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Leading Industry in Transportation Service in California

In October 2012 we expanded our Sleeper teams that move freight from Our Fontana, CA terminal to Harrisburg, PA. More Schedules running East means better more reliable service. That added capacity, also means you can get the best service for a competitive price. Visit here to download PDF : http://www.oakh.com/page/warehouse-san-diego

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Leading Industry in Transportation Service in California

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  1. Oak Harbor Freight Lines, Inc. “Bringing Peace of Mind Since 1916” In October 2012 we expanded our Sleeper teams that move freight from Our Fontana, CA terminal to Harrisburg, PA. More Schedules running East means better more reliable service. That added capacity, also means you can get the best service for a competitive price. Here are some benefits to our service to the Northeast:  Sleeper team flyer service to Harrisburg, PA.  Because we run direct non stop schedules - reduced han- dling, which means fewer claims.  Faster transit times  More consistent service  More available pickup days Bringing you piece of mind from California and Nevada to the northeast. Service levels illustrated are a standard only that apply to the direct points serviced by Oak Harbor and New England Motor Freight and do not represent a guarantee of service level. Service is Between 8am and 5pm. This standard will not apply to shipments requiring Liftgate or appointment; Does not include convention, exhibition or residential deliveries, and will not apply to weekend or after hours deliveries. It will not apply to shipments impacted by acts of God or circumstances beyond the carriers control and does not include shipments to NYC (zips 10001-10299), Martha’s Vineyard or Nantucket Island.

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