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Artificial Intelligence Infused ABM to Enhance Customer Experience

Customer experience has a direct impact on revenue. A positive customer experience promises satisfaction and opens up-sell and cross-sell opportunities.

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Artificial Intelligence Infused ABM to Enhance Customer Experience

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  1. Artificial Intelligence Infused ABM to Enhance Customer Experience When was the last time you had a great customer experience? Was it during a sales call, or came out on an exceptional direct mail? HubSpot defines the customer experience as "the impression you make on your customer, which leads to how they think about your brand, through each stage of the customer journey." Customer experience has a direct impact on revenue. Positive customer experience promises satisfaction and opens up selling and additional selling opportunities. Nowadays, potential customers are smart enough to sense a sales pitch from a mile away. The challenge is to slowly and creatively plant the seeds of your product quality and brand value in their minds so that they think of you when they are looking to buy and thus, it becomes imperative to provide customers with a great buying experience. And marketers discovered this long ago, which is why ABM came out. Account-based marketing enables B2B marketers to run customized prospect marketing campaigns. The ITSMA survey revealed that 85% of marketers who measured return on investment said their initiatives at ABM outperformed some of their other marketing initiatives. ABM focuses on running custom campaigns on a set of targeted accounts within an industry based on the characteristics and needs of those accounts. With the help of ABM, marketers try to customize the customer experience at every stage of the sales period. But in the era of big data and the rise of artificial intelligence, we can safely say that we can enhance the customer experience even further. So, how can AI and ABM be combined to create a great customer experience? Let's dive into it: Prerequisite ABM - data segmentation Segmented data is a prerequisite for account-based marketing. Non-duplicate customer data is the first hurdle of ABM's strategy. The traditional marketing

  2. approach is defined to reach the largest possible number of people, but not ABM. A lot of marketing efforts are wasted if you are not targeting the right account. ABM requires segmentation of the nuclear level based on various factors to direct efforts and resources to a specific set of target accounts. Despite the amount of data they contain, AI tools identify the most ideal leads based on several factors that precisely define them. Artificial intelligence tools optimize, merge, and organize customer data as needed to start ABM, without having to spend much time or resources on segmentation. Transition from customer data to customized data Big data has been a discovery for companies in recent years, especially those in marketing. Almost every marketer possesses an enormous amount of structured or unstructured data sets, which are produced through daily customer activities that must be in some way, optimized and specific to elicit patterns and insights. The use of artificial intelligence makes this daunting task economical, easy and fast. Artificial intelligence tools analyze data from different channels to create patterns, predict the future, and provide valuable insights about the data. With customer data turned into personalized data, marketers will be more than ready for ABM's success. Personalize the buyer's journey Creating a positive experience along the customer journey across various channels is a challenge for B2B marketers. AI-based models can be leveraged for most likely converting profile accounts, after which marketers can create a customized buying experience across channels to attract the right leads at the right time with accurate content targeting. Artificial intelligence also helps marketers get a good look at their shortcomings and where customers are falling behind in the marketing funnel. Email Marketing Personalization Artificial intelligence takes email marketing to another level. Marketers are now better equipped to target potential customers with timing and content accuracy

  3. to create a better opportunity to convert them into customers. Artificial intelligence has enabled marketers to implement customized campaigns for their customers based on their behavioral analysis. It is now possible to determine the best time to target potential customers with personalized emails to get the maximum number of clicks. Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies are increasing customer service through AI-enhanced messaging and email tags. Customer service employees face a huge task that has been cut short by AI-enhanced messaging by handling inquiries through chatbots. Likewise, the AI-enhanced email tags eliminate the need to read every customer's mail. Artificial intelligence tools can scan, tag, and send customer emails to the concerned department, saving time and focusing efforts on tasks that require human intervention. CONNECT WITH A DEDICATED DECK7 ACCOUNT MANAGER Social Listening - Tracking customer feelings It's the age of social media, and everyone is online. Social media has emerged as the primary method for brands to define their online presence and build a personal connection with customers, whether they are new or existing. Artificial intelligence helps marketers to identify customers' feelings about their brand and then target them according to customized campaigns. Social listening enables marketers to track tweets and comments related to their brand or product, and to review customer sentiments to target ads and related content. Social listening plays the role of a feedback form that you never ask your customers to fill out. When you understand the distractions your customers face, you can align yourself to improve the customer experience. Ongoing customer service The customer experience does not end after the sale occurs. Do you want your customers to keep coming to you in the future? You must provide uninterrupted customer service.

  4. Chatbots - Tools based on AI and machine learning can have a huge and positive impact on your ABM strategy. Chatbots act as a tireless subordinate to a marketer who is trained in natural language processing, to address basic inquiries and create a fruitful conversation with customers about your product / service and assist customers in making decisions. IVR - Interactive voice response Traditional decision trees in an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system are designed to manage calls where users are provided with one or more interfaces to create and modify decision trees. However, creating and editing rules, logic, and instructions can be frustrating for users. The AI-assisted Interactive Voice Response (IVR) defines the purpose of a customer's request using automatic speech recognition and natural language processing. In this way, Amnesty International rearranges recommendations according to the expected flow and customer inquiries are resolved without any human intervention. Automate AI-powered robotic processes For a long time, traditional process automation has been used to perform simple mathematical operations, integrate a number of systems and perform repetitive tasks. On the one hand, RPA has been vital in reducing manual work, errors, and repetitive tasks like data entry in recent times. AI-powered RPA goes a step further to create accuracy and efficiency in customer service agent efforts using a knowledge engine to analyze past processes and provide potential conclusions. Concluding thoughts Applying AI into your ABM strategy can be overwhelming and challenging for many, but it appears to only expand its influence. More and more customers are now demanding an AI-driven customer experience. When most of your marketing activities are automated using artificial intelligence, your marketing activities are optimized, you have built an exceptional customer experience, and the customer journey to complete the transaction is shortened.

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