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Integral Family Support for Seeing Families Whole

Gary Johnson and Tracey Sheets provide comprehensive family support services using integral assessment tools and evidence-based parent education programs. They aim to address the bone-deep longings of individuals for freedom, hope, and self-respect within families. By focusing on various aspects of individual and collective development, they empower families to become self-reliant, integrated members of their communities. Their approach encompasses emotional intelligence, diverse learning styles, cultural values, and organizational dynamics, promoting positive interactions and nurturing relationships. With a strength-based and family-centered practice, they enhance parent resilience and foster healthy social and emotional development in children.

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Integral Family Support for Seeing Families Whole

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Seeing Families Whole Integral Family Support

  2. Gary Johnson: • Credentials:M.Ed. University of Missouri – St Louis, Family Development Credentialing (FDC) Senior Facilitator and Facilitator Trainer • Current Employment:Director of Parenting Life Skills Center – A Great Circle Agency 600 S Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806 • 417-831-9596 • Gary.Johnson@great-circle.org • Tracey Sheets: • Credentials: BS from Drury University, majors Psychology & Sociology, Certified Mediator, Foster Care Case Manager, Parent Educator and In-Home Service Provider • Current Employment: Parenting Life Skills Center – Parent Educator and In-Home Service Provider • 600 S Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806 • 417-831-9596 • Tracey.Sheets@great-circle.org

  3. A Bone Deep Longing “ Within each person lies a bone-deep longing for freedom, self-respect, hope, and the chance to make an important contribution to one's family, community, and the world ... No government program can help families become self-reliant, integrated members of their communities unless it is built on a recognition of the power of this bone-deep longing for freedom, self-respect, hope and the chance to contribute.“ Christiann Dean, creator of the FDC Curriculum

  4. MAPS We USE • Eco-Map • Genogram • Family Circles Assessment • Mission Map • Passion Map • Integral AQAL The map is not the territory

  5. AQAL: Five Aspects • Quadrants • Lines • Levels • States • Types

  6. Lines and Levels: Ken Wilber’s: Integral Psychograph

  7. Integral Assessment Upper LeftSubjective: ‘I’ - personal values, intentions, meanings, mindsets and desires Upper RightObjective: ‘It’ - visible individual behavior and skills, neurology • Spiral Dynamics Value Memes• Ego Development Levels/Action Logics• Kegan's Orders of Consciousness• Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (+ beyond)• Myers-Briggs Personality Types• Enneagram Types• Emotional Intelligence/EQ• Multiple Intelligences• Perry's Intellectual/ethical levels• Kohlberg’s moral reasoning stages• Fowler's Stages of Faith• IQ (+ Dog IQ videos!)  • Belbin team roles test• Adizes Management Styles• Jaques’ Levels of Complexity/time horizons• Managerial Grid (People vs task focus)• Brain sex test etc• Kolb’s Learning Styles• Sexual Essence (Deida)

  8. Integral Assessment Continued Lower LeftIntersubjective: ‘We’ - culture, customs and shared values Lower RightInterobjective: ‘Its’ - business systems, processes, environment and technology • Inglehart's Post-materialist Value Shift• Bridges’ Organizational Character Index• Cultural Creatives• Creative Class• Ten Lenses (cultural diversity)• Vitamin T (social capital)• Organizational Creativity • Torbert Organizational Stages• Corporate Lifecycle stage• The 'Learning organization' and Knowledge Management• Ecological Footprint• Political Compass• Organizational 'Excellence'• Social Network Analysis

  9. CDC Effective Program Components • Child Development Knowledge and Care • Positive Interactions with Child • Responsiveness, Sensitivity, and Nurturing • Emotional Communication • Disciplinary Communication • Discipline and Behavior Management • Promoting Children’s Social Skills or Prosocial Behavior • Promoting Children’s Cognitive or Academic Skills

  10. CDC Continued • Curriculum or Manual • Modeling • Homework • Rehearsal, Role Playing, or Practice • Separate Child Instruction • Ancillary Services

  11. Protective Factors • • enhancing parent resilience• providing an array of social connections• facilitating parent knowledge & skills as it relates to child development• providing concrete support for parents• supporting healthy social & emotional development in young children• promoting nurturing and attachment by parents and other caregivers

  12. Characteristics of Successful Evidence-Based Parent Education Programs: Strength-based focus. Family-centered practice. Individual and group approaches. Targeted service groups. Clear program goals and continuous evaluation Qualified staff. Collaborations.

  13. References • AQAL image google search [images]. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.google.com/‌search?q=AQAL&hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:*&prmd=ivns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=R6G1TcjSPJKztwfiuNDnDg&ved=0CCQQsAQ&biw=1259&bih=654 • Beckmann, K. A., Knitzer, J., Cooper, J., & Dicker, S. (2010, February). Supporting parents of young children in the child welfare system. National Center for Children in Poverty. • Bolen, M. G., McWey, L. M., & Schlee, B. M. (2008). Are at-risk parents getting what they need? Perspectives of parents involved with child protective services. Journal of Clinical Social Work, (36), 341-354. • Goodyear, R. K., & Rubovits, J. J. (1982, March). Parent education: A model for low-income parents. The Personnel and Guidance Journal, 409-412. • Harden, B. J. (2010, July). Home visitation with psychologically vulnerable families. Zero to Three, 44-51. • Besser, R. E., Falk, H., & Hammond, R. W. (2009). Parent Training Programs: Insight For Practitioners. U.S. Dept. Health and Human Services, CDC.

  14. House-Palmer, K., & Forest, C. (2003). Empowerment skills for family workers. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press. • Kerrigan, D. (2004, Spring). An introduction to integral social services. AQAL: The Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(2), 1-15. • Larkin, H. (2005, Summer). Social work as an integral profession. AQAL: The Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(2), 2-30. • National Resource Center for Foster Care and Permanency Planning, & National Resource Center for Family Centered Practice. (2002, July). Family centered assessment guidebook: The art of assessment. Retrieved from http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/‌socwork/‌nrcfcpp/‌downloads/‌tools/‌family_centered_assessment_guidebook.pdf • University of California, Davis, Extension, & The Center for Human Services (Eds.). (2009, April). A strength-based approach to working with youth and families: A review of research. Www.humanservices.ucdavis.edu/‌academy. • Wilber, K. (2000). A theory of everything. Boston, Massachusetts: Shambhala.

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