Ballot Units and Ballot Sheets • Polling personnel should be sensitized about the special needs of the disabled, for courteous behavior towards them and for providing necessary support to them at PS. (ECI's No. 509/110/2004- JS-I dt. 26.10.2007)
.........Imparting training to poll personnel/counting staff etc. • Facilitation Centers for Postal Balloting by election duty staff- • On each training day separate and exclusively two hours period shall be fixed for Postal Balloting at Facilitation Centers within training venue. • Relevant electoral rolls be kept • Arrangements for voting compartment for marking of Postal Ballots and sealed trunk box for deposition of PBs. • One gazetted officer for attestation of Form 13-A • Employees on election duty should be briefed about procedure. • Candidate should be asked to remain present. • Videography of Postal Balloting process.
Deployment and training to Sector Officers Pre-poll responsibility about vulnerability mapping – • For identification of the areas well in advance Sector Officers should be ready before the announcement of election. All help including vehicular support should be given to the SO. • For identification of the areas/communities Sector Officers should do exercise soon after declaration of election. • Sector Officer, after visiting the area and collecting information, shall fill up detailed information in Format VM-SO for each polling station in his Sector. • Each Format VM-SO must contain the details of all vulnerable localities/pockets/voter segments in one polling station area. • SVEEP activities – about “Ethical Voting”.
……..Deployment of sector officers Sector Officers – Other Tasks • Pre-poll responsibility - About polling location - • To verify whether route plotted on map is feasible - Ascertaining the approach and accessibility. • Ascertain infrastructure at polling stations – water, shade, ramps, toilet, telephone etc., and physical status of building. • Collect phone no., ascertain mobile connectivity at PS;
……..Deployment of sector officers ………Pre-poll responsibility - About polling location • Party Offices, whether they exist within 200 meters periphery of PS • He shall keep an eye and report to the RO on movement of unauthorized campaign vehicles, defacement of property, unauthorized campaigning, misuse of public buildings/ Govt. Vehicles/ Government servants and all possible violation of MCC.
……..Deployment of sector officers • Pre-poll responsibility – About voter turnout- • To increase voter turn out - awareness • To organize SVEEP activities in the field • EVM demonstration to the voters in catchments; • Inform voters about help lines and locations of their PSs. • To inform voters to check their names and entries in PER through BLO
……..Deployment of sector officers • SO will act as Zonal/Sector Magistrate, therefore will accompany with police officer. • Since SO will act as Zonal/Sector Magistrate, he will prepare a Zonal/Sector Magistrate Plan with a sketch map for PSs, list of telephone Nos of PSs and election related officers, police stations, list of responsible persons, list of Anti Social elements etc.,.
……..Deployment of sector officers • Poll-eve responsibility of SO - • Ensure that the polling teams and all material have reached their PSs • Ensure that force has arrived at PSs according to the plan. • Clarify any last minute doubt on EVM operation or the polling process, amongst the poll personnel • Give OK report to control room
……..Deployment of sector officers • Other Tasks - Poll day responsibility • To ascertain the mock poll status before commencement of poll - Remedial action to sort out problem, if any, on the part of PrO or the EVM. • Frequent visit and attention on the PS where the mock poll had to be conducted in the absence of agents. • Report commencement of polls. • To ensure that Forces deployed at PSs is in position • Replacements of EVMs where required.
……..Deployment of sector officers ………Other tasks - Poll day responsibility • Track and report the presence /absence of polling agents • To assist polling team inside polling station with procedures, • To maintain the purity of poll process and check all aspects of polling during their visits to PSs. • Mock poll certification be ensured - mock poll status be reported within 30 minutes to RO [ECI's No. 51/8/7/2008-EMS dt. 15.7.08] • Handling of poll day complaints • About vulnerable pockets/family – to check their voter turn out and measures thereat.
……..Deployment of sector officers ………Other tasks - Poll day responsibility • Check the sealing of EVMs and preparation of papers by polling parties. • Escort all EVMs with the polling team to receipt centre. • Replacement of polling personnel from reserve parties • At the end of poll he will ensure that: - (a) PrO diary is filled up properly (b) EVMs are properly sealed. (c) Copies of 17C are given to polling agents (d) Register of 17A is properly filled up. • After poll, submit a report on polling to RO.
