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Linear Regression

Learn about the concepts of linear and nonlinear regression, criteria for best fit, least squares criterion, and how to find unique regression coefficients. Examples provided for practical applications.

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Linear Regression

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  1. Linear Regression Dr. A. Emamzadeh

  2. What is Regression? What is regression?Given n data points best fit to the data. The best fit is generally based on minimizing the sum of the square of the residuals, . Residual at a point is Sum of the square of the residuals Figure. Basic model for regression

  3. y x Linear Regression-Criterion#1 Given n data points best fit to the data. Figure. Linear regression of y vs. x data showing residuals at a typical point, xi . Does minimizing work as a criterion, where

  4. Example for Criterion#1 Example: Given the data points (2,4), (3,6), (2,6) and (3,8), best fit the data to a straight line using Criterion#1 Table. Data Points Figure. Data points for y vs. x data.

  5. Linear Regression-Criteria#1 Using y=4x-4 as the regression curve Table. Residuals at each point for regression model y = 4x – 4. Figure. Regression curve for y=4x-4, y vs. x data

  6. Linear Regression-Criteria#1 Using y=6 as a regression curve Table. Residuals at each point for y=6 Figure. Regression curve for y=6, y vs. x data

  7. Linear Regression – Criterion #1 for both regression models of y=4x-4 and y=6. The sum of the residuals is as small as possible, that is zero, but the regression model is not unique. Hence the above criterion of minimizing the sum of the residuals is a bad criterion.

  8. y x Linear Regression-Criterion#2 Will minimizing work any better? Figure. Linear regression of y vs. x data showing residuals at a typical point, xi .

  9. Linear Regression-Criteria 2 Using y=4x-4 as the regression curve Table. The absolute residuals employing the y=4x-4 regression model Figure. Regression curve for y=4x-4, y vs. x data

  10. Linear Regression-Criteria#2 Using y=6 as a regression curve Table. Absolute residuals employing the y=6 model Figure. Regression curve for y=6, y vs. x data

  11. Linear Regression-Criterion#2 for both regression models of y=4x-4 and y=6. The sum of the errors has been made as small as possible, that is 4, but the regression model is not unique. Hence the above criterion of minimizing the sum of the absolute value of the residuals is also a bad criterion. Can you find a regression line for which and has unique regression coefficients?

  12. y x Least Squares Criterion The least squares criterion minimizes the sum of the square of the residuals in the model, and also produces a unique line. Figure. Linear regression of y vs. x data showing residuals at a typical point, xi .

  13. Finding Constants of Linear Model Minimize the sum of the square of the residuals: To find and we minimize with respect to and . giving

  14. Finding Constants of Linear Model Solving for and directly yields, and

  15. Example 1 The torque, T needed to turn the torsion spring of a mousetrap through an angle, is given below. Find the constants for the model given by Table: Torque vs Angle for a torsional spring Figure. Data points for Angle vs. Torque data

  16. Example 1 cont. The following table shows the summations needed for the calculations of the constants in the regression model. Table. Tabulation of data for calculation of important summations Using equations described for and with N-m/rad

  17. Example 1 cont. Use the average torque and average angle to calculate Using, N-m

  18. Example 1 Results Using linear regression, a trend line is found from the data Figure. Linear regression of Torque versus Angle data Can you find the energy in the spring if it is twisted from 0 to 180 degrees?

  19. Example 2 To find the longitudinal modulus of composite, the following data is collected. Find the longitudinal modulus, using the regression model Table. Stress vs. Strain data and the sum of the square of the residuals. Figure. Data points for Stress vs. Strain data

  20. Example 2 cont. Residual at each point is given by The sum of the square of the residuals then is Differentiate with respect to Therefore

  21. Example 2 cont. Table. Summation data for regression model With and Using

  22. Example 2 Results The equation describes the data. Figure. Linear regression for Stress vs. Strain data

  23. Nonlinear Regression Dr. A. Emamzadeh

  24. Nonlinear Regression Given n data points best fit to the data, where is a nonlinear function of . Figure. Nonlinear regression model for discrete y vs. x data

  25. Nonlinear Regression Some popular nonlinear regression models: 1. Exponential model: 2. Power model: 3. Saturation growth model: 4. Polynomial model:

  26. Exponential Model Given best fit to the data. Figure. Exponential model of nonlinear regression for y vs. x data

  27. Finding constants of Exponential Model The sum of the square of the residuals is defined as Differentiate with respect to and

  28. Finding constants of Exponential Model Rewriting the equations, we obtain

  29. Finding constants of Exponential Model Solving the first equation for yields Substituting back into the previous equation Nonlinear equation in terms of The constant can be found through numerical methods such as the bisection method or secant method.

