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RCC Nursing Program: Essential Information and Online Tutoring Opportunities

Explore the RCC Nursing Program and access online tutoring in various subjects. Learn about nursing career aspects, program entry requirements, and the rewarding facets of the nursing profession. Discover if a career in healthcare is right for you.

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RCC Nursing Program: Essential Information and Online Tutoring Opportunities

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  1. Planning to Apply to the RCC AAS in Nursing Program? RCC Nursing Program Information Sessions Linda Wagner, RN, MN Nursing Department Chair Rogue Community College

  2. Online Tutoring at RCC • Subjects currently available: • Accounting • Anatomy & Physiology • Biology • Chemistry • Math (SK8  through Calculus) • Medical Coding • MS Office 2007 • Physics • Spanish • Statistics • Web Development (xHTML, CSS, and Adobe Dreamweaver) • Writing • All registered students are loaded into the system at the beginning of each term, and they should be able to log in using the information provided.  The easiest way to get there:  go to “Quick Links” at the top of the RCC home page and find “Online Tutoring.”  

  3. Nursing Website Find our home page by going to http://www.roguecc.edu/Nursing. On the Nursing home page “Program and Student Information” will get you to “links” page.

  4. Survey -please return end of session: • Practical Nursing will be moving to TRC beginning fall term 2016, and my office will move from RVC to TRC. • If this information session were only held at RWC and TRC which would you attend? • What impact would having the session only available at RWC and TRC have on you? • What impact would having Nursing advising only available at RWC and TRC have on you?

  5. Is a Career in Healthcare Right for You? • Do you enjoy health and science classes? • Do you like working with technology and equipment? • Do you like helping people? • Do you work well in stressful situations? • Do you speak and write well? • Do you like working with computers? • Do you take and follow directions well? • Do you like to learn about the human body and how it works? • Do you like being part of a team? • Do you take pride in doing a job well?   • Are you able to explain things easily to people?   • Can you delegate responsibilities to others?  • Are you good at solving problems? • Do you like doing something different every day? • Do you want to work in an environment that supports professional growth and development?

  6. Also Consider the Following: • Clinical experiences and eventually the work hours of a nurse are strenuous, with shifts lasting 8 or 12 hours being the norm • Caring for clients includes attention to their emotional and physical needs, e.g. helping them prepare for experiences such as birth or death, helping them and/or their families learn to cope with serious diagnoses such as cancer, or caring for and cleaning them up (using appropriate protective apparel/equipment) during and after they vomit or have diarrhea or have an episode of bleeding • Nursing students must be able to demonstrate the technical standards for the program (available at http://learn.roguecc.edu/alliedhealth/nursing/0910ADNProgram/Technical%20standards.pdf • Elsevier’s Nurse’s Day Tribute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHx1Z8nCsXY and On Qorhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29fdVOqraQs and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaNaPYutROg&list=PL-o7S43dmO5_VXS9-7LhcklhC0k8BZjzR

  7. Nursing-- Associate of Applied Science Degree in Nursing Program (ADN) Registered nurses (RNs) make up the largest health care occupation in the United States, with over 2 million jobs.  In Oregon, there are currently more than 54,000 RNs. They provide care, treatment, counseling, and health promotion education to ill or injured people. They also provide accident and disease prevention information to healthy people. (~4900 LPNs and ~18,800 CNAs in state)

  8. Worldwide “An estimated 15 million nurses practice around the world — 2.9 in the United States. Nurses are the universal caregivers, revered and respected the world over. They are responsible for fully 80% of healthcare and grassroots catalysts for health development, worldwide. Most often, nurses are the 'arms and legs' of healthcare, serving as the 'body and soul' of healthcare implementation to advance the health of all humanity.” Retrieved from http://www.nurse.com/webinars/.

  9. Nursing demands a high level of integrity, ethical behavior, and emotional stability. Psychomotor skills, creative and critical thinking skills are also essential in this profession.

  10. In large hospitals, nurses typically work on medical or post-surgical units, or in a certain area such as surgery or intensive care. They may also work with special groups of patients including children, the elderly, or persons with disabilities. Nurses also work in many different settings, e.g. nursing homes (LTC), doctor’s offices, etc. Pictures retrieved 9-7-05 from http://egov.oregon.gov/OSBN/

  11. Salaries • In 2015 (latest Oregon Department of Employment figures available), the median hourly salary for RNs in Josephine and Jackson County was $37.33 with an average annual salary of $77,647. (Asante hourly range was $31.50-$43.44 a year or so ago.) • More new jobs are expected to be created for registered nurses than for any other occupation in the nation.