Deployment and Training of Micro Observers (MOs) (ECI instruction No. 464/KT-LA2008 dt. 04.04.08 and No. 464/INST/2008-EPS dt. 24.10.2008) • Appointment(ECI's No. 464/INST/2008-EPS dt.10.12.2008) Following categories of personnel can be considered for use as Micro Observers in election management - (a) Serving GOI officials (Not in Home AC) (b) Retd. GOI officials and State Govt. officials within district (not in Home AC) (c) Members of NSS and Bharat Scouts.
.............Deployment and Training of Micro Observers (MOs) (d) Serving State Govt. officials from other states. • Responsibility of Micro Observers (Observers will decide the details) • MO would directly work under control and supervision of the observer. • DEO to arrange their database and their interaction with Observers • Appointment of Nodal Officer. • Route chart for Micro Observers • To provide communication plan to MOs.
.............Deployment and Training of Micro Observers (MOs) • MOs would be picked up randomly from Gazetted Officers/Officers of GOI in the district - In case Gazetted Officers are not sufficient in number, Gr. 'C' employees and above can also be utilised. Inter- district/ inter-division movement of central govt employees to function as micro observers, within the state, if necessary. • The list of PSs where MOs are to be deployed will finally be approved by the General Observer and kept confidential in a sealed envelop till the last moment of deployment. • In a multi polling station building one MO will be sufficient.
.............Deployment and Training of Micro Observers (MOs) • PSs to be assigned to MOs randomly on pre-departure day in the presence of Observers and duly approved by him. Exact PS would be given to on the day of departure. • DEO will provide them with an I-Card, photo entry pass to PS and other requirements. • DEO to call them for familiarization training in the polling personnel’s training - DEO to arrange training – Observer will train them. • Arrangements by DEO for their drop and pick up to and from the PSs. They will not travel with polling personnel; they can travel with the Sector Officers. They have to be provided the general facilities.
.............Deployment and Training of Micro Observers (MOs) • They should reach PS at least one hour before the commencement of poll, or otherwise in the evening of previous day. • After the poll MO to submit report to the Observer about activities of poll day for each PS under his jurisdiction. • MOs report alongwith scrutiny of the 17A etc will be taken into consideration for taking a decision on re-poll etc.,.
.............Deployment and Training of Micro Observers (MOs) • Training to Assistant Expenditure Observers and EEM teams – • AEO to start function from day of announcement of elections. • AEO and other EEM teams to be trained about Election Expenditure Monitoring Mechanism.
Transportation • Transport arrangements for the following: • Observers • Area Magistrate / Zonal Magistrate • Polling parties • Sector officers, Micro Observers • Asstt. Expenditure Observer, Flying Squads, SSTs, VSTs • Police forces (State and Central) • Teams for observance of model code. • Videographers/Cameramen carrying digital cameras. • Various Cells related to Election work.
......Transportation • Route Chart for every PS; and be given to polling party and Sector Officer. • Route Chart must indicate the distance of last polling station from HQ - Routes must be plotted on constituency map also. • Route chart should be most feasible and convenient- Separate route chart for- (a) Polling parties (b) Sector Officers/Zonal Magistrates (c) Micro Observers (d) Police Parties • Buses, Trucks, Cars, Jeeps etc., (both of private and government) be assessed.
......Transportation • Draft movement programme and ad-hoc ear-marking of vehicles. • Tentative transport programme of polling parties • Police personnel to be deployed at PSs should be accompanied with polling parties. • Minor repair of roads/ routes, if necessary, by PWD or related authorities/ departments. • Availability of POL, be ensured. Need of extra barrel points to be examined. • Requisitioning of vehicles, Private and Government both - Sec. 160 of RP Act, 1951.
......Transportation • Vehicle of the following should not be requisitioned. (ECI's No. 464/INST/2008 - EPS dt. 26.12.2008) (i) Vehicles of BSNL, UPSC and education institutions (except in unavoidable circumstances) (ii) Vehicles of Forest department, AIR, Doordarshan, WHO, UNICEF and Organisations of UN. • Vehicle should be in good condition and shape and free from dirt and smell. • As far as possible truck should be not used for polling parties. • Vehicle should not be retained unnecessarily.
......Transportation • Check if any boats or such other means would be necessary to be deployed, and whether any special preparations/precautions would be required in eventuality of rains or other such events. • Have the districts' 'Disaster/Flood Contingency/ Management Plans' been re-looked into/ updated, and due preparations been kept in light of the same. • All the vehicle owners should be asked to furnish data about drivers/conductors/ cleaners including their enrollment details in electoral rolls.