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Author/Affliation: Date:. Adjust this slide using View > Master > Title Master. Design Organization Technology Logistics Summary Questions. Overview. Font Common font Common font sizes (3 maximum) Content should be big enough to be seen in the back of a room . Design. Font

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Author/Affliation: Date: Adjust this slide using View > Master > Title Master

  2. Design Organization Technology Logistics Summary Questions Overview

  3. Font Common font Common font sizes (3 maximum) Content should be big enough to be seen in the back of a room Design

  4. Font Navigation bar Put template slide on master: View > Master > Slide master Put the slide locater bar on each individual slide Design

  5. Font Navigation bar Colors Clean, professional looking background Light with dark letters Use colors for a purpose, not for decoration Design

  6. Font Navigation bar Colors Logo OK to use yours (understated) Get approval to use someone else’s Design

  7. Font Navigation bar Colors Logo Footer Author Client Presentation title Date Page x of y (adjust y in slide master when your presentation is completed) Design

  8. Font Navigationbar Colors Logo Footer Structure Use Insert > Duplicate slide to maintain common look Use good “2-level” outlining technique This is the third level and an orphan -- bad idea Design

  9. Introduce yourselves Do the content Summary Review the high points Thank the audience Ask for questions Organization

  10. Save your work often (at least after every slide) Technology

  11. Save your work often (at least after every slide) Do not get bogged down Good presentation is important It is necessary, but not sufficient No substitute for good content Technology

  12. Save your work often (at least after every slide) Do not get bogged down Use PPT to your advantage A good way to add organizational structure A good way to present visuals Technology

  13. Technology “Asians Decry Adidas Shoe as a Misstep” Michael Tunison Washington Post Friday, April 14, 2006; Page D01 New, limited-edition shoe from Adidas-Salomon AG (Yellow Series). Creator: San Francisco graffiti artist, Barry McGee, who is half Chinese.

  14. Save your work often (at least after every slide) Do not get bogged down Use PPT to your advantage A good way to add organizational structure A good way to present visuals Bad way to convey textual information Technology PowerPoint Pete says: “If your slides are too busy with too much information on them somebody in the back of the room (especially if they are over 50) will yell at you and tell you that they can not read the slides. Others who are anal retentive or who are very insecure and are afraid they will miss something important, will try to read the slides word-for-word while you are trying to talk, and that is not good either, because these losers will not retain either the written or the spoken word. Others will just feel overwhelmed and tune out of your presentation altogether.”

  15. Save your work often (at least after every slide) Do not get bogged down Use PPT to your advantage Plan B: Be prepared to deliver your presentation solo Corrupted files Forgotten files Network is down Projector is broken Mac-to-Windows translation Technology

  16. Handouts Consider providing handouts Save trees -- 4 slides per page Consider the “outline” option in the print menu Logistics

  17. Handouts Plan slide advances Who will do the advancing? How will bullet points come in? Logistics

  18. Handouts Plan slide advances Think about room light Presentation, note-taking, sleeping Warn the audience when the lights come back up Logistics

  19. Design Organization Technology Logistics Summary (include a Sources slide) Summary Note: This is the same Slide as the slide #2 Insert > Duplicate Slide View > Slide Sorter

  20. “And What Does It Mean in Farsi? Ad slogans that are successful in English don't always travel well”http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1001312,00.html “Chinese Scholars Condemn New KFC Chicken Ad” http://www.chinacsr.com/2006/07/27/chinese-scholars-condemn-new-kfc-chicken-ad/ “How to Get into University (According To KFC)” http://www.zonaeuropa.com/20060414_1.htm “KFC Sullies Chinese Classic” http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2006-07/15/content_4836622.htm “Seven Swords and KFC” http://www.zonaeuropa.com/20060718_1.htm\ “The Chickens Come Home to Roost”: China Digital Times http://uselesstree.typepad.com/useless_tree/2006/07/the_chickens_co.html University of Northern Virginia – Prague: International Business Dept. http://www.unva.cz/answers.htm Sources

  21. Note: This is the same As the Title slide Insert > Duplicate Slide View > Slide Sorter Thank You QUESTIONS?

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