  12. The RCC Nursing Program is a partner in the Oregon Consortium for Nursing Education (OCNE, consisting of nine [of Oregon’s 15] community colleges’ nursing programs and all five campuses of Oregon Health & Science University’s nursing program). RCC



  15. The core competencies address the need for nurses to be skilled in clinical judgment and critical thinking, evidence-based practice, relationship-centered care, interdisciplinary collaboration, assisting individuals and families in self-care practices for promotion of health and management of chronic and acute illness, and teaching, delegation, leadership and supervision of caregivers.

  16. Acceptance to the first year of the program allows for co-admission to the community college and Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) nursing programs. The consortium curriculum is designed as four years of full-time study, with the first year devoted to prerequisites and/or preparatory courses (45 or more credits) required for admission to the restricted (limited) admission nursing program. Successful completion of the second and third years leads to an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree offered by the community college. Students will be able to choose to continue for three to four additional terms (if full time; six terms if part-time) leading to a Bachelor's of Science with a major in Nursing (BS,N) offered by the Oregon Health & Science University.

  17. Options available for baccalaureate completion through OHSU can be found at http://www.ohsu.edu/xd/education/schools/school-of-nursing/programs/undergraduate/cc-transition/index.cfm. Students planning to apply to OHSU should contact the OHSU at Ashland pre-nursing advisor: Paulette Mellecker Senior Campus Associate 541-552-6256 mellecke@ohsu.edu

  18. The first five terms after admission to the nursing program will be identical for the associate and bachelor's work. Term six will offer students at the community college the ability to complete the AAS degree and will provide the eligibility for NCLEX-RN licensure testing. Both the AAS degree from RCC and BS,N degree from OHSU meet the educational requirement for the national licensure examination for RN licensure.

  19. Have you taken the College’s Placement Test? Or are you currently taking RCC classes? Or have you transferred in college writing and math courses?

  20. Have you taken any courses from another college or university? If so, you need to have had a transcript evaluation or request one SOON. Official transcripts from ALL colleges or universities you attended in the pastmust be sent to Enrollment Services and received by the college while still in a sealed envelope marked “official”. (This should be done far in advance of the next application deadline, preferably before you meet with a nursing advisor.) PLEASE NOTE: If you haven’t had transcripts from other colleges evaluated before you have a Nursing advising appointment, it will be difficult or impossible for the adviser to know what program requirements you’ve completed.

  21. Prerequisite/Preparatory Courses • BI211 General Biology I w/lab (or = bio with mollecular & cellular genetics); course is prereq to BI231 and to Microbiology 4 • BI231 Anatomy and Physiology I w/lab (within last 7 years) virtual science labs are not acceptable 4 • *CS120 Concepts in Computing I or higher-level course (within 10 years) (or documented computer proficiency) 0-4 • MTH95 Intermediate Algebra or higher level math (or 96) 4 • NFM225 Nutrition 4 • PSY201 General Psychology I (prereq to PSY215 as of 7/2014)***** **4 • PSY215 Life Span Human Development 4 • WR121 English Composition I **4 • WR122 English Composition II **4 (MTH95 or higher math and BI231 must be part of 30 credits completed by end of fall term to be eligible to apply; remaining 22 prereq credits may be from any of required prerequisite/ preparatory courses. Only 4 credits of math will count toward required 30 prerequisite credits.) • If student has documented computer proficiency rather than course (i.e. 0 credits), student must complete at least 30 prerequisite credits by application deadline (so by end of fall) and those must include at least the Math and A&PI. • **3 credit course previously completed acceptable—but research writing must be finished in first year of program if not previously completed; Psy 202 until 7/14

  22. Prerquisite/Preparatory Courses Continued • BI232 Anatomy and Physiology II w/lab (within last 7 years) 4 • BI233 Anatomy and Physiology III w/lab (within last 7 years or with department head approval) 4 • BI234 Microbiology w/lab 4 • Any college level (100 or 200 level) transferable Humanities, Social Science or Science electives *0-6 To be admitted into NRS110 (first nursing course, fall) students must have completed ALL required prerequisite/preparatory courses (*minimum 45 credits) by the end of the summer term in the year of application and be accepted into the nursing program. 3 credits of speech may be used in partial fulfillment of electives. Proof of current CPR (Healthcare Provider level—completed no earlier than 2 years prior to fall term of entry, and renewed every 2 years) card will be required at beginning of NRS110. Note: With 2017 application/selection, Micro grade (if completed before Feb. 15) will be included in prereq GPA calculation.