  30. Example 1-Exponential Model Many patients get concerned when a test involves injection of a radioactive material. For example for scanning a gallbladder, a few drops of Technetium-99m isotope is used. Half of the techritium-99m would be gone in about 6 hours. It, however, takes about 24 hours for the radiation levels to reach what we are exposed to in day-to-day activities. Below is given the relative intensity of radiation as a function of time. Table. Relative intensity of radiation as a function of time Figure. Data points of relative radiation intensity vs. time

  31. Example 1-Exponential Model cont. Find: a) The value of the regression constants and b) The half-life of Technium-99m c) Radiation intensity after 24 hours The relative intensity is related to time by the equation

  32. Example 1-Exponential Model cont. The value for is found by solving the nonlinear equation Numerical methods such as bisection method, or secant method are the best method to solve for The value for is then found by solving

  33. Example 1-Exponential Model cont. Using bisection method, we may estimate the initial bracket for to be The table below shows evaluated at . Table. Summation value for calculation of constants of model

  34. Example 1-Exponential Model cont. From Table,

  35. Example 1-Exponential Model cont. Using the same procedure with we find Since the value of falls in the bracket Continuing the bisection method, we eventually find that the root of is . This was calculated after twenty iterations with an absolute relative approximate error of 0.0002%.

  36. Example 1-Exponential Model cont. The value can now be calculated The exponential regression model then is

  37. Example 1-Exponential Model cont. Resulting model Figure. Relative intensity of radiation as a function of time using an exponential regression model.

  38. Example 1-Exponential Model cont. b) Half life of Technetium 99-m is when c) The relative intensity of radiation after 24 hours This result implies that only of the initial radioactive intensity is left after 24 hours.

  39. Polynomial Model Given best fit to a given data set. Figure. Polynomial model for nonlinear regression of y vs. x data

  40. Polynomial Model cont. The residual at each data point is given by The sum of the square of the residuals then is

  41. Polynomial Model cont. To find the constants of the polynomial model, we set the derivatives with respect to where equal to zero.

  42. Polynomial Model cont. These equations in matrix form are given by The above equations are then solved for

  43. Example 2-Polynomial Model Regress the thermal expansion coefficient vs. temperature data to a second order polynomial. Table. Data points for temperature vs Figure. Data points for thermal expansion coefficient vs temperature.

  44. Example 2-Polynomial Model cont. We are to fit the data to the polynomial regression model The coefficients are found by differentiating the sum of the square of the residuals with respect to each variable and setting the values equal to zero to obtain

  45. Example 2-Polynomial Model cont. The necessary summations are as follows Table. Data points for temperature vs.

  46. Example 2-Polynomial Model cont. Using these summations, we can now calculate Solving the above system of simultaneous linear equations we have The polynomial regression model is then

  47. Linearization of Data To find the constants of many nonlinear models, it results in solving simultaneous nonlinear equations. For mathematical convenience, some of the data for such models can be linearized. For example, the data for an exponential model can be linearized. As shown in the previous example, many chemical and physical processes are governed by the equation, Taking the natural log of both sides yields, Let and We now have a linear regression model where (implying) with

  48. Linearization of data cont. Using linear model regression methods, Once are found, the original constants of the model are found as

  49. Example 3-Linearization of data Many patients get concerned when a test involves injection of a radioactive material. For example for scanning a gallbladder, a few drops of Technetium-99m isotope is used. Half of the techritium-99m would be gone in about 6 hours. It, however, takes about 24 hours for the radiation levels to reach what we are exposed to in day-to-day activities. Below is given the relative intensity of radiation as a function of time. Table. Relative intensity of radiation as a function of time Figure. Data points of relative radiation intensity vs. time

  50. Example 3-Linearization of data cont. Find: a) The value of the regression constants and b) The half-life of Technium-99m c) Radiation intensity after 24 hours The relative intensity is related to time by the equation

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