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7 Misconceptions about Social Media Marketing Campaigns

Social media marketing is a widely implemented approach for company promotion and branding requirements these days. However, firms often get lower value for their social media marketing efforts becuase of few misconceptions. This presentation presents information about these misconceptions which the firms should avoid for successful marketing. For more details, Visit: www.wesrch.com

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7 Misconceptions about Social Media Marketing Campaigns

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 7 Misconceptions about  Social Media marketing  Campaigns

  2. Social Media is a  Sales Tool

  3. Likes and Followers are  what truly matter

  4. Social Media is a  Necessity, not a route  for New Customers

  5. Social Media is an  Independent Strategy

  6. Scheduled Posts will do  the work for me

  7. Social Media is Free, so I might  as well do something with it

  8. You have to "Get" Social  Media to be Successful

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