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二模启示 —— 复习的最后阶段应提高英语理解的思维层次

二模启示 —— 复习的最后阶段应提高英语理解的思维层次. 温州二中 李兆丰. 温州市 8 所重点学校 英语学科分析. 考生人数 6359 满分值 120.0  (不算听力) 平均分 80.56 (这个数字包括了学籍外考生) 最高分 109.0 最低分 15.0 得分率 67.13 % 难 度   0.67. 难题占 12.5% 即 120 分之中有 15 分难题. 完形填空难点:.

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二模启示 —— 复习的最后阶段应提高英语理解的思维层次

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  1. 二模启示——复习的最后阶段应提高英语理解的思维层次二模启示——复习的最后阶段应提高英语理解的思维层次 温州二中 李兆丰

  2. 温州市8所重点学校 英语学科分析 • 考生人数6359 • 满分值120.0 (不算听力) • 平均分 80.56(这个数字包括了学籍外考生) • 最高分109.0 • 最低分15.0 • 得分率 67.13 % • 难 度  0.67

  3. 难题占12.5% 即120分之中有15分难题

  4. 完形填空难点: • There wasn’t 23 he could do except look out of the window. Time passed, and his feeling of 24 just grew. Until one day he saw a strange 25 in the window. It was a penguin (企鹅) eating a sausage sandwich. The penguin squeezed in 26 the open window, said “good afternoon” to the boy, turned around, and left. • 23. A. all B. many C. much D. something • 24. A. hopelessness B. embarrassment • C. curiosity D. uncertainty 25. A. situationB. shadow难度 0.20 • C. shape D. sign 区分度   0.05 • 26. A. over B. across C. beyond D. through

  5. So when your friend is in trouble, don’t 40 him by asking if there is anything you can do. Just do something appropriate. A little act of kindness makes a big difference to him. • 40. A. annoyB. support • C. amuse D. hurt • 难度 0.16  区分度0.12

  6. 阅读理解的思维要提升,考的不是语法词汇,而是语义语境,辨析推理和概括阅读理解的思维要提升,考的不是语法词汇,而是语义语境,辨析推理和概括 短文A (凶兆猫) • No one’s certain if Oscar’s behavior is scientifically significant or points to a cause. Teno wonders if the cat senses mysterious scents or reads something into the behavior of the nurses who raised him.Nursing home staff aren’t concerned with explaining Oscar, so long as he gives families a better chance at saying goodbye to the dying. The staff recently gave Oscar a wall sign publicly praising his “sympathetic care.” • 44. From the passage, we learn that________. • A. Oscar’s behavior is scientifically significant • B. Oscar can read something of the nurses’ behavior • C. Oscar might like to stay with the dying patients • D. Oscar is sympathetic to the dying patients (干扰) 难度 0.49  区分度0.37

  7. 短文B(中美交通对比) • 48. According to the statistics, China is better than America in_______ transportation. • A. air and water B. highway and railway • C. pipeline and highway D. water and railway • 49. The items of the category listed here can be divided into _______ groups. A. 3B. 5C. 7 D. 12 难度 0.20  区分度0.16 • Aircraft departures Air transport • freight > million tons per km 这两项是航空运输 • Container port traffic • Merchant Shipping Total > Dwt 这两项是水上运输 • Highways > Paved • Highways > Total 这两项是道路里程 • Motor vehicles 道路运输 • Vehicle abundance 这两项是车辆总数和密度 • Pipelines > All types • Pipelines > Total length 这两项是管道运输的类型和总长 • Railway usage statistics > Distance travelled by rail per inhabitant in kilometers/year • Railway usage statistics > Passenger-km of rail transport, in Billion passenger-kilometers 这两项是铁路运输的运量

  8. 短文C (新产品的烦恼) The huge number of electronic items now regularly thrown away by British families is clearly one big problem. But this has other consequences. It contributes greatly to theuneasy feelingthat modern technology is going by faster than we can keep up. By the time I’ve learnt how to use a tool it’s already broken or lost. I’ve lost count of the number of TV remote-controls that I’ve bought, mislaid and replaced without working out what most of the buttons did. • 51.Throwing away so much electronic rubbish makes the writer feel quite _______. • A. lost and upsetB. unbelievably fast • C. broken or lost D. regularly wasteful • 难度0.25 区分度  0.28

