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EJL kohtunike seminar 5.–6. veebruaril 2011. a Kubijal. Uuendustest UCI võistlusmäärustes Madis Lepajõe UCI komissar. PART 1 GENERAL ORGANISATION OF CYCLING AS A SPORT. 1.3.001 b is
EJL kohtunike seminar5.–6. veebruaril 2011. a Kubijal Uuendustest UCI võistlusmäärustes Madis Lepajõe UCI komissar
PART 1 GENERAL ORGANISATIONOF CYCLING AS A SPORT 1.3.001 bis Each licence holder shall ensure that theequipment he uses on the occasion of road, track or cyclocrossevents shall be approved by the UCI according to thespecifications of the Approval Protocols inforce and available on the UCI Website.
PART 1 GENERAL ORGANISATIONOF CYCLING AS A SPORT 1.3.003 In no event shall the fact that a rider has been able to take part in the competition give rise to liabilityon the part of the UCI; checks on equipment that may be carried out by the commissaires or byan agent or a body of the UCI being limited to compliance with purely sporting requirements. Whererequired, checks on equipment and material may be carried out, after the race, at the request of thepresident of the commissaires’ panel, or that of an agent or body of the UCI.
PART 1 GENERAL ORGANISATIONOF CYCLING AS A SPORT 1.3.013 The peak of the saddle shall be a minimum of 5 cm to the rear of a vertical plane passing throughthe bottom bracket spindle (1). This restriction shall not be applied to the bicycle ridden by a rider ina Flying 200 m, Flying Lap, Team Sprint, track sprint event, keirin, 500metresor 1 kilometretimetrials; however, in no circumstances shall the peak of the saddle extend in front of a vertical linepassing through the bottom bracket spindle.
PART 1 GENERAL ORGANISATIONOF CYCLING AS A SPORT 1.3.033 (1) It is forbidden to wear non-essential items of clothing or items designed to influence the performancesof a rider such as reducing air resistance or modifying the body of the rider (compression,stretching, support). Items of clothing or equipment may be considered essential where weather conditions make themappropriate for the safety or the health of the rider. In this case, the nature and texture of the clothingor equipmentmust be clearly and solely justified by the need to protect the rider from badweather conditions.
PART 1 GENERAL ORGANISATIONOF CYCLING AS A SPORT 1.3.033 (2) Discretion in this respect is left to the racecommissaires.Equipment (helmets, shoes, jerseys, shorts, etc.) worn by the rider may not be adapted to serve anyother purpose apart from that of clothing or safety by the addition or incorporation of mechanical orelectronic systems which are not approved as technical innovations under article 1.3.004.
PART 1 GENERAL ORGANISATIONOF CYCLING AS A SPORT 1.3.068 The national champion jersey must be worn whenever a rider is engaged in activities on the track,awards ceremonies, press conferences, television interviews, autograph sessions and other occasionswhich require a good presentation.
PART 1 GENERAL ORGANISATIONOF CYCLING AS A SPORT 1.3.069 The specificities concerning the design of the national champion jersey are described in the brochureavailable on the UCI website. These specificities are applicable for all the disciplines. NB! MTB DHI, MTB 4X and BMX jaoks on eraldi reegel sama artikli all.
PART 1 GENERAL ORGANISATIONOF CYCLING AS A SPORT 1.3.071 (1) Without prejudice to relevant provisions but applicable for all the disciplines, should various provisionsrequiring the wearing of different jerseys apply to the same rider, the order of priority shall be asfollows: 1. the leader's jerseys of the stage race 2. the leader's jersey of the cup, series or UCI classification
PART 1 GENERAL ORGANISATIONOF CYCLING AS A SPORT 1.3.071 (2) 3. the world champion's jersey 4. the continental champion's jersey (not mandatory as per 1.3.070) 5. the national champion's jersey 6. the national jersey (in accordance with 1.3.059).
PART 2 ROAD RACES 2.2.001 Riders belonging to teams with the same paying agent or main partner may not compete in thesame race except in the case of an individual event. Furthermore, no more than one national teamof each nationality may compete in an event.
PART 2 ROAD RACES 2.2.022 bisOrganisersof events that include a time trial must make a dimension-checking gauge fortime-trial bicycles available to thecommissaires' panel. The gauge is given to the president of the commissaires' panel who verifies its compliance with UCIspecifications. /…………………../ The organiser is solely liable for the compliance of the gauge with UCI specifications.
PART 2 ROAD RACES 2.2.024 (1) During the following races: - worldchampionships - nationalchampionships - men elite, class HC, 1 and 2 events and events on the national calendar - women elite, class 1 and 2 events and events on the national calendar - menunder23, juniorsmen and juniorswomen, the use of radio links or other means of remote communication with the riders is not permitted.
