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B.Ed is the bacheloru2019s degree undertaken to take up teaching as a profession. However, it is worth knowing that B.Ed or Bachelor of Education is not an undergraduate degree and to pursue this course one needs to have completed his/her graduation.<br>
Problem of thestudy • In today’s climate of school accountability, it is of paramount importance for educators to search for ways to improve studentachievement. • PT. DDUMC College is a leading national school in MEERUT • But in the G.C.E (A/L) performance is degreasing in recent years. 65 students not passed any one of the subject in last year. So, due to the above reason this project is becomes predominant.
Introduction • This action research purpose was to improve the academic achievement of a group of G.C.E(A/L) students inthesubject ofbiology. • Twenty two students from a PT.DDUMC and their parents participated in this study. • There are 61 students studying bio – stream in the class of 13D (batch of 2012). Out of 61 students only 22 weak students were selected for thisstudy. • Their performance in the biology subject in last three terms were degreased. (The following graph illustrated their performance.
1st ,2nd and 3rd term marks of the students in the biology subject
Objectives of theproject TOidentifythe problems faced by students regarding learning of biology within theschool. To identify the problems faced by students regarding learning of biology in their home and privatetuitions. To increase the academic achievement level of each students in the subject of biology by10%.
Review ofliterature Academic culture Students who become disengaged, discouraged and were unable to develop strong bonds with teachers were most vulnerable to failure. (Wheelock,1993) In addition, other factors such as tedious lessons, over crowded classrooms, and indifferent teachers contributed to students’ lack of success inG.C.E(A/L). The inventory was designed to explore various study habits and note taking behaviours. The three areas of weaknesses detectedwere: 1. 2. Failure to recopy lecture notes soon afterclass. Failure to use any special method for learning new terms, and Waiting until the last minute to study fortests. 3.
Review ofliterature(Cont..) • Factors influencing studentachievement • School size: The research conducted by Pool(2002) and Bracey(2001) indicated that schools with lower student enrolment had greater levels of student achievement than similar schools with higher enrolment. • 2.) Parents’ role: Parents play a key role in their children’s development and learning; they can work as facilitators of their children’s development and can effective in raising their children academic level(Beveridge,2004). • 3.) Teacher: Research shows that having a highly qualified teacher in the classroom is the single most important factor in the academic success.
Data collectionmethods To collect data a variety of techniques wereused Pre-survey forstudents Post-survey forstudents Interviews withparents Conducted parent-teacherconferences Pre test in Biology Post test inBiology Data got from documents(Marks schedule, Attendance Register)
Problems faced by students regarding learning of biology in their home(based of student’sresponses) Sleeping feels whenstudying Laziness Duration of learning is less inhome Noself learning in home Often sleeping There is no proper place for study inhome There is no hardwork Memorization isdifficult There is no freedom inhome Forgotten the studiedmatter
Methods which were used to improve the students’ academicachievement Conducted extra classes (morning & eveningclasses) Conducted more practicalsessions Organized and arranged local fieldtrip withinJaffna Encouraged biology related groupactivities Conducted remedialteaching Enhancing Biology instruction viaMultimedia presentations Established “Nature Appreciation Club”(NAC) in school and encouraged students to involved biology related activities through thisclub. Conducted parent-teacher meetingregularly. Encouraged students participate in biologyseminar, which conducted by Professor. SarathGottagama
DataAnalysis Mothers’ Students’ backgroundinformation Occupation: Only one student’smother worked asnurse. Others were housewives.
Students’ background biology knowledge determined through G.C.E(O/L) result
Comparison between the students’ pre- test marks and averageattendance
Conclusions The incorporation of IT into the biology classroom can be accomplished by approaching a variety avenues. The complexity of the biology topics introduced can be overcome by connecting the biological principles to the students’ “real- world”experiences. Part of the solution to improve biology education is to help ensure that students are taught by teachers with expertise in their subject areas. Parents often with their child’s teachers not to disturb but to receive feedback as how your child is doing in science courses and to uplift the child’sperformance.
Limitations of thestudy This work was limited by the narrow scope of those factors related to students achievement that were analyzed, the relatively brief time frame of the study, and the small geographic region selected for thestudy.
Recommendations for futureresearch • The researcher recommended that this studybe; • Replicated to include otherfactors • Replicated for other subjects and other G.C.E(A/L) streams to generate longitudinaldata. • Expanded to a largerpopulation