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PA SS/HS State Program Kick-off Meeting Harrisburg, PA

PA SS/HS State Program Kick-off Meeting Harrisburg, PA. December 11, 2013. Safe Schools/Healthy Students State Program. Objectives. About SAMHSA and it’s Mission Overview of SS/HS History Lessons learned SS/HS State Program National perspectives Expectations Resources Available.

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PA SS/HS State Program Kick-off Meeting Harrisburg, PA

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  1. PA SS/HS State ProgramKick-off MeetingHarrisburg, PA December 11, 2013 Safe Schools/Healthy Students State Program

  2. Objectives • About SAMHSA and it’s Mission • Overview of SS/HS History • Lessons learned • SS/HS State Program • National perspectives • Expectations • Resources Available

  3. SS/HS Federal Team for Pennsylvania Margie Weiser- Federal Project Officer 240-276-2243 Margaret.Weiser@samhsa.hhs.gov Joyce Sebian- Lead Federal Project Officer 240-270-1846 Joyce.sebian@samhsa.hhs.gov SAMHSA, Division of Prevention, Traumatic Stress, and Special Programs Mental Health Promotion Branch 1 Choke Cherry Road Rockville, Maryland 20857 Resource Center- American Institutes For Research (AIR) Frank Rider; Resource Specialist frider@air.org

  4. Mental Health Promotion Branch Overview • Grant Programs: • Safe Schools / Healthy Students Initiative • Project LAUNCH • Prevention Practices in Schools • Community Resilience and Recovery Initiative • Other initiatives: • National Forum on Youth Violence • Strong Cities Strong Communities • State Prevention Policy Academy • Stopbullying.gov • Contracts/Cooperative Agreements: • National Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention • TA for SSHS • TA for Project LAUNCH • TA for PPS • National Evaluations • Cross-site evaluation of SSHS • Cross-site evaluation of Project LAUNCH with six special studies • Consolidated State TA Contract – collaboration among CMHS,CSAT,CSAP • Safe and Supportive Schools TA contract – IAA w ED

  5. SAMHSA’S MISSION To reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities. 6

  6. SAMHSA’s Strategic Initiatives 7

  7. Daily Disaster of Unprevented and Untreated Mental Illness and Substance Abuse Disorders 5

  8. Adverse Childhood Experience Study (ACE) 9

  9. 10

  10. An Ounce of Prevention 11

  11. Key Message: Focus on Prevention and Wellness • Well-designed prevention interventions REALLY WORK! • Prevention and wellness interventions can have multiple benefits that extend beyond a single disorder. • Key is to identify risks that may increase a child’s risk of Mental, Emotional and Behavioral Health (MEB) disorders. —biological, psychological, and social factors— 12

  12. Core Concepts of Prevention • Prevention requires a paradigm shift • Mental health and physical health are inseparable • Successful prevention is inherently interdisciplinary • Mental, emotional, and behavioral (MEB) disorders are developmental • Coordinated community level systems are needed to support young people • Developmental perspective is key 13

  13. Prevention Window (2009 IOM) http://www.iom.edu/Reports/2009/Preventing-Mental-Emotional-and-Behavioral-Disorders-Among-Young-People-Progress-and-Possibilities.aspx 14

  14. ProjectLaunch GBG Safe Schools/Healthy Students Preventive Intervention OpportunitiesSubstance Abuse and Mental Illness Garrett Lee Smith 15

  15. Institute of Medicine Report The 2009 Institute of Medicine report, “Preventing Mental, Emotional and Behavioral Health Disorders Among Young People,” emphasized the need for a public health approach and the need for development of prevention infrastructure in states and communities. • State and local communities should become familiar with, adopt, and implement a framework that will guide their work. • In most widely recognized public health models, a series of action steps are necessary http://www.iom.edu/Reports/2009/Preventing-Mental-Emotional-and-Behavioral-Disorders-Among-Young-People-Progress-and-Possibilities.aspx

  16. Behavioral Health Outcome Logic Model Adapted from IOM Report: Toward Quality Measures for Population Health and the Leading Health Indicators, Released: July 9, 2013 17

  17. A Paradigm Shift • Beyond the “One child at a time” Approach • Population approach • Informed by the growing body of prevention science 18

  18. Behavioral Health Outcome Logic Model It’s not just about the goldfish… it’s also about the water. From Assistant Secretary Howard Koh MD, US DHHS. 19

  19. What is the SS/HS State Program? PURPOSE • To create safe and supportive schools and communities by bringing the SS/HS model to scale at the state/tribe level by building partnerships among educational, behavioral health and criminal/juvenile justice systems. EXPECTATIONS • Increase the number of children and youth who have access to behavioral health services; • Decrease the number of students who abuse substances; • Increase supports for early childhood development • Improve school climate • Reduce the number of students who are exposed to violence.

  20. SS/HS Core Concepts 23

  21. History of SS/HS • Since 1999, the U.S. Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, and Justice have collaborated on the Safe Schools/Healthy Students (SS/HS) Initiative. • The SS/HS Initiative provides students, schools, and communities with federal funding to implement an enhanced, coordinated, comprehensive plan of activities, programs, and services that focus on while promoting healthy childhood development while minimizing • the risk of school violence • the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs

  22. Reach of Safe Schools/Healthy Students Over 365 Grantees Since 1999 21

  23. SS/HS Five Elements Element 1: Safe school environments and violence prevention activities. Element 2: Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention activities. Element 3: Student behavioral, social, and emotional supports. Element 4: Mental health services. Element 5: Early childhood social and emotional learning programs.