  23. Computer Proficiency Exam • There are five distinct portions to this computer proficiency exam. They are: file management, word processing (Word), spread sheet (Excel), Internet browser, a test over general computer concepts (50 short-answer/mult. choice questions). Find out more by visiting the Computer Science home page at http://learn.roguecc.edu/computerscience/. • In order to pass this exam you must score 100% on the file management portion and 70% average on the remainingcomponents with no single component score below 60%. • Students will be charged a non-refundable fee of $20 to take the Computer Science Proficiency Exam. • Students must register and pay for the exam online. (Search the schedule of classes for course number .475.) • Students will receive a P/NP grade for the exam. • If students fail the exam, the results will show as NP on an official transcript. • ID required • Tests are scheduled for one date of the term (varies by campus)—see schedule available at above site

  24. Minimum PREREQUISITE/PREPARATORY CREDITS BY END OF FALL TERM: 30 Minimum GPA to apply (and for all prereq/prep courses completed prior to entry in to nursing): 3.0 Application deadline: 5 pm FEBRUARY 15, or first business day thereafter, transcripts through Fall term prior to deadline must be submitted with application unless already on file in RCC Enrollment; application fee ($100 check made out to RCC) will be non-refundable. Watch website for application--applications accepted by Enrollment starting fall term.

  25. LPNs Interested in Placement into Second Year of Program Please call 541-956-7308 to make an appointment with Linda Wagner. October 15, 2016 is the application deadline for LPNs interested in entering the second year of the Nursing program in fall 2017 (4 spaces available), who will have Oregon LPN license and ≥ 500 hours of LPN work experience, all prereqs completed with cumulative GPA ≥3.0 and individual courses completed with a C or better by end of summer term 2016. BI234 must be completed by end of fall (in 2017 it will be prereq), and there are other requirements after that.

  26. Selection Process Points—100 points maximumfor 2017 Phase 1, up to 51 points agreed upon by full Consortium (final decision not yet made re: 2017): • Up to 40 points for prerequisite GPA using linear equation (24xGPA-56) • 5 points if all three A&P courses completed with C or better by end of fall term, prior to application; 3 points if two of the three A&P courses completed with C or better by end of fall term, prior to application • 5 points for having all prerequisites (46 or more credits) completed by end of fall term prior to application; 3 points for having 37 credits of prereqs completed by end of fall term prior to application • 1 point for previous degree (Associate or higher degree)

  27. Phase 1 2017 Local Criteria points: 9 total, distributed by RCC as follows: • Josephine or Jackson County resident = 1; • Military veteran, honorably discharged = 2; • No repeating (including withdrawal) of any A&P courses (unless R/T time limit) = 4 points • Completion of all or portion of in-program elective credits (at C or above) as follows: • 12 credits = 1 point • 13+ credits =2 points Phase 2, points for essay (up to 30)—top ranked 85 students Plus HSRT (critical thinking) assessment and up to 10 points for highest scores (moved from available local criteria points)

  28. Suggestion Over $500,000 were awarded to RCC students last year through the RCC Foundation.   A student can have a great GPA and great recommendations, but a poor scholarship essay can make a huge difference. This also might help someone prepare for the Nursing Phase II Essay process. A CG105 Scholarship Essay Writing classes is available fall and winter terms (also spring at RVC).  This is a one credit college transferable class. See schedule of classes for dates/times for CG105. If questions, contact:  Counseling Department Rogue Community College 541-956-7195 See also roguecc.edu website, “Quick Links” at top, click on “Online Tutoring”

  29. Phase II Process After Phase I of the selection process is completed, all students receive email (spring break) identifying whether they made the top 85 or not. Top 85 students reserve spot for Phase II essay (takes place mid to late April on a Friday or Saturday at RWC in Coates Hall). For proctored essay, applicant has 90 minutes to respond to 5 questions. After break, applicants will take HSRT, assessment of critical thinking—answer up to 33 questions in 50 minutes. Once essays are scored and HSRT scores received, all of the top 85 receive emails indicating whether they have been accepted (top 32) or achieved alternate status (next 30 by rank order), or neither of the above. Because many students apply to multiple nursing programs and are accepted into one or more programs, we’ve found that every year about a dozen alternates are given the opportunity to enter our program.

