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Prehistoric People of Georgia

Prehistoric People of Georgia. Visual. Weapons/Tools. Diet. Who did it first?. Other. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. Visual 100. Weapon used here?. Check Your Answer. Visual 100. Answer: Atlalt.

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Prehistoric People of Georgia

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Prehistoric People of Georgia

  2. Visual Weapons/Tools Diet Who did it first? Other 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5

  3. Visual 100 Weapon used here? Check Your Answer

  4. Visual 100 Answer: Atlalt Back to the Game Board

  5. Visual 200 Identify this picture. Check Your Answer

  6. Visual 200 Answer: Middens Back to the Game Board

  7. Visual 300 Which prehistoric Indian tradition produced this pottery? Check Your Answer

  8. Visual 300 Answer: Woodland Back to the Game Board

  9. Visual400 During which period was this effigy mound constructed? Check Your Answer

  10. Visual400 Answer: Woodland Back to the Game Board

  11. Visual 500 Which Native American group lived in villages such as this? Check Your Answer

  12. Visual 500 Answer: Mississippians Back to the Game Board

  13. Weapons/Tools100 Question: Of what material were MOST Paleo tools made of ? Check Your Answer

  14. Weapons/Tools100 Answer: Stone Back to the Game Board

  15. Weapons/Tools200 Question: Projectile point associated with the Paleo Indians? Check Your Answer

  16. Weapons/Tools200 Answer: Clovis point Back to the Game Board

  17. Weapons/Tools300 Question: Which people were the FIRST to use the atlatl? Check Your Answer

  18. Weapons/Tools300 Answer: Paleo Back to the Game Board

  19. Weapons/Tools400 Question: The bow and arrow first appeared during this period? Check Your Answer

  20. Weapons/Tools 400 Answer: Woodland Back to the Game Board

  21. Weapons/Tools500 Question: A defensive wall built around a Mississippian village? Check Your Answer

  22. Weapons/Tools500 Answer: Palisade Back to the Game Board

  23. Diet 100 Question: Paleo people would be described as? Check Your Answer

  24. Diet 100 Answer: Nomadic, Prehistoric, Very Old Back to the Game Board

  25. Diet 200 Question: Large wooly animal hunted by Paleo Indians? Check Your Answer

  26. Diet 200 Answer: Mammoth Back to the Game Board

  27. Diet 300 Question: Indian tradition known for their advanced farming techniques? Check Your Answer

  28. Diet 300 Answer: Mississippian Back to the Game Board

  29. Diet 400 Question: During which prehistoric period did large game become extinct? Check Your Answer

  30. Diet 400 Answer: Archaic Back to the Game Board

  31. Diet 500 Question: Mississippian Indians relied heavily on this agricultural crop? Check Your Answer

  32. Diet 500 Answer: Corn Back to the Game Board

  33. Firsts 100 Question: Pottery first appeared during this period? Check Your Answer

  34. Firsts 100 Answer: Archaic Back to the Game Board

  35. Firsts 200 Question: Designs on pottery first appeared during this period? Check Your Answer

  36. Firsts 200 Answer: Woodland Back to the Game Board

  37. Firsts 300 Question: Effigy mounds first appeared during this period? Check Your Answer

  38. Firsts 300 Answer: Woodland Back to the Game Board

  39. Firsts400 Question: Who were the first people to use burial mounds? Check Your Answer

  40. Firsts 400 Answer: Woodland Back to the Game Board

  41. Firsts 500 Question: Most advanced of the Indian traditions? Check Your Answer

  42. Firsts 500 Answer: Mississippian Back to the Game Board

  43. Other 100 Question: Oldest known Native American culture? Check Your Answer

  44. Other 100 Answer: Paleo Back to the Game Board

  45. Other 200 Question: During which prehistoric period did horticulture begin? Check Your Answer

  46. Other 200 Answer: Archaic Back to the Game Board

  47. Other 300 Question: The prehistoric Indians cultivation of plants resulted in? Check Your Answer

  48. Other 300 Answer: The establishment of permanent settlements Back to the Game Board

  49. Other 400 Question: Why have so few Paleo artifacts been found in any one place? Check Your Answer

  50. Other 400 Answer: People moved frequently and did not leave many artifacts behind. Back to the Game Board

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