  9. 54. Which of the following is conveyed in the passage? • A. The fast pace of change brings us no good. • B. We have to keep up with new technology. • C. Household items should be upgraded quickly. • D. We should hold on for new technology to last. • A错,文章中有一句I don’t feel sorry for the pace of change. On the contrary, I’m amazed by those high-tech designers who can somehow fit a camera, music-player, computer and phone into a plastic box no bigger than a packet of cigarette.这一句明显地与A项相反,由于没有看清,或者没有细想,居然选它的人成了多数。 • B错,我们跟不上新科技新产品也不是什么灾难。 • C错,家用物品应该更新得那么快吗?作者的意见当然是相反的。 • D对,我们应该让新科技在手中用得长久一些,不要马上就成了过时的墓碑。这才是文章的主题。 • 难度0.36 区分度   0.27

  10. 短文D (道德两难) • 55. Our moral dilemmas lie in the fact that moral rules _______. • A. can hardly be changed once set • B. are against individual benefits C. can be harmful as well as beneficial • D. are promoting social consolidation 难度0.46 区分度   0.34 • Dilemma 早就是考纲词汇,学生如果不知道它是两难,左右为难,那就非常困难。 • 第一段主要就是提出这个两难问题,道德既是有益的也是有害的,是双刃剑。道德是帮助人的,道德的高压是可以用来杀人的。 这一题难度中等,但是很关键。 • A错,不符合事实,But the rules are not set in stone, so there is nothing to stop us getting rid of those that don’t work and putting better ones in their place. • B错,道德并不完全否定个人利益,况且,如果道德真的就是否定个人利益来维护群体利益这么简单,那就不是两难了。 • C是对的,harmful as well as beneficial这才是双刃剑。 • D错,道德法则的确是促进社会的稳固,这是好事,不是左右为难的事。为什么很多人选它,因为他们相信自己看到了事实,但没有看清题目问的是“左右为难”在于什么。

  11. 58. Which action agrees with “kin selection”? • A. A father choosing his daughter as a government official. • B. A deer staying behind its group when hunted by tigers. C. Two baby monkeys fighting for their mother’s feeding. D. A dog killing a wolf to save its master’s sleeping baby. • 难度0.29 区分度   0.19 • 怎么理解“亲族选择”概念?它是指在同一种群内,为了多数的生存而做出少数的主动牺牲。亲族或亲缘选择常用来解释动物的利他行为。这是一种遗传利益大于个体损失的选择。 • When an animal experiences harm to help a relative, biologists view this as increasing the chances that the animal’s genes will survive. Many psychologists think that human moral rules are an extension ofthis “kin (亲族) selection”. • However, despite thinking it wrong, 28% said they would still push a stranger off to save five, while 47% said they would push a brother off to save five brothers. “They’re more likely to do this ‘less moral’ thing if it’s to save a relative,” Kurzban says, suggesting kin selection is at work as well as the basic “moral rule” against killing.

  12. 英语自选模块05题 • Within the space of two days I have heard one person say there is a limit to how much we can know and another told me that knowledge is without limit.Can they both be right? • ⑤ What’s the main idea of this passage? • ⑤ The main idea is that knowledge is unlimited • / There is no limit of learning. • / Knowledge is unlimited but what we can learn is limited X Knowledge is both limited and unlimited X Knowledge is either limited or unlimited

  13. ① E. Who expressed the opinion that there is a limit to what we can learn? / B. What’s the origin of our planet? The man was talking about the origin of our planet and of everything we know to be out in space.

  14. When we get older we realize that what we learned in school is just a small taste of what can be learned and that real learning doesn’t even begin until we are out making our own way in the world. ④ D. We even have an expression for this in English.We call it “learning in the school of hard knocks”.No teachers and no courses, but the learning goes on and there is an exam every day. In business and in life you will always be learning and always having to use that new knowledge.

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