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Tempo Traveller Hire in Delhi for Jaipur Tour

Experience a comfortable and hassle-free journey with our Tempo Traveller hire service in Delhi. Explore the vibrant city of Jaipur with our reliable vehicles, ensuring a memorable and enjoyable tour. Book now!

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Tempo Traveller Hire in Delhi for Jaipur Tour

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  1. TempoTraveller Hire in Delhi for JaipurTour

  2. AboutUs We hereby proudly introduce ourselves as one of theleadingTempoTravellerRentalCompaniesin Delhi providing all types of tempo, minibus, large coach,andcarrentalservicesandhadleftasmile onourclient'sfaceswithourpromptserviceand reasonable rate Since 1999. Delhi Tempo Traveller (A unit of Sengar World Travels) is the best- reviewed tempo traveller rental company in Delhi. We offer our vehicle rental services for families, CorporateandtourgroupsinandaroundDelhi.Our businessrunsonamotiveofsafetyinsuranceand client satisfaction as the utmost priority. With yearspassingby,ourclientshaveshownfaithinus owing to our punctual service, friendly support staff, trained chauffeurs, and well-maintained fleet ofTempoForfamiliesTempoTravellerHire.

  3. TempoTravellerRentIn Delhi Travellinginatempocomparedtoinacarorbusismuch easierandmoreintimate,especiallywhentravelling with family, friends, or business associates. Stopping anywhereisnotahasslelikeonabus,andthere’smore room than in cars. We provide tour packages and facilities not just in Delhi, but all over North India. We offer information about all the places, and tips on the bestplacestoeatandshop.TravellinginaTempo Traveller Hire Delhi also offers you the chance to strike up conversations with different people & spend quality timewithfamilyorfriends.Ourfriendlyandhelpfulstaff willalsoensureyouhaveasafe,memorable,and enrichingtravellingexperienceasyouexploreIndia TempoTravellerHire.

  4. TempoTravellerFeatures AC and non AC variants Recliningseatswithpushback Amplelegroomwithadequate luggagecompartment Sofabedatbackside Exclusive interior in luxury tempo traveller Wellmaintained vehicle fleetof Chargingportsateveryseat

  5. Jaipur Jaipur is a vibrant and historic city located in the northwestern state of Rajasthan, India. Known as the "Pink City," Jaipur is renowned for its stunning palaces, vibrant markets, and rich cultural heritage. It is the capital of Rajasthan and one of the mostpopulartouristdestinationsinIndia.Thecitywasfounded in 1727 by Maharaja Jai Singh II, the ruler of Amber, and was planned and designed by the renowned architect Vidyadhar Bhattacharya. Jaipur is famous for its distinctive pink-coloured buildings, which were painted to welcome the visit of Prince Albert, the consort of Queen Victoria, in 1876.One of the most iconic landmarks in Jaipur is the Hawa Mahal or the "Palace of Winds."Thisintricatelydesignedpalacefeaturesaunique facadewithhundredsofsmallwindows,allowingcoolairto flow through and providing a glimpse into the daily lives of the royal women who used to watch the street festivities from within.AnotherarchitecturalmarvelinJaipuristheCityPalace, amagnificentcomplexthatshowcasesablendofRajputand Mughal architecture. It houses several palaces, courtyards, gardens, and museums, providing a fascinating insight into the royalhistoryofRajasthan.

  6. Delhi India Gate is a prominent monument and a national symbol located in New Delhi, the capital city of India. It stands as a tribute to thesoldiersoftheIndianArmywhosacrificed their lives in various wars, particularly during World War I. The monument holds great historical and emotional significance for the peopleofIndia. Designed by British architect Sir Edwin Lutyens, India Gate was completed in 1931. It isinspiredbytheArcdeTriompheinParisand standsataheightof42meters(138feet). Made of pale sandstone, the monument featuresintricatecarvingsandinscriptions honouringtheIndiansoldiers.

  7. THANKYOU +91-9013373931|+91-9560026629 info@delhitempotravels.com

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