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Mrs. Aycocok’s 2013 - 2014 Classroom Procedures Handbook. List Of Procedures. Classroom Information
Mrs. Aycocok’s 2013 - 2014 Classroom Procedures Handbook
Classroom Information Welcome to 6thGrade math! I am looking forward to a great year! I have high expectations of myself and of my students. The rules and procedures outlined in these pages will create a safe, fun, and educational environment in our classroom. I believe that each student should be held accountable for their own behavior and learning, and that a strong work ethic, organizational skills, and a student’s effort will lead to a very successful year. Please read the following pages for any information concerning expectations and procedures in the classroom. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please contact me through phone or email and I will respond as quickly as possible. Other information will be posted onto my teacher website (link below). Contact Information: Mrs. Aycock Agneris.Aycock@killeenisd.org 254-336-1150 Website: https://www.killeenisd.org/teachers/index.cfm?param1=22293
Guidelines for Success • N – Nolan Mustangs work hard • O –Our students will respect each other and show respect • L – Learners take responsibility for their own actions • A - Act as a role model for others • N - Negativity is not allowed • Rules • Come Prepared for Class • Respect Yourself, Teachers, Classmates, Staff, and Property • Make Good Use of Your Time • Show Appropriate Behavior in Class
Consequences • 2 negative points = a red note • 4 negative points= teacher will call home. • 6 negative points= after school detention. • 8 negative points= office referral. • Rewards • NO negative points = No Homework Pass. • 4 positive points= Dot-to-Dot paper • 6 positive points= Novelty erasers • 8 positive points= Pencil • These start over weekly. • Cell Phone Policy • Your cell phone (or other electronic device) will be visible only when we are using it in class for an activity. Otherwise, it is to remain out of sight. • I can see it. • I can hear it. • You have used it. • Cell Phone will be turned in to the Assistant Principal.
Standardized Dress ID Badges must be worn at all times when on campus or at a school activity. ID badges must be worn on the lanyard provided and may not be damaged or defaced in any manner (no stickers, markings, etc.) A replacement ID may be purchased between 7:50 and 8:10 in the library for $5.00. Shirts/Tops/Blouses must be a solid navy blue, or light “Nolan” blue with a collar. No logos are allowed; shirts must be appropriately sized and tucked in. NMS t-shirts are appropriate attire. If an undershirt is worn, it must be solid white or black and appropriately sized. Pants/Corduroys/Gauchos must be solid navy or beige/khaki and appropriately sized. Capri length is acceptable. No “cargo”, elephant or bell styles. Pants cannot have holes, patches or be torn. No denim/blue jeans. Shorts/Skirts/Jumpers must be solid navy blue or khaki, no denim. They must be appropriately sized and no more than 4 inches above the top of the knee. Belts must be solid black or brown. Belts must be worn if pants/skirt have belt loops and must be appropriately sized (should not extend in length beyond the first belt loop). Belt buckles must be plain (no names, skulls, decorations, etc.) Socks/Hose must be a solid black or white and must match. They may not have stripes, patterns, beads, pom-poms or other decorative items. Shoes/Boots designed for laces must have shoelaces. No flip-flops, slides, house slippers, “crocs,” shoes with spikes, moccasins or platforms. Sweaters/Sweatshirt must be a solid navy blue or gray. Spirit sweatshirt are acceptable. They must be appropriately sized and have no logos. Jackets/Coats must be stored in the locker exdept during lunchtime. No facial or tongue piercing
Tutoring Tutoring will be available afterschool on Mondays. Afternoon tutoring will be from 3:40-4:15. (Schedule will be posted on board each week to announce any changes) To attend tutoring, students MUST have a pass in advance. Homework Homework will be assigned on Monday’s and due on Friday’s. Homework will be a review of previous skills or practice for new skills. Sometimes, homework may be required when students do not finish what was assigned to work on during class. Homework Passes Occasionally, students will receive a free homework pass. This must be stapled to the assignment and turned in on time for the pass to be accepted. Each pass may only be used one time.
