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Diamond die cutting services

Diamond Die & Bevel Cutting from routine to specialty folds, we can help you create a piece that will make an impact. Converting products with unusual shapes and sizes is a Diamond Die & Bevel Cutting specialty. Diamond Die & Bevel Cutting has to improve your turnaround time and efficiency with our expansive in-house folding and gluing capabilities.

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Diamond die cutting services

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  1. Diamond Die and Bevel Cutting Diamond Die & Bevel Cutting offers unlimited finishing & creative solutions that accommodate all order sizes and quantities. Our equipment and attention to detail produces the finest quality product. From die cutting, bevel cutting, foil stamping, embossing, packaging, and more, we are the BEST in the industry. Nobody beats our standard of quality, finishing services and customer service. Give us a call today!

  2. Die Cutting Services Die cutting is the process of using a die to shear webs of low-strength materials, such as rubber, fiber, foil, cloth, paper, corrugated fiberboard, paperboard, plastics, pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes, foam and sheet metal. Diamond Die & Bevel Cutting can fulfill your die cutting needs to your exact specifications, executing superior quality and fast turn-arounds.

  3. Bevel Cutting Services • Diamond Die & Bevel Cutting offers custom matboard cutting of superior precision with our machinery and expertise. • Straight or bevel cuts • Cuts of all shapes and sizes • All order quantities welcome from small to large runs • We have 9 high speed bevel cutters and quick turn-arounds.

  4. For more information, please contact us on below details and we will respond as soon as possible. Thank you! Unlimited Finishing Solutions  O: 224.387.3200F: 224.387.3216info@DDBCutting.com Business Hours:Mon-Fri, 7:30am-4:30pm Sat-Sun, Off Address:2087 Foster Ave.Wheeling, IL 60090

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