  24. Problem in Brief • Bullying: More than one in Three students ages 12 to 18 were bullied at school in 2007 • Physical fights: Nearly one in three high school students took part in a physical fight in 2009 • Underage drinking: Nearly one in three adolescents ages 12 to 17 drank alcohol in 2008 • Serious in-school crime: Students today are more likely to experience crimes such as theft, assault, and rape in school than outside school. • A students mental health is seriously impacted when exposed to disruptive behaviors, aggression, and violence in schools c

  25. c

  26. Selected Findings More than 98 percent of grantees established processes to identify and link students to needed services. The partnership formed for this project was deeper and more meaningful than anything that has come before it in our county --- school district representative There was a dramatic 263 percent increase in the number of students who received school-based mental health services, and an astounding 519 percent increase in those receiving community-based services. c

  27. As a Result of This Initiative, Schools and Communities • Became safer, and fewer students were exposed to violence. • Fewer students reported that they had experienced violence (7 percent decrease since grant award). • Fewer students reported that they had witnessed violence (4 percent decrease). • Fully 96 percent of school staff said Safe Schools/Healthy Students had improved school safety. • More than 90 percent of school staff said Safe Schools/Healthy Students resulted in less violence on their campus. • Nearly 80 percent of school staff said Safe Schools/Healthy Students had reduced violence in their community. c

  28. Features of SS/HS that Make a Difference • Partnerships between School Districts, Mental Health and Juvenile Justice, and law enforcement • Enhanced through the development/implementation of comprehensive plan and by implementing evidence based programs that make a positive difference • Enhanced by engagement of other strategic partnerships- examples-faith organizations, out of school time (YMCA, Boys/Girls Clubs, Universities, Cooperative Extension, Parks, Foundations, Business and employers, City/County Governments, Health care/hospitals etc.

  29. SS/HS Framework

  30. What’s the Difference? SS/HS 1999-2012 • Local level leadership through Core Management Team (CMT) • Funds went to local school district • Focused on systems change and direct services provision • Collaboration with key partners at the local level • Administered through the U.S. Department of Education as a grant. SS/HS 2013 • State/tribe & local level leadership • Funds go to State Education or Mental Health Agency • State will select three local education agencies within three communities. • Focus on infrastructure development, systems change and local level direct services provision • Administered through SAMHSA as a cooperative agreement.

  31. SS/HS State Program Grantees • CT – Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services • MO – Department of Education • WI – Department of Public Instruction • MV – Mental Health and Developmental Services Agency • NH – Department of Education • OH – Department of Mental Health • PA – Office of Mental Health

  32. Program Overview State Activities • Leadership and oversight • Infrastructure development; needs assessment, environmental scan • Collaboration with State Education, Behavioral health and Criminal/Juvenile Justice Agencies = State Management Team • Selection of 3 local education agencies • Develop comprehensive plan • Project evaluation

  33. Program Overview Local Education/Local Community Activities • Infrastructure development • Leadership and coordination • Collaboration with mental health, law enforcement and juvenile justice • Core Management Team • Implementation of direct services (evidence based practices) • Support development of comprehensive plan

  34. Safe Schools/Healthy Students State Grant Phase 1

  35. Phase 2: SS/HS Framework The SS/HS framework assists states in developing a comprehensive plan that reflects their application, environmental scan, and needs assessment and provides for a process of continuous quality improvement that leads to sustainability and wide spread adoption of the SS/HS model.

  36. Phase 3: Development of the Comprehensive Plan State and community partners will work with their local evaluators to develop a comprehensive plan and an evaluation plan that align.

  37. Phase 4: Implementation State and community partners will continue to focus on building a strong partnership and using data-informed decision making to guide implementation years 2-4 of the grant.

  38. Phase 5: State Expansion and Sustainability State and community partners will collaboratively decide which strategies, policies, EBPs, and best practices should be adopted widely across the state and identify mechanisms to ensure sustainability.

  39. Timeline

  40. Timeline

  41. Public Health Wheel 3 CORE Functions And 10 Essential Elements http://www.health.gov/phfunctions/public.htm

  42. A Conceptual Framework for a Public Health Approach to Children’s Mental Health Also applies to Behavioral health http://gucchdtacenter.georgetown.edu/public_health.html

  43. Considering Contextual Factors for the SS/HS State Program Six contextual factors identified as important to successful and sustained collaborations • Connectedness • History of Working Together/Customs • Political Climate • Policies/Laws/Regulations • Resources • Catalysts http://www.uvm.edu/extension/community/nnco/collab/framework.html#contextual”

  44. Behavioral Health Disparities and the Enhanced National CLAS Standard .

  45. National CLAS Standards

  46. Affordable Care Act & Prevention 47 • Preventing diseases and promoting wellness is major theme in the ACA • Targeted prevention activities funded through commercial insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid • Community prevention activities funded through a variety of grant programs: • Prevention and Public Health Trust Fund * • Community Transformation Grants • Others

  47. NATIONAL PREVENTION STRATEGY 48 National Prevention Strategy = working together to improve the health and quality of life for individuals, families, and communities by moving the nation from a focus on sickness and disease to one based on prevention and wellness. One of the seven priorities is mental and emotional well-being. National Prevention Strategy- links to grant opportunities and info http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/initiatives/prevention/strategy/report.pdf http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/initiatives/prevention/strategy/index.html

  48. www.Mentalhealth.gov http://store.samhsa.gov/product/Community-Conversations-About-Mental-Health-Information-Brief/SMA13-4763

  49. Now is the Time White House initiative following the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy and other recent violent incidents: Includes: • Making schools safer; and • Increasing access to mental health services

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