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Ramona and Her Father: A Heartwarming Journey Through Family Challenges

Join Ramona and her family as they navigate through financial difficulties, misunderstandings, and heartwarming moments.

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Ramona and Her Father: A Heartwarming Journey Through Family Challenges

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ramona and her father By Beverly Cleary Presentation by Sierra Jones

  2. Chapter 1 • Everyone was excited about payday . Dad loses his job. The girls are chring to help out.

  3. Chapter 2 • Ramona tride to help get her father money. Ramona has a problem and tries to get it don before her mom gets home. Ramona told her dad she wshes she could erne mnillndolers but dad side hie wudent gevy her away for milliondollers.

  4. Chapter 3 • Dad carved a pumpkin. The cat eat the pumpkin while everyone was asleep. Beezus and her dad had a big fite.

  5. Chpter4 • Ramona and Beezus make signs all of the house. Dad ignores the signs. Ramona gets lokt out side and gets scared.

  6. chaptr5 Beezus has to interview an older person for homework. Mrs.Swink told the girls about a game she played as a girl. Romona and Howie had lots of fun on the stilts that Romona forgort about her famies troubees.

  7. Chaper6 • In Sndoyschool they,re duskusing about a play. Romona side her mom could make a costume whieth out asking first. Romona had a bad evening beces her dad broke a promes .

  8. Chapter7 • Dad got a job and everyone was happy except Ramona. Ramona does not like her costume. The three wise prones helped Ramona feel beter.

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