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Neuroethics. General Heading of Neuroethics. * Intersection of Neuroscience, Philosophy and Ethics. * Neuroethics includes how discoveries about Brain affect our sense of. ourselves as Human being(such as Neural Basis of Morality). Not enough Fuel – Stroke

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Neuroethics • General Heading of Neuroethics * Intersection of Neuroscience, Philosophy and Ethics * Neuroethics includes how discoveries about Brain affect our sense of ourselves as Human being(such as Neural Basis of Morality)

  2. Not enough Fuel – Stroke * Questions relating to the impact of neuroscience on society are collected under the general heading of neuroethics intersection of neuroscience, philosophy and ethics * How neuroscientists should best engage with the public in communicating about what they do and sharing idea about what they should be doing • The social context * While some neuroscientists believe that their concepts are divorced from social reality, this is rarely so. * These are partly shorthand to help convey complex ideas, but also concepts that are actually built into sophisticated brain theories

  3. * Often this escape is into an abstract, jargon-dilled world in which something quite close to a monastic search for truth really is underway * Once we know how chemical transmitters work, if is natural to think about smart drugs that may help us remember better * Some might think about designing neurotoxins that disrupt this critical process, such as enzyme inhibitors that are but a step from the agents of biological warfare * New findings bout the brain are all the time revising our sense of ourselves * Molecular neurobiologists, ultimate truth lies embedded in the molecular constituents of the nervous system-with new DNA and proteomic technologies promising fuller explanations of the brain that will finesse the problems faced by other neuroscientists

  4. Neurothics-somes concrete examples * Brain researcher was conducting trial of a new treatment for stroke in which either the drug * Relatives also may not be in a state of mind where it is easy for them to make a judgment of consent in the time available * Important aspect of neuroethics relates to animal experiments * Widespread acceptance that three Rs – reduction, refinement and replacement – are good principles for biomedical scientists to comply with * New techniques offer new opportunities to help sick people and sick animals • Olny communicate… * Reason to engage with young people and the interested public about neuroscience is that neuroscientists still disagree about many of the central tenets of their field * because it was Fetnman who threw himself headlong into working out why one of the American Space, Shuttles , Challenger, expolded soon after take off * Impact of science on society creeps up on us all

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