  30. Please note—contrary to what you may have heard from the rumor mill, students with Bs and Cs have been accepted into the program (the Cs are typically for “in-program” elective courses they’ve completed, which are not counted in prereq GPA). However, because of the point system, higher grades on prerequisites will increase your points and therefore your chances of being accepted. Also many, if not most, accepted students have only applied once. No points are awarded for just having applied more than once.

  31. Criminal History Background Check Accepted students will be sent information regarding the criminal history background check and will be required to submit background check information and the fee (~ $90) by a date TBA. (More information is available at: http://learn.roguecc.edu/alliedhealth/nursing/200708WebDocuments/criminalbackgroundcheck.html or other link on Nursing “links” page. Because of a clinical facility requirement, accepted students will also have to pass a 10 panel urine drug screen which will cost ~$45. Information regarding time frame and site for testing is sent to accepted students. Applying to the OSBN for licensure also results in a criminal history background check.

  32. First Year of Nursing Fall Term • NRS110 Foundations of Nursing—Health Promotion 9 • Any transferable (100-200#) Social Science elective 3 • Any lower division transfer elective 3 Winter Term • NRS112 Foundations of Nursing in Acute Care I 6 • NRS230 Clinical Pharmacology I 3 • NRS232 Pathophysiological Processes I 3 • Any college level (100 or 200 level) transferableHumanities, Social Science or Science Electives 3-4 Spring Term • NRS111 Foundations of Nursing in Chronic Illness I 6 • NRS231 Clinical Pharmacology II 3 • NRS233 Pathophysiological Processes II 3 • WR____ (Research writing if not completed in prereq WR122) 0-4 general education courses in this year may be completed during summer but must be completed to progress to second year of nursing courses Identify plans for transitioning to OHSU during first spring term

  33. Second Year of Nursing Fall Term • NRS221 Nursing in Chronic Illness II & End-of-Life 9 • Any college level (100 or 200 level) transferable Humanities, Social Science or Science electives 6 Winter Term • NRS222 Nursing in Acute Care II & End-of-Life 9 • Any college level (100 or 200 level) transferable Humanities, Social Science or Science electives 6 Spring Term • NRS224 Integrative Practicum 9 • Any college level (100 or 200 level) transferable Humanities, Social Science or Science electives 3 Be prepared to read 150-200 pages per week in preparation for Nursing classes.

  34. Please visit the following website to learn more about the Consortium (Oregon Consortium for Nursing Education or “OCNE”): http://www.ocne.org/. • For students who choose enter the RCC Nursing Program and choose to transition to OHSU at some point to earn a baccalaureate degree can learn more about the options at http://www.ohsu.edu/xd/education/schools/school-of-nursing/programs/undergraduate/cc-transition/index.cfm. • After attending an information session, students wishing nursing advising appointments on the Grants Pass/Redwood Campus (RWC) should call 541-956-7308 for an appointment and students wishing nursing advising appointments on the Medford/Riverside Campus (RVC) should call 541-245-7504. PLEASE SPECIFY DESIRED CAMPUS FOR APPOINTMENT

  35. PLEASE NOTE: If you haven’t had transcripts from other colleges evaluated before you have a Nursing advising appointment, it will be difficult or impossible for the adviser to know what program requirements you’ve completed.

  36. Note OHSU specific requirements: 9 credits Humanities, foreign language (ITP101 Sign Language is NOT American Sign Language and will not meet foreign language requirement—and at this point RCC has no Sign Language as a transferable course). Also note: Students can earn a minor at EOU and SOU. Once they meet the requirements they complete a degree application, and it appears on their transcript from that school. Students then send official transcript to OHSU registrar and it then appears as a minor on their OHSU transcript.

  37. Questions?

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