PART 2 ROAD RACESIn-race communications 2.2.024 (2) However, for the individual and team time trials, radio links or other means of remote communicationwith the riders might be used. Note that riders are forbidden to use a mobile telephone while riding a race.
PART 2 ROAD RACES 2.3.007 If the race is run on a circuit, it shall be at least 10 km long. On circuits between 10 and 12 km, per team only one vehicle with an official sportive function ispermitted to follow the race. The race organiser may request that the UCI make exemptions to this provision. He must send sucha request to the UCI via his national federation, to be received not less than 90 days before the startof the race.
PART 2 ROAD RACES 2.3.008 (1)One part of an event may take place on a circuit under the following conditions: • The length of the circuit shall be at least 3 km; • The maximum number of laps on the circuit shall be: - 3 for circuits of between 3 and 5 km; - 5 for circuits of between 5 and 8 km; - 8 for circuits of between 8 and 10 km.
PART 2 ROAD RACES 2.3.008 (2) The commissaires shall take all measures indicated to ensure the race be properly run, particularly inthe case of a change in the race situation after entry to the final circuit.
PART 2 ROAD RACES 2.3.009 Riders and their team managers shall assemble at the place where the starting sheet is to be signed. They shall be present and ready at least fifteen minutes before the time of the start from the assemblypoint. The signing of the starting sheet will terminate ten minutes before the time for leaving the assemblypoint. Riders shall be required to sign on the starting sheet, otherwise be eliminated from the race.
PART 2 ROAD RACES 2.3.029 Riders may only receive technical support from the technical personnel of their team or from one ofthe neutral support cars or else from the broom wagon. /……………………………………………../ Mechanical assistance at fixed locations on the course is limited to wheel changes only except forraces on a circuit where bike changes can be made in the authorized zones.
PART 2 ROAD RACES STAGE RACES 2.6.033 Only one vehicle per team will be permitted to circulate at race level. However, in races of the world calendar and of the classes 2.HC, and 2.1 of the continental circuitscalendar, a second car per team is allowed, except in circuit races and on final circuits. In any cases,the article 2.2.035 does apply.
PART 4 MOUNTAIN BIKE RACES 4.1.001 The mountain bike discipline includes the following events comprising the specialties listed below: A. Cross-country: XC Cross-countryOlympic: XCO Cross-countrymarathon: XCM Cross-country point-to-point: XCP (point to point) Cross-country short circuit: XCC (Short Track) Cross-countryeliminator: XCE Cross-country time trial: XCT (Time Trial) Cross-country team relay: XCR (Team Relay) Cross-country stage race: XCS (Stageraces)
PART 4 MOUNTAIN BIKE RACES Cross-countryMarathon – XCM 4.1.005 (1)Cross-country marathon events are open to all riders aged 19 or over and include Masters categories. No separate results must be submitted for Under 23 or Masters categories.
PART 4 MOUNTAIN BIKE RACES • 4.1.005 (2) Cross-countryEliminator - XCE Cross-country Eliminator events are open to all riders aged 17 or over. No separate results must besubmitted for the Junior, Under 23 or elite categories.
PART 4 MOUNTAIN BIKE RACES 4.1.005 (3) Cross-countryshortcircuit – XCC Cross-country short circuit events are open to all riders aged 17 or over. No separate results must besubmitted for the Junior, Under 23 or Elite categories.
PART 4 MOUNTAIN BIKE RACES 4.1.010In cross-country marathon events or the UCI mountain bike marathon Series, master riders may ridewith a temporary or day licence issued by the competent national federation. The nationalfederation ensures that a holder of a temporary or day licence benefits for the duration of that licencefrom the same insurance coverage and other advantages as those granted with an annual licence. To compete at the masters world championships masters must hold an annual masters licence.
PART 4 MOUNTAIN BIKE RACES 4.1.015 The technical delegate must be on site at least one day prior to the first official training session andmust carry out an inspection of the venue and course in conjunction with the organiser and thepresident of the commissaires' panel. He coordinates the technical preparations for the event andensures that the recommendations made in the inspection report are implemented.
PART 4 MOUNTAIN BIKE RACES 4.1.017/……………………./ All organizers must establish a detailed marshal map for their event. For events where a technicaldelegate is appointed by UCI, article 4.1.012, a marshal map must be submitted to UCI for approbationprior to the event. For events where no technical delegate is appointed a marshal map must besubmitted for prior approbation to the appointed UCI president of the commissaires panel.
