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Teaching Methods for the Instruction of Listening and Speaking Katie Bain English Language Fellow

Teaching Methods for the Instruction of Listening and Speaking Katie Bain English Language Fellow. Participants will learn research-based methods for teaching listening and speaking skills and will design lessons that they can use in the classroom . . Objective.

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Teaching Methods for the Instruction of Listening and Speaking Katie Bain English Language Fellow

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  1. TeachingMethodsfortheInstruction of Listening and Speaking KatieBain English LanguageFellow

  2. Participantswilllearnresearch-basedmethodsforteachinglistening and speakingskills and willdesignlessonsthatthey can use in theclassroom. Objective

  3. BestPractices vs. Challenges

  4. meaning-focusedinput • meaning-focusedoutput • language-focusedlearning • fluencydevelopment TheFourStrands of a GoodLanguageCourse Nation, I.S.P., Newton, J. (2009). Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking. Routledge, New York.

  5. How can youlearnto do somethingifyou do notspend time doingit? • How can you listen wellifyou do notpracticelistening? • How can youspeakwellifyou do notpracticespeaking? The Time-on-TaskPrinciple Nation, I.S.P., Newton, J. (2009). Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking. Routledge, New York.

  6. ReceptiveSkills • Students’ mainfocusisonmakingmeaning, understanding, and comprehendingthe input they are receiving. • In orderforthisaspecttobehelpfulforstudents, the input students are receivingneedstobesomewhat familiar tothem, withonly a fewwordsorphrasesthat are unknowntothem. Meaning-focused Input: LearningthroughListening and Reading Nation, I.S.P., Newton, J. (2009). Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking. Routledge, New York.

  7. ProductiveSkills • Thisstrandfocusesonstudents´producingmeaningfulutterancesbyeitherspeakingorwriting. • Fortheseactivitiestobeuseful in theclassroom, studentsneedtobediscussing and writingabouttopicsthat are familiar tothem, whichrequireminimal use of outsidesupportforproduction. Meaning-focused Output: LearningthroughSpeaking and Writing Nation, I.S.P., Newton, J. (2009). Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking. Routledge, New York.

  8. The deliberatelearning of aspects of language, such as grammar, pronuciation, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling, etc. • The ultimategoalforlanguage-focusedlearningisforstudentsto produce and receiveaccuratemessages, buttheinstructionalprocessisfocusedontheform. Language-focusedLearning Nation, I.S.P., Newton, J. (2009). Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking. Routledge, New York.

  9. Studentsmakethebestpossible use of whattheyalreadyknow. • The students´focusisonconveying and understandingmeaning. • Students can bechallengedbytheteacherto try tospeakor listen at a pace thatmaybedifficultforthem at first. BecomingFluent in Listeningand Speaking Nation, I.S.P., Newton, J. (2009). Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking. Routledge, New York.


  11. thelistening “text” isbrief (1 – 3 minutes) • thepurposeforlisteningisidentified and sharedwithlearners • thelistening “text” issupportedbyvisual clues • thelisteningexerciserequiresanappropriateresponse • thelistening “text” isrepeatedseveraltimes • theactivityprovidesimmediatefeedback • theactivity has elementsthatcontributetomotivation Characteristicsof AnEffectiveListeningActivity Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy.

  12. Helplearnersfocustheirattention • Set up theactivity • Letthelearners do theactivity (wholeclass, pairs, groups) • Evaluatetheactivity • Providefollow up FacilitatingListening/SpeakingActivities Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy.

  13. Picture Descriptions • Real-worldpurpose: Tounderstand English questionwords and respondappropriately. • Finda large magazine photo. Show thepicturetotheentireclassand ask a series of questionsrelatedtothepicture. Elicit responses fromlearners. • Foradditionalpractice, putlearners in pairs. Activity 1: Picture Description Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy.

  14. As a class, orfromonelearner, elicitanaccount of a real experiencefromwork, community, familyorfriends. • Writetheaccountontheboard as thelearnerspeaks. • Whenfinished, orallyaskcomprehensionquestionsabouttheaccountwrittenontheboard. Utilize a variety of WH-informationquestions, yes/no questions. • LanguageExperienceApproach Video Activity 2:LanguageExperienceApproach Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy.

  15. Activity 3: Interviews Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy.

  16. Activity 4: MinimalPairs Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy.

  17. Activity 5:Dictation Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy.

  18. PastRightNowFuture ______________________________________________________ EveryDay • Prepare short lists of 10-12 level-appropriate sentences that are pertinent to the life skill topic or subject matter currently being studied. The sentences should utilize verb tenses already studied and practiced by learners. • Learners mark the tense of each sentence based on what they hear and check their answers with partners or as a class. Activity 6:Past, Present, Future Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy.

  19. Locate a short, level-appropriate newspaper story that is pertinent to the life skill topic or subject matter currently being studied. • Prepare a set of 4-6 comprehension questions based on the article. • Read the story aloud at a natural pace while learners listen to get the gist. • Next, give learners the set of comprehension questions. Activity 7: News Quips and Questions Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy.

  20. Locate 4-6 objects for which learners know the vocabulary words. • Place each object in a separate brown paper bag. In the manner of a riddle, give learners a series of clues about each object as its bag is displayed, (Examples: what color it is, what it is made of, what it is used for, who uses the object, how much it usually costs, what it weighs, etc. • When learners have heard all the clues, they guesswhattheobjectis. Activity 8:What´s in the bag? Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy.

  21. Choose a song based on what you are learning or what students need to know. • Give students copies of the lyrics with certain words omitted. • Students try to fill in the missing words. • Singalong! • Hello Goodbye, by the Beatles Activity 9: SongLyrics

  22. Make a list of 5-10 very simple sentences. As a whole class, or in groups of 4-5, ask each learner in turn to add a word, phrase, or clause to the sentence so it gradually expands and becomes more complex. • After a certain period of time, or when groups are unable to expand the sentence further, ask each group to write their final sentence on the board. Activity 10: ExpandingSentences Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy.

  23. Work in pairsorsmallgroups. • Using ideas fromthepresentation, create a lesson plan tohelpstudentsimprovetheirlistening and speakingskills. • Includetheunittitle, themeortopic, importantvocabulary, lessonobjective, classroomactivities, and assessment plan. • Presentyour plan totheclass. • I willcollecttheplans and typethem up in ordertosendthemtoyou. You can then use the ideas createdbyyourcolleagues in yourclassroom! Action Plan!

  24. Unit Plan orTitle • ThemeorTopic of Lesson • ImportantVocabulary • LessonObjective: Studentswill… • Lesson Plan Activities: • Assessment: Lesson Plan

  25. Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy. • Nation, I.S.P., Newton, J. (2009). Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking. Routledge, New York. Sources

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