Missing Work/Late Work Late work will be 10 points off the assignment when it’s turned in. Students will fill the “Missing work” form when an assignment is not completed on time. Absence Policy When a student returns from an absence, they need to check the absent folder for their missing assignments. Notes missed need to be copied into personal notebook, assignments need to be completed as soon as possible.
Grades Grades will be put into grade book within 5 days of completion. Students and Parents can access grades through the Home Access Center. Please see the Counselor for access information. Students will be notified immediately of grades/missing work when grade drops below 75. Tickets Students will receive a restroom/locker pass with 6 restroom passes and 2 locker passes per 9 week grading period. Teacher will initial pass before student leaves the classroom for restroom or locker. If a student has a medical case or true emergency, the pass will not be counted against them. If a student refrains from using all passes, they may turn in their passes at the end of the 9 week grading period to get a free 100.
What if I Finish Work Early? • If a student finishes work early during class, there are three options that must all be completed silently. • Work on another class assignment. • Read a book. • Work on math fast finisher activities: • Sudoku board • Logic Puzzles • Leaving Seat • Students may leave their seat without permission for tissues or a true emergency (nose bleed, throwing up, etc), • Otherwise, students must raise their hand to leave their seat to exchange a dull pencil for a sharp pencil (no sharpening pencils during class), go to the nurse, go to the restroom, get a drink of water, or go to their locker. These things may only happen during independent work time. If I am teaching or you are working on group work, do not ask to do those things. • If you have trash to throw away, please wait until Independent work time.
Entering Classroom Students will enter the classroom quietly and calmly. Students will get supplies (board will let you know what you will need) out and on their desk. Students will be in their seat, supplies ready, working on their Calendar Math when the bell rings. Having Supplies Students need to have pencil and composition notebook in every single class. Students should always have their Calendar Math spiral and Vocabulary spiral (it should not leave classroom). Getting Notebooks/Folders Students will have ability to store their notebooks and folders in my classroom. Each group will have a member responsible for getting the spirals out and put them on the desks before the bell rings. There will be a sign on the board instructing which to have ready for class. This should be a routine done without reminders.
Pencil Sharpening Please make sure you have pencils sharpened before class begins. I will not allow pens if we are taking notes or working on something that will be turned in. If your pencil becomes dull or breaks during class, please raise your hand to exchange your pencil for a new one. I Handing In Work When work is being handed in, it must be handed in promptly so as to not be counted late. Work to be turned in will go into the correct class period drawer. Make sure your name is highlighted before turning work in. Getting your Attention To get your attention, I raise my hand and begin counting down from 5. When you hear this, please get quiet and raise your hand as well to get the attention of the other students in the room. I do not need you to “shh” other students, they will see the hands and get quiet as well. Everyone is to be quiet with hands up once I reach 1.
Asking Questions If you have a question, please raise your hand silently. I will call on you when I get a chance. If we are doing independent or group work, it may take me awhile to get to you. If we are doing station work and I am with a group or student, please ask 3 other students before you come to ask me. If they cannot answer your question, please stand silently next to the table and I will help you when I can. Restroom/Locker You must have a pass to be able to go to the restroom, get a drink, or go to your locker. Do not ask if you do not have any more passes. You may ONLY go during independent work time. (medical reasons – please see me in advance) Moving to Stations Move to your station quickly and quietly with all of your materials. Do not wander. Once you get to your station, get to work immediately.
Technology At Nolan, we are very lucky to have the ability to use many types of technology. Throughout the year, we will use iPads, Macs, and clickers. I expect you to treat these items with respect to ensure that we can continue to use them. Rules: Do not touch the technology unless instructions have been given. Work quietly and stay on task. You must have permission to work on anything except the assignment. Leave the computer/iPod/etc. better than the way it was when you sat down. End of Class Period When it is time to pack up, a short song will play. Do not pack up before this. You must be packed up before the song is over so that I may answer any last questions or make any announcements. When the bell rings, you must wait for me to dismiss you. Remember you have only 3 minutes to get to your next period. Use your time wisely.