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Power Point Slide Catalogue From PreViser Corporation www.previser.com

Power Point Slide Catalogue From PreViser Corporation www.previser.com. Numeric Diagnosis. Five Health States……. =Beg. Perio., score 49. =Sev. Perio., score 2401. =Health, score 1. (Edentulous, score = 0). =Gingivitis, score 7. =Mod. Perio., score 343. OHIS ™ Disease Score.

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Power Point Slide Catalogue From PreViser Corporation www.previser.com

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Power Point Slide CatalogueFrom PreViser Corporation www.previser.com Numeric Diagnosis

  2. Five Health States…… =Beg. Perio., score 49 =Sev. Perio., score 2401 =Health, score 1 (Edentulous, score = 0) =Gingivitis, score 7 =Mod. Perio., score 343 OHIS™Disease Score Dentulous Sextants…… Upper Right Upper Anterior Upper Left Lower Left Lower Right Lower Anterior Courtesy PreViser Corporation, all rights reserved

  3. Health Health Health Raw score 1 Raw score 1 Raw score 1 Lower Left Lower Right Lower Anterior Health Gingivitis Health Raw score 1 Raw score 1 Raw score 7 OHIS™Disease Score Dentulous Sextants…… Upper Right Upper Anterior Upper Left Raw Score = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 7 = 12 =Beg. Perio., score 49 =Sev. Perio., score 2401 =Health, score 1 (Edentulous, score = 0) =Gingivitis, score 7 =Mod. Perio., score 343 Courtesy PreViser Corporation, all rights reserved

  4. OHIS™ Disease Score Dentulous Sextants…… Upper Right Upper Anterior Upper Left Gingivitis Health Health Raw score 7 Raw score 1 Raw score 1 Lower Left Lower Right Lower Anterior Beg. Perio Beg. Perio Health Raw score 49 Raw score 49 Raw score 1 Raw Score = 7 + 1 + 1 + 49 + 1 + 49 = 108 =Beg. Perio., score 49 =Sev. Perio., score 2401 =Health, score 1 (Edentulous, score = 0) =Gingivitis, score 7 =Mod. Perio., score 343 Courtesy PreViser Corporation, all rights reserved

  5. OHIS™ Disease Score Dentulous Sextants…… Upper Right Upper Anterior Upper Left Mod. Perio Beg. Perio Beg. Perio Raw score 49 Raw score 49 Raw score 343 Lower Left Lower Right Lower Anterior Health Mod. Perio Sev. Perio Raw score 2401 Raw score 343 Raw score 1 Raw Score = 343 + 49 + 49 + 343 + 1 + 2401 = 3186 =Beg. Perio., score 49 =Sev. Perio., score 2401 =Health, score 1 (Edentulous, score = 0) =Gingivitis, score 7 =Mod. Perio., score 343 Courtesy PreViser Corporation, all rights reserved

  6. Why This Scoring System? • To ensure that each raw number score describes a unique diagnosis. For example: • If 1=Health, 2=Gingivitis, 3=Beg. Perio., 4=Mod. Perio., 5=Sev. Perio., then 7 patients could have these sextant disease states all with a score =12 Courtesy PreViser Corporation, all rights reserved

  7. 6 sextants of severe disease, raw score = 14,406 3 sextants of beg. perio, 3 sextants of mod. perio, raw score = 1,176 6 sextants of health, raw score = 6 OHIS™ Disease Score Health Score 1 Gingivitis Score 2-3 Beg. Perio. Score 4-10 Mod. Perio. Score 11-36 Sev. Perio. Score 37-100 14406 2058 Raw Score 294 42 6 Disease Severity and Extent Courtesy PreViser Corporation, all rights reserved

  8. Courtesy PreViser Corporation, all rights reserved

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