PART 4 MOUNTAIN BIKE RACES 4.1.020 Marshals must all be equipped with a whistle and those located at strategic points (to be defined by theorganizer) must be equipped with a radio. They must be positioned so as to provide a radio linkcoveringthewholecourse.
PART 4 MOUNTAIN BIKE RACES 4.1.029The organiser of the event must provide at least six (6) radio sets to the commissaires' panel, one (1) forthe UCI technical delegate if applicable and one (1) for the UCI secretary, to allow the commissairestocommunicate properly. These radio sets must have one channel reserved for the sole use of thecommissaires' panel and another with which it is possible for the commissaires to contact the director oftheorganisation.
PART 4 MOUNTAIN BIKE RACES 4.1.035 If a rider exits the course for any reason, he/she must return to the course at the same point from whichhe/she exited. If the president of the commissaires panel deems that the rider gained advantage, theriderisdisqualified (DSQ).
PART 4 MOUNTAIN BIKE RACES 4.1.037 Anyone who is found to have altered the course has his/her accreditation removed or, in case of a rider,isdisqualified (DSQ).
PART 4 MOUNTAIN BIKE RACES 4.2.001 The duration of cross-country Olympic format races must lie within the following ranges or as close aspossible to them (in hours and minutes). MinimumMaximum MJ/WJ 1.00 1.15 MU/WU 1.15 1.30 ME/WE 1.30 1.45 Masters M/W 1.15 1.30
PART 4 MOUNTAIN BIKE RACES 4.2.002 The course for an Olympic format cross-country event must be between 4 km and 6 km in length. Anattractive course design must ideally use the venue in the form of a cloverleaf. Double feed/technical assistance zones are strongly recommended.
PART 4 MOUNTAIN BIKE RACES 4.2.004 (1) The cross-country Marathon format races must respect the following minimum distances:Minimumdistances Marathon (cycling for all) 60 km Continentalchampionships 80 km Worldchampionships 80 km The maximum distance is 120 km. Any organizer wishing to use distances outside those stated must obtain preliminary permission from UCI.
PART 4 MOUNTAIN BIKE RACES 4.2.004 (2)The race can be run over a single lap, or multi-lap with a maximum number of laps of three (3). In the event of a single lap the course may not include any section to be covered twice. Only the startand finishing lines may be located at the same place. In the event of a multi-lap race, short-cuts on the lap for the women’s race are not allowed.
PART 4 MOUNTAIN BIKE RACES 4.2.006 The course for a cross-country point to point event must be between 25 km and 60 km in length. The event must start in one place and finish elsewhere. XCP events are used mostly during stage races (XCS). XCP races registered on the international calendar do not give UCI points.
PART 4 MOUNTAIN BIKE RACES 4.2.010The course for a cross-country eliminator race must be between 500m and 1000m and include naturaland/or artificial obstacles. The whole course must be 100% rideable, single track sections normally areavoided and where possible the course normally has not more than one 180° turn. The start and finisharea must be separated in order to allow short race program. Obstacles such as trees, stairs (up/down), drops, bridges or wooden constructions can create adynamicshortrace.
PART 4 MOUNTAIN BIKE RACES 4.2.036/……………../ Double feed/technical assistance zones are strongly recommended. For Olympic format cross-country events (XCO) 1 double zone or 2 single zones are set up. Formarathon format cross-country events (XCM) at least 3 feed/technical assistance zones are set up.Organisersmust anticipate on the team staff access possibilities during cross-country marathon events.
PART 4 MOUNTAIN BIKE RACES 4.2.059 The organiser must provide for cross-country events a motorcycle to mark the front of the race (“leadbike”), and a motorcycle to mark the rear of the race ("sweep bike"). For Olympic format events, the leadbike must display on its front the number of laps remaining in the race.
PART 12 DISCIPLINE AND PROCEDURES 12.1.040 (1) • Start without signature check - eliminated or disqualified and 30 CHF; ------------------- 20. Non-regulation breakdown or medical assistance 20.1 One-Day Race Rider: 30 CHF; During last 20 km: elimination + 50 CHF (40 EUR);failure to respect article 2.3.029:disqualification and 200 CHF (160 EUR)
PART 12 DISCIPLINE AND PROCEDURES 12.1.040 (2) 20. Non-regulation breakdown or medical assistance 20.2Stage Race 1st offence: warning; 2nd offence: 20 CHF (16 EUR); Followingoffences: 100 (80 EUR). During last 20 km of stage: 50 CHF (40 EUR),relegation to end of his field, 1’ penaltyin general classification. Other licence-holder: 100;failure to respect article 2.3.029:disqualification and 200 CHF